Sentences with phrase «following nuclear conflicts»

The ozone losses predicted in the study are much larger than losses estimated in previous «nuclear winter» and «ultraviolet spring» scenario calculations following nuclear conflicts -LSB-...] A 1985 National Research Council Report predicted a global nuclear exchange involving thousands of megatons of explosions, rather than the 1.5 megatons assumed in the PNAS study, would deplete only 17 percent of the Northern Hemisphere's stratospheric ozone, which would recover by half in three years.

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At the same time growing tensions between Israel and Iran following Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's revelations about Iran's alleged clandestine nuclear program have ramped up concerns about a potential conflict.
Because that would be a conventional military conflict with Russia, which is feared to escalate into a limited nuclear conflict followed by a total nuclear conflict.
Dan [ANDY REVKIN comments: These are very important points, as anyone would recognize who's followed windmill fights, the nuclear debate, or Canada's conflicts with native communities over new «clean» hydro projects.
«The big surprise is that this study demonstrates that a small - scale, regional nuclear conflict is capable of triggering ozone losses even larger than losses that were predicted following a full - scale nuclear war.»
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