Sentences with phrase «following quotation»

The numbers following the quotations indicate the paragraph numbers of the encyclical.
Whitehead then shows the distinction even more strongly in the lines which follow this quotation, allowing, in effect, that the same proposition could possibly make up the content of contradictory judgments.
I remember in my days as a typesetter in Germany, we always inserted a narrow space following quotation marks, and also set apart things, such as exclamation marks with some narrow spacing.
In the sentence that immediately follows this quotation, which is about the human mind, Dobzhansky says that evolution is a source of novelty, of forms becoming what did not occur at all in the ancestral state.
This answer is rooted in the following quotation from Process and Reality «This genetic passage from phase to phase [of concrescence] is not in physical time» (283).
On this point, Whitehead and Sullivan would be in complete agreement, as evidenced by the following quotations, which perhaps can serve as a convenient opportunity to turn to a consideration of Whitehead's thought.
Consider the following quotation:
[13] The following quotation from Lenin evokes very clearly this dichotomizing outlook:
Now consider the following quotation from the Idea Center website (an ID site), contrasting intelligent design with the randomness of Darwinian natural selection.
(This and the following quotation are from Jesus of Nazareth [New York: The Macmillan Company, 1925].
The following quotation from Paul Davies, a well - known contemporary scientist and writer, illustrates the negative light in which the idea of revelation is often perceived today:
Such speculation may be foreign to Whitehead's system, yet the following quotations from Hartshorne and John Cobb suggest that their notion of God lends itself to such an analysis.
Whitehead's judgment that a new age, following the modern one, has already begun is nowhere more clearly expressed than in the passage from which the following quotation is taken.
Although one example does not constitute a proof, the following quotation from Dr. Lipstadt's book amply conveys the tone in which she engages in what I have called «anti-denial.»
The following quotation is an example.
The following quotation indicates the typical errors which are foisted on the British public: «Pope Benedict XVI has sacked his chief astronomer after a series of public clashes over the theory of evolution.
The following quotations from three well — known biologists represent the consensus of at least a significant number of scientific thinkers.
SPARSE: ALGERINE CLARIFIED Sirs: The following quotation is from Sparse Grey Hackle's excellent article on Penn's Creek (SI, April 7): «No one but a real «algerine» would even try to follow a fish over those boulders... and that brings us to a fascinating and curious word which is not merely local to the area but apparently dying out.
The following quotation is in relation to the story concerning Tesco's Good Friday advert, which said «Great offers on beer and cider.
The following quotations appear in this morning's Mail on Sunday:
The following quotations are taken from the conclusion of the 24 hour silver balance test (daily intake = 2.34 mg):
The following quotations are taken from official court records across the nation, showing how funny and embarrassing it is that recorders operate at all fun · ny (fŭn ′ ē) adj. fun · ni · er, fun · ni · est 1.
(In the following quotations FG stands for focus group.
In the following quotations, Thomas and Kyle discussed how the media influence knowledge retention:
The following quotations from these participants illustrate the transformation that occurs when educators are empowered to develop richer measures for student success.
My dear friend Kris Christine read this report and pulled out the following quotations of note.
The following quotation from the Superintendent's annual report for 1923 indicates little change during the past 80 years in the bird life found in Muir Woods:
The catalogue provides the following quotation by Bonnie Clearwater about the artist's works on paper:
The catalogue provides the following quotation about this work by Sam Hunter in his 1989 book on the artist:» «Nothing in River's work before 1960 looks more contemporary even today than The Accident of 1957 for it presents a fresh vision of the agitated mosaic of urban life that has continued to stimulate our consciousness.
I ended up pulling the following quotation from it for my book, noting that I'd never seen a passage that so effectively describes the workings of the «spherical shell which surrounds our planet,» as the author put it.
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