Sentences with phrase «following ethical principles»

To promote confidence in what we do and how we do it, we affirm the following ethical principles.
Procedures will follow the Ethical Principles of the National Association of School Psychologists (NASP) and the Florida Association of School Psychologists (FASP).

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And being good meant trying to live in accord with the ethical teaching of scripture, whether that was understood as a narrow and highly specific code of righteousness, or more generally as following important principles such as the golden rule, loving your neighbor as yourself, and so forth.
Accordingly, the remainder of this essay will proceed as follows: I will first seek to show that the meta - ethical character of every claim to moral validity includes a principle of social action by which a universal community of rights is constituted, so that no moral theory can be valid if it is inconsistent with these rights.
The principle constituting this universal social practice is itself meta - ethical, in the following sense: the social action prescribed is explicitly neutral to all moral disagreement.4 On the face of it, one might object, a prescription of universal rights can not be explicitly neutral to all such disagreement because it is not explicitly neutral to disagreement about the principle itself.
The ethical principles growing out of the biopolitical theology that is here being defended can be stated in a formal, abstract way as follows: Always act in such a way as to maximize maximizing enjoyments.
PREAMBLE The International Association of Child Sleep Consultants Code of Ethics states the principles of ethical behavior that should be followed in the practice of child sleep consulting.
According to both the Sutras and the Dhammapada, following the disciplined practice of moral and ethical principles, and after one has sought to actively withdraw engrossment of senses from the world, it is in the act of meditation by which one witnesses the real dissolution of attachments.
Consider the following California 10th - grade - history standard: «Relate the moral and ethical principles in ancient Greek and Roman philosophy, in Judaism, and in Christianity to the development of Western political thought.»
Azzad follows ethical investing criteria based on Islamic principles of economic and social justice.
Code of Ethics for Museums museumsassociation... the Code of Ethics outlines ethical principles for all museums in the UK and was agreed at the Museums Association's annual general meeting on Thursday 5 November 2015, following an 18 - month consultation process during 2014 - 15 > Museums must find «ethical» sponsors bbc
Although there are some climate change ethical issues about which reasonable ethical principles would reach different conclusions about what ethics requires, the following are conclusions about which there is a strong overlapping consensus among ethical theories.
That those who are causing climate change have an ethical responsibility to protect those who could be seriously harmed by human - induced warming by funding responsible adaptation measures is a conclusion that follows from numerous ethical theories and several international law principles.
A strong ethical case can be made that if nations have duties to limit their ghg emissions to their fair share of safe global emissions, a conclusion that follows both as a matter of ethics and justice and several international legal principles including, among others, the «no harm principle,» and promises nations made in the 1992 UNFCCC to adopt policies and measures required to prevent dangerous anthropocentric interference with the climate system in accordance with equity and common but differentiated responsibilities, nations have a duty to clearly explain how their national ghg emissions reductions commitments arguably satisfy their ethical obligations to limit their ghg emissions to the nation's fair share of safe global emissions.
The roaster follows five principles of ethical trade: Fairness in workers wages and conditions, including clean drinking water, long - term commitment with trading partners and supporting nations in need for greater impact.
Resume Writing Service suggests you make the following columns that will reflect information on: • Company name and address • Company size and staff number • Products and target customers • Company aim, ethical principles • Key points in its history • Main contributions in the national / world economy, innovations and patents • Competitors • Employment process
Along with the Code of Ethics, the AAMA, challenges medical assistants to commit to the following moral and ethical creed: I believe in the principles and purposes of the profession of medical assisting.
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