Sentences with phrase «fond memories of the game»

Others have the ability to take fond memories of the games of the past and present them with a modern flavour.
I appreciate that Kemco does its business by tapping into people's nostalgia for games from the SNES and PlayStation One era, but insulting fans that have fond memories of those games with trash like Antiquia Lost needs to stop.
I have extremely fond memories of this game, although sometimes I have to be reminded it exists — maybe because its contemporary New York setting and horror / thriller elements are so different from what I associate with Japanese RPGs.
As somebody who had to use his meager allowance to buy the few GameBoy games I had (and who subsequently cut up the boxes and displayed them on his walls like trophies — THE HORROR of what I did only now occurring to me) I have unreasonably fond memories of this game.
Growing up in the world of PC gaming, I have many fond memories of games like MYST and Secret of Monkey Island.
I have fond memories of that game, but I digress.
Ah yes, PSO for gamecube... my friend, my brother, and I have some fond memories of that game.
People love retro games, they say, because they have fond memories of these games.
The slow pacing of both games and lack of direction is something that wouldn't be tolerated in this day and age, so the real question is, if you don't have fond memories of these games, is this collection for you?
I suppose some TG - 16 fans may have fond memories of this game (and its excellent music), and those looking for a side - scrolling challenge should know that the price is right, but most players won't find anything here that they haven't seen before.
Games like Journey are widely loved because they left the player with strong, fond memories of the game.
It's kinda sad - I was one of the developers on the original Warhawk (PS1, launch title), and it remains one of my fondest memories of game development (it and Twisted Metal were my first real games in the biz).
I have fond memories of this game, a goofy take on the Flash helicopter game where you dodge lasers while using a bullet - firing jetpack.
I have fond memories of this game, it was probably the first game I ever played - certainly first I remember - and after my parents watched me mesmerised sinking 10p after 10p into the arcade machine in the pub they used to run, they eventually decided...
Since then, I've obviously matured (a little) but still had fond memories of the game.
While I have fond memories of this game, Mickey Mac has gone so far as to call this «the friendship killer».
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