Sentences with phrase «following paragraphs»

His administrative duties have been placed in a paragraph and his accomplishments follow the paragraph in bullet points.
The entire ICFE CCRS ™ certification process is explained in following paragraphs, including a list of materials and pictures of the materials and Certificates the ICFE provides to successful candidates.
They proceeded to wax eloquent for several following paragraphs about why they would never stoop so low as to acquire an e-reader, because they loved «real» books too much.
Paragraph 5: I donâ $ ™ t follow this paragraph at all other than it serves to set up his next paragraph / argument.
Paragraph notes rather than footnotes are employed and placed throughout the text immediately following the paragraph setting out a point of law.
The resume here follows a paragraph format where you have each paragraphs placed under the major points of a CV such as educational qualification, work experience and social media initiatives
By noting the biblical references following the paragraph titles, the reader will be able to distinguish between what Luke alone has, what Matthew alone has, what Luke and Matthew have in common, and what they take from Mark.
In thе following paragraphs wе've talked аbουt thе mοѕt рοрυlаr weight packers аnd protein meals аnd јυѕt hοw thеѕе meals саn impact уουr target weight loss.
A paragraph that does not follow another paragraph, like the first paragraph after a title, figure, mathematical equation, etc., is not indented.
Each college essay topic sentence should logically follow the paragraph above, creating a coherent flow throughout the whole English essay writing.
Their «classic» versions place notes directly following the paragraph in which their calls appear (making them «paragraph - notes,» if you will).
The entire ICFE CCSS ™ certification process is explained in following paragraphs, including a list of materials and pictures of the materials and Certificates the ICFE provides to successful candidates.
The purchase agreement did not specifically designate the $ 5,000 as a commission, and a paragraph immediately following the paragraph with the $ 5,000 language states that the Sellers owe the commission amount specified in the listing agreement, which the court said could be interpreted as meaning that the Sellers owe $ 5,000 plus the $ 28,500 commission.
For example, Brin uses part of the letter to describe all the ways in which we're living in a technology renaissance, but then plays devil's advocate in the following paragraph:
«If you start with that thesis and then support it in the following paragraphs, then you're able to write a persuasive essay,» Systrom said.
The second and following paragraphs will detail your competitive advantage, explaining why and how your company will be able to compete with these competitors and establish yourself as a successful business.
«I have never seen a management consultant's report in my long life that didn't end with the following paragraph: «What this situation really needs is more management consulting.»
In the following paragraphs we outline the thoughts of one insightful observer, Ray Dalio, the Chairman of Bridgewater, the world's biggest hedge fund.
These electronic communications include responses to pre-qualified offer requests, any applicable notices or disclosures required by law and, when enabled, the notifications about offers described in the following paragraph.
He is famous for saying: «I have never seen a management consultant's report in my long life that didn't end with the following paragraph: «What this situation really needs is more management consulting.»
In the following paragraphs, you will discover top 10 cryptocurrencies with the largest market share.
(This and the following paragraphs are also intended as an answer to the doubts and suspicions which Paul Althaus has raised against me in Die Wahrheit des kirchlichen Osterglaubens, 1941, p. 90ff.
I was especially struck by the following paragraph, addressed to those who persist in believing that «I - can't - imagine - a-God-who -[fill in the blank]» is a persuasive argument:
Two manuscripts introduce the following paragraph as follows: A tragic aspect of the life of Woods occurred before I knew him well; his first marriage was a dismal failure ending in her suicide by jumping off a boat in the Atlantic.
One manuscript closes here with the following paragraph: Is it not about time some historian recognizes the fact that England produced a third person who did what was not done by Darwin, Wallace, or Huxley; by moving the issue about divine creation beyond the sterility of ultra-simple causal determinism -LSB-?]
The following paragraph, from an address on «The Social - Psychological Dimension of the Arms Race» (reprinted in Search for Sanity [South End Press.
In the following paragraph he calls religion the «halo» in this «vale of tears.»
In the following paragraph he deplores the denial of the inherent moral and spiritual context of technology, an ideology «that threatens to confine us within an a priori that holds us back from encountering being and truth.»
Process and Reality 87.43 c and the following paragraph (s) appear to be a late insertion designed to show how God could exemplify the three-fold character of the actual entity (see previous paragraph) in the light of his newly won concept of the consequent nature.
The notion of «church» in this and the following paragraphs is different from either church or sect in Weber's topology.
The following paragraph, quoted by permission of the University of Chicago Press, will be illuminating: «Justin Martyr, who began his Christian life in Ephesus, knows a sect of Jews called Baptists (Trypho, 80).
See also Temple's essay in the symposium, edited by John Baillie and Hugh Martin, Revelation [Glasgow and New York: Macmillan Co., 1937], from which I quote the following paragraph: «What is the nature of the «object» in which the revelation is offered?
Conrad has, in the body of the tale, the following paragraph.
In the following paragraphs an effort will be made to investigate whether and to what extent the mood of the boundless, so characteristic of the American spirit, constitutes a kind of soft and yielding tyranny into which the eschatological and bounded finalities of the gospel are absorbed without great effect.
In the following paragraph Fr James points out (again, rightly) that there are expressions of love between a married couple that are «not specifically sexual», but would he therefore consider these expressions on the same level of dignity as marital sexual intimacy?
The following paragraphs consider these two directions in turn, showing how, at every point in the reflection, scientific and religious concerns interact and work together.
Finally, although in the following paragraph Whitehead injudiciously uses «temporal» to refer only to fragmentary actual entities, he does come close to saying God is a personal series (a chain) functioning along the same principle (in the same way) as those in the world.
No matter what you read in the following paragraph, know that we think they are awesome and there are numerous exclamation points written in the margin of the recipe.
As an alternative method, read the following paragraph.
This is why I want to help you answer some of these questions in the following paragraphs.
Well, there are some alternatives which I am about to present in the following paragraphs of the importance of baby walker article.
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