Sentences with phrase «following difficulties»

Week 2 Following the difficulties of the first week, Alex and I slowly got better at feeding over the following week.
The publisher said the decision follows the difficulty it has felt for years to express its «values» on Facebook, due to the platform's policy on prohibiting nudity.
The start of construction of the $ 650 million SuperB particle collider in Italy has been delayed at least a year following difficulties in releasing project funding.
The funding deficits of defined benefit (DB) pension schemes have made news headlines in recent times, following the difficulties encountered by the British Steel Pension Scheme and some high profile business failures.
Everyone faces the following difficulties; successful people find ways to stay positive, keep working, and eventually overcome what to others seems insurmountable.
Most infants will go through the following difficulties, which can be very frustrating for parents, but they will soon outgrow them.
This website was created so single parents would have a reliable resource for advice on the following difficulties associated with being a single parent in the dating scene...
Between 15 percent and 25 percent of charter schools cited each of the following difficulties, (listed with the difficulties receiving the highest percentage first): state or local board opposition, state education agency resistance or regulation, internal conflicts or local education agency resistance or regulation, or union or bargaining unit resistance.
If this threshold is reached, the following difficulty period allows everyone who wants to upgrade the chance to do so.
Using the above methods of change, I have experience treating the following difficulties: Anger Issues, Addiction, Depression, Anxiety, ADHD, Grief, Behavioral Disorders in Adolescents, Relationship and Marital Issues, Communication difficulties in families, Abuse and Trauma, Self - esteem, Codependency»
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