Sentences with phrase «food and clothing»

The person is generally responsible for providing a primary place of residence, food and clothing for the person.
As long as the focus is on matters of food and clothing and shelter, no serious differences arise among us.
The center also provides basic necessities such as food and clothing in order to reduce some of the stressors in the lives of the most needy.
Making a paycheck stretch far enough to cover debts, current bills, and having enough for the basics like food and clothing leaves consumers feeling frustrated, guilty, and oftentimes hopeless.
Out of that sum, they had to provide food and clothing, plus transportation, school and entertainment expenses.
They provide him with his aims and attitudes much as parents provide their child with food and clothing.
Many of these people are truly in need of benefits and have no other means of buying food and clothing or even providing shelter for themselves and their families.
First, they had to tell the poor and the homeless that for a short while, they could not come to get food and clothing any longer.
The court may consider the ability of each parent to provide support, adequate food and clothing, affection and guidance to the child.
If you will make these - and not wealth - your priorities, then food and clothing and shelter will be there for you in sufficient supply.
During such period, consumers focus more on foods and clothing.
Perhaps they came out to hear a new manifesto, the declaration of the rights of humans to decent food and clothing and wages.
These will include sufficient food and clothing and shelter and health care and education to function within the community.
We have our versions of comfort food and clothing, but there are few actions that collectively fill us with peace and warmth.
All you need to bring is your own food and clothing.
For those who need a quick history lesson, company stores were retail establishments that sold necessities such as food and clothing to employees of a company.
With increasing income, consumption changes from only essentials like food and clothing to a variety of life style goods including electronics.
Their religion was brought with them as naturally as their provisions of food and clothing.
We'll forgo home and automotive expenses just so that we can buy food and clothing.
In the Korean War we learned that men can die from being held captive, even when given food and clothing and fairly decent treatment.
At Marble Hill High's annual international dinner, students share food and clothing from their countries to encourage acceptance and belonging within the school.
«The impact on our budgets is significant, yet we daily make decisions that must address wellbeing, basic food and clothing needs, and medical care to give some children the same start to the day that others take for granted,» he will add.
Foley's staff collects food and clothing for needy families, teaches adult ESL classes, and helps families translate documents.
* Major chain stores now carrying organic food and clothing, green cleaning supplies, and they are powering their stores with renewable energy.
If Americans as a whole ever followed Paul's instruction to be content with basic food and clothing and not pursue wealth (1 Tim.
The signs in the shop windows bore prices for food and clothing in liras, not euros; one of the billboards sported a very dated Communist Party poster; a boxy, old, gray Fiat stood away from the square, and against the wall of the small café, I spotted an obsolete red Illy coffee sign.
Selfish persons who before had refused to share food and clothing must now begin to do so.
William offers food and clothing in exchange for Geoff employing his creative skills to provide a forged ticket into the noble class.
The Pontifical Relief Commission distributed food and clothing to displaced and hungry people, saving countless lives.
When you think of shrink wrapping you're more likely to think of various types of food and clothing packaging than scaffolding and machine parts — but that's exactly what Tufcoat specialises in.
Americans spend more on taxes than food and clothing combined.
I heard about fighting and wounds and the primitive way they were treated, how ladies nursed in hospitals, the way gangrene smelled, what substitutes were used for drugs and food and clothing when the blockade got too tight for these necessities to be brought in from abroad.
Most people find that working has transportation, food and clothing costs that bite into their household budgets more than if they stayed home.
«Last month was the fifth warmest June since 1910, and food and clothing sales usually surge when the temperature is unusually high in the summer.
Advertising suggests to us that we can be happy only by traveling to distant places, having fine food and clothing, owning luxurious homes, automobiles, and motorboats.
But in the (paraphrased and amplified) words of James, «If a brother or sister is without food and clothing, and one of you says, «Be warm and well fed.
When Paul says that these churches were facing affliction and were in deep poverty, he means that the people themselves could not afford food and clothing.
Muslim customs concerning food and clothing were also Sinicized, but these changes in food did not involve the breaking of religious admonitions concerning the use of pork or wine.
We have three minstries sharing the building, and we have church services, food and clothing pantries, and a 24 hour free coffee shop planned right now.
People's needs come first, especially babies» needs, then comes food and clothing.
Yobe State government has donated food and clothings to Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs), host communities and other vulnerable people preparatory to Sallah celebration across the 17 local government areas of the state.
Food and clothing rationing, however, still in place since the war, were swiftly relaxed, then abandoned from about 1953.
Yes we need a strong economy — that is built by paying people a living wage so that they will have money to spend here at home, instead of what is paid now that barely covers housing, food and clothing expenses.
The event was open to everyone, and was specifically aimed at those still without power because of last week's storm, as it doubled as a benefit event for people to bring extra food and clothing for storm victims.
But instead of food and clothing etc., my pack will have weights in it!!
September 26, 2012 • Food and clothing labeled small appeal to us, even when the labels lie, a marketing professor says.
The government would provide the Lakota with food and clothing while teaching them to support themselves by farming.
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