Sentences with phrase «following characteristics»

At this phase, ICO process follows the characteristics of IPO process.
As the table below suggests, strong balanced portfolio returns have historically followed characteristics much different than today.
As the table below suggests, strong balanced portfolio returns have historically followed characteristics much different than today.
I find, for example, the five following characteristics in these liturgies: (1) an affinity with the liturgies of the ancient church; (2) an order that follows the pattern of revelation and Christian experience; (3) a significant emphasis on reading and hearing the Word of God; (4) a high degree of congregational involvement; and (s) a view of the Lord's Supper which affirms its mystery and value for spiritual formation.
«Here we not only have shown hyper - social behavior as a hallmark symptom that follows a characteristic developmental course in Williams syndrome, but we may be closer to identifying the genes involved in regulating that behavior.»
The usual course in such cases, if uncorrected, follows a characteristic pattern.
If you are having these difficulties, your business probably has one or more of the following characteristics.
A true salesperson has the following characteristics that they use consistently to succeed in making those important sales.
Thus every investor also looks hard at the young entrepreneurs who are striving to achieve things that no one else thought possible, and exhibit the following characteristics:
However, they all have one or more of the following characteristics: a deep moat, an energetic leader, steady and growing cash flows, and multiple revenue streams.
First, for this column to work, make sure your company has the following characteristics:
Under no circumstances will an investor consider a $ 22.5 million pre-money valuation unless the deal has one or more of the following characteristics:
According to Chinese philosophy, Yin and yang will always have the following characteristics (And so, too, do «white hats» and «black hats»:
Great Place to Work U.S. measures companies on the following characteristics: Executive team effectiveness, innovation, people - focused programs, and Great Place to Work For All.
Traction has the following characteristics: You've successfully solved a problem for a prospective customer; that customer has given you their feedback; someone or something has come into contact with your product or service; and more than three people have been customers of your business, excluding your dog, mother and significant other.
A flat base consolidation is a shallow price correction that should possess the following characteristics:
The following characteristics are of fundamental importance in the recruitment of new Board members to support the Purpose, Vision, Mission of the Greater Vancouver Board of Trade
Investors may also want to consider adding quality to a portfolio, either through an Exchange Traded Fund (ETF) or active fund focused on companies with the following characteristics: earnings consistency, high return - on - equity (ROE) and low leverage.
Aggregators have all three of the following characteristics; the absence of any one of them can result in a very successful business (in the case of Apple, arguably the most successful business in history), but it means said company is not an aggregator.
CFD currency trading has the following characteristics:
On each valuation date, the Reserve Bank estimates the relationship between observed trading margins and the following characteristics of marketed RMBS: WAL, credit rating, seniority in the RMBS transaction, originator type and certain information about the collateral pool, such as the share of low - documentation loans.
Low returns have followed characteristics that are more similar to today — a CAPE ratio in the mid-20's, where dividend yields, bond yields, and inflation were below average.
These types of sales are usually «non commodity» items and may also have one or more of the following characteristics:
To qualify to be used as a means of payment or exchange, a cryptocurrency must have the following characteristics:
A suitable disposal site for mined geologic waste must include the following characteristics: the rock mass's previous geologic history should indicate probable stability for the next 10,000 years or more; it should be relatively isolated from circulating ground water; it must be capable of containing waste without losing its desirable properties; and it must be amenable to technical analysis.
Whitehead's clearly Lockean concept of «substance» in Aristotle, besides supposing the mutual isolation of Entities one from another, seems to include at least the following characteristics:
In a long and careful analysis of what ousia would mean to the Greek ear, Joseph Owens sets down the following characteristics of any near - equivalent in English:
Christian Lalive d'Epinay underscores the following characteristics of the immigrant churches:
Pure (unmodified) group psychotherapy has the following characteristics:
The following characteristics distinguish it from preconciliar ecclesiology.
Atheism, lack belief in God, have the following characteristics that can lend itself to mass murder and can explain why the greatest mass murderers were atheists
Atheism, lack belief in God, have the following characteristics that can lend itself to mass murder and can explain why the greatest mass murderers were atheists lack of recognition of an ultimate judge of moral actions and a judge who sets injustice aright in a last judgement, and thus do not recognize the immorality of murder.
The meeting of science and theology in this context leads to a view of nature that includes the following characteristics: (1) Chance is a component of nature and its evolution; nature is not the product of preprogramming or some deterministic design as might be specified in an architect's blueprint of a building.
It is a type of anti-communism distinguished by the following characteristics: it has no understanding of the causes of communism and emphasizes only self - defeating methods of opposing it; its starting point is a type of economic individualism that can not tell the difference between the modest institutions of the welfare state in this country and the first stages of communism; and it closes minds to the changes that have taken place in the Communist world.
I wanted a bar that had the following characteristics:
Generally speaking, the best pepper - growing soil has the following characteristics: a warm, full - sun location; well - drained loam or sandy loam high in organic material but with moderate fertility; a herbicide - free environment; little or no alkali; and a pH registering from 6.0 to 8.0 (ideally 6.7 to 7.3).
In order to make the smartest purchase when it comes to investing in gas - eliminating bottles, look for the following characteristics: the shape of the bottle should allow the milk to drain easily toward the nipple with minimum bubbles, the nipple should be the right flow speed for the baby - so the size matters, and extra features such as straws and liners should physically eliminate excess air.
Additionally, a baby must have these following characteristics before weaning can be started:
In general a trouser has some (0r all) of the following characteristics:
In order to determine which baby laundry detergents come out on top, they are going to have to meet the high standards of any loving parent by having the following characteristics.
A child with autism may also have some of the following characteristics some of the time:
Following the contractions and passage through your very narrow birth canal, the baby will display the following characteristics:
«Many of the victims are vulnerable precisely because they are not only young, but they often display some or all of the following characteristics: they are unable easily to trust those in authority and still less able to report intimate details; they use alcohol; they return to the perpetrator of the offences against them; and, not infrequently, they self - harm,» Starmer is expected to say later.
Compact cities can boost their inherent urban efficiencies to unprecedented heights by exploiting the following characteristics:
Such keystone actors among corporations, the authors say, can be defined by the following characteristics: a) they dominate global production revenues and volumes within a particular sector, b) control globally relevant segments of production, c) connect ecosystems globally through subsidiaries, and d) influence global governance processes and institutions.
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