Sentences with phrase «food in something»

ND: You set humane live traps and you put food in them and the animal goes in.
I also realized this is the only good photo I got with food in it.
The new idea is to be able to prepare food in it.
They can say that for as long as you eat what they believe is a «healthy diet» with lots of animal foods in it and lead an overall healthy lifestyle, you should not really be too concerned about your LDL cholesterol levels.
Plz, do nt put food in you profile pic, I'm hungry.
One 10 pound box of The Honest Kitchen food has around 40 pounds of whole foods in it!
«We just need to get food in her and figure out what is wrong.»
I know from reading your regular emails that you recommend more of a Paleo style diet which has higher levels of animal foods in it and contains healthy unprocessed vegetables.
Since we are eating our way through the house so we don't leave a bunch of food in it over the weekend, I made us some 5 - Spice Asian Pork Tacos for the week.
I really do believe, especially the first decade of my career in food, it was spent with my head down, and my eyes and ears open, and I only opened my mouth when someone put food in it
John Mackey, the eccentric CEO of Whole Foods, is literally putting his money where his mouth is — provided his employees put less food in theirs.
What about making sure school kids come to fill their heads with education but first enduring they have tummies of hot, good food in them first?
I love mexican food in all it's cheesy goodness, so this will definitely help me stay off dairy, happily.
As in zero healthy, zero good food in it, but it tastes so good!
I'm better at making sure Timothy gets some healthy food in him than I am myself.
I let my daughter play with a spoon and an empty bowl for a while before I gave her any food in it.
Worst: there's no food in it!
When you have kids, getting good food in them is sometimes a challenge.
And now King Stuff has learned such bad habits from his brother that the second the table is cleared, he is hanging on my legs looking for his nighttime snack, after he just finished three plates of food, just because I am in the cabinet getting vitamins, and me being near the cabinets reminds him that there is food in them.
The theory behind raw food, is that you are eating food in it's most natural and nutritious form.
• If you can't remember the last time you had your chimney inspected and swept, please do not cook food in it.
There's only real food in it.
I love burgers, they are so versatile, you can throw all our favorite food in it and enjoy!
I suggest you pick 3 times per day when you can get some food in you, and set an alarm to make it happen.
however, the USA and other big and rich countries, spend billions and billions for diet hospitals... people with a lot, a lot of food in them....
I love, LOVE orange and having an orange cooler packed with happy food in it....
After a choice of different starters (most of which had vegetables or fresh food in it), this continued with chicken nuggets, french fries, side of vegetables and finally onto dessert: fruit and a piece of cheese.
You can help the texture by rolling the food in something safe for baby that is dry — like oatmeal (this tip is found in Super Baby Food by Ruth Yaron).
You could always tell the days that were super busy at work and I didn't get enough water and food in me.
So, one of the best things you can do in these last few weeks is to make sure that the freezer has enough food in it so that you don't even have to think about pulling on that apron for several weeks.
The tear free shampoo is also on my list to buy for him as his hair is starting to thicken up and he has a tendency to wipe his food in it.
Bonus tip: Try putting frozen foods in it to help with teething pain.
We packed some of my daughter's favorite foods in it and she was so excited just to eat out of it at home.
I love that they are sectioned off — it keeps food in it's own compartment and helps with portion control.
As babies learn independence through self feeding, nothing gives them more joy than to watch mom and dad pick up their utensils time and time again, especially if there's food in them.
That's 6 days of not being able to keep any food in me.
This takes the burden of food going stale off the shoulders of busy parents as the pouch can be resealed if the food in it hasn't been fully consumed.
The time to call the doctor is if your baby's poop consistently has undigested food in it.
Occasionally your baby's poop will have identifiable chunks of food in it or be tinged with a surprising hue of the rainbow, like red, orange, or dark blue.
So are they eating their lasagna, or spaghetti cold?I don't want my fruit warm, so I'm not understanding how people are taking a container that has foods in it that part should be warm and the other part not?
And then as soon as I got some food in me, my mood mellowed out and I quickly realized that I was completely in error in how I related to my daughter.
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