Sentences with phrase «following tenets»

More to the point, are women who don't care whether there's true gender equality but follow the tenets of attachment parenting not actually attachment parenting mothers?
Online marketers haven't been following those tenets so far.
As long as they don't try to force others to follow the tenets of their religions, it none of anyone else's business.
The only way democracy and religion can coexist tolerably well, such as they do for us in America, is if we don't really follow the tenets of religion strictly, most of the time.
The Ethics Committee of the Federal University of São Paulo previously approved the study protocol, which followed the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki.32
Watanabe does not actively follow the tenets of Zen, but we recall that he spoke of his own work as being easy — as something that anyone could do.
Better to actually be living a significant, purposeful, evidential life based in reality than blindly following the tenets of a bronze age book in order to have your chance at winning the afterlife lottery that you don't even know exists in the first place.
If you want to «make the world a better place» you'd be much better off following the tenets of a religion, which flow from the belief in a Creator who created us out of love, for love, than being an atheist.
If you're looking for an eating plan that closely follows the tenets of anti-inflammatory eating, consider the Mediterranean diet, which is high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fish, and healthy oils.
For what it's worth, my pages got on the first page of Google through following the tenets of good Search Engine Optimization.
Azmath followed the tenets of Warren Buffett in applying his investment advice, seeking middle market companies that are undervalued, possess well - known brands and are led by experienced management.
As more and more farmers followed the tenets of Robert Bakewell, sire selection became increasingly prevalent and inbreeding and line breeding more common.
It really meant following the tenets of fun, discovery, excitement, and innovation that Nintendo has always engendered and is always trying to inspire the rest of the industry with.
The exhibition traces all the stages of Pape's career, beginning with her square paintings, reliefs, and blocks, all done between 1954 and 1956, when Pape was a member of Grupo Frente from Rio de Janeiro, which also included Clark and Oiticica, and which initially followed the tenets of concrete art as outlined by van Doesburg.
Affirming and carefully following the tenets of the Christian faith and the ethics of the boards that govern our profession.
From my point of view, those who don't follow the tenets of their faith or, more specifically, kill innocents, are neither Christian, nor Jew, nor Muslim, save in name only.
Rejoice in it, but don't waste your time trying to explain to those that have chosen not to hear the wisdom in His words and follow His tenets.
Otherwise, follow the tenets of your respective faith.
If you believe in your religion, than follow the tenets of it.
In all religions there are those who believe and follow the tenets of their faith as set forth by it's founder.
Honestly, my being a Libertarian is less about me following the tenets of any one famous Libertarian and more about me finding a philosophy that I feel most accurately reflects my personality and my passions — the way God made me.
For theologians from Augustine to Luther (and all too many since) the concept of «original sin» has included the following tenets:
We can't blame them for that, as that is what they are supposed to be doing if they are following the tenets of their respective creeds.
See how veteran natural retailers inspire their shoppers to recycle, compost and follow tenets of the zero - waste movement.
Over the next half hour as my brain scrambled to make sense of the election results, I distilled the way forward into the following tenets.
Taking away the choice to follow the tenets of your religion stops being about having faith in a higher power and wanting a place in heaven and become just a matter of following the law.
The following tenets are worth contemplating if you have leaders aspiring to take this on.
In this learning environment, the following tenets ground all of our assessment policies and practices:
As you will see from this, Presbyterianism is an offshoot of Calvinism, but today there is a wide range of theological views within Presbyterianism so that one could count oneself Presbyterian without having to follow the tenets of Calvin.
After spending a couple of years intensively reading about and practicing the art of investing I have come to accept the following tenets:
Although I train dogs with a host of simple to complex issues — all of which require different techniques — my methodology is always based on the following tenets:
In every disease we encounter we follow the tenet's of the diagnostic process to ensure that we make an accurate diagnosis, and that we do not overlook some of the diseases that are also encountered in pets as they age.
It is important to follow the tenets of the diagnostic process closely when making a diagnosis of seizures, especially since the syncope that occurs with heart disease mimics a seizure.
In every disease we encounter we follow the tenet's of the diagnostic approach to ensure that we make an accurate diagnosis, and also so that we do not overlook some of the other diseases that are common in pets.
When assessing cat food labels to see whether they are appropriate for your kitten, it is best to concentrate on the following tenets, as these elements are the key building blocks for a healthy kitten diet.
In every disease we encounter we follow the tenet's of the diagnostic approach to ensure that we make an accurate diagnosis and that we do not overlook some of the diseases that are also encountered in pets as they age.
In every disease we encounter we follow the tenets of the «diagnostic process» to ensure that we make an accurate diagnosis, and that we do not overlook some of the diseases that are also encountered in conjunction with skin diseases.
IER's perspective is based on the following tenets:
Whether you follow the tenets of Getting Things Done or not, a good task management application is essential to going paperless.
Then apply the following tenets of effective delegation:
It requires medical assistants to take a pledge of professionalism that includes the following tenets:
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