Sentences with phrase «food involved»

One thing that got my attention about the show is the amount of food involved.
Eating raw food involves a lot of confidence and practice, especially if you're not a vegan or vegetarian.
Formula food involves more time and care in preparation.
Picking the right foods involves finding the right balance between what's healthy, what's safe, and what your baby enjoys eating.
Another simple method for freezing homemade baby food involves a cookie sheet and wax paper.
Remember that we eat with more than our mouths; food involves all our senses.
Every day is different but there is always an abundance of food involved!
The Iams and Eukunba pet foods involved in the recall have been pulled from shelves following the identification of positive results by the U.S. FDA of salmonella.
The term Abs Diet appears to be refer to the building of abs muscle being the core idea behind the diet, but it is an acronym referring to the Power Food involved with the diet («A» stands for Almonds etc), though the diet plan does say that following the abs diet would make the abdominal muscles more visible.
There's lots of food involved too -LCB- obviously -RCB- including cheeseburgers, hot dogs, grilled chicken, and the classic sides of potato salad, cole slaw, and chips galore.
Some of the most common claims made about dog food involve raw meat diets, dairy products, raw eggs, grains, dietary fats, the benefits of commercial foods and the need for age and breed specific foods.
Yet, baked snack foods containing wheat and sugar — including cookies and crackers — and processed foods involving toasted grains — including toasted wheat cereals — are considered among the highest risk of foods when it comes to acrylamide exposure.
Participants examined various approaches for improving the availability of adequate complementary foods, including technologies that can be implemented at home or in the community and larger - scale production of fortified processed complementary foods involving the public or private sector.
The practice of creating GMOs in food involves injecting the DNA of one species into the DNA of another species in an effort to develop certain characteristics.
The idea behind involving more and more of protein based food in your diet is to burn more calories as the metabolic process requires more energy in breaking down food involving protein and the more the metabolic process works, the more is the consumption of energy resulting in more fat loss due to the heat generated during the processing of food in the body.
This is because the response to food involves not only the immune system or a particular sensitivity to some of the molecules in foods, but is also affected by the health of the entire digestive tract and whether it is providing a good barrier for your body.
The process of making high - quality commercial dog food involves scientists, nutritionists, veterinarians and even dog - food tasters in a production more befitting the Food Network than Animal Planet.
If a dog eats any of these foods, call a veterinarian, even though not every toxic food involves life - threatening consequences for the dog because he can determine whether or not the dog needs immediate treatment.
we can offer our food to God with devotion before eating it, not only are we not implicated in the karma involved in acquiring the food
Since the conventional production of food involves a string of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, and other icky things that are released into the ground, water, and air, buying organic takes a bit of the pressure off Mother Nature.
I'll definitely try to see if I can cook up [figuratively, although I guess there'll be food involved too] something for next week!
All food involves technology, he explains, but the most established food companies don't want to call it that — they want to call it the art of cooking.
Sometimes there is food involved, but not always.
The big guy can't be left out of anything either, especially when there's food involved.
Many events and significant milestones are marked by the food involved.
The making of the food involved the requisite alcohol consumption, great night, 10/10, will do again.
Inventing new ways to enhance food, especially if that food involves chocolate or peanut butter (or both!)
With all of the food involved in Thanksgiving and Holiday parties this time of year, I am trying to eat lighter whenever I can.
The specific temperatures and times depend on the food involved.
While I'm generally suspicious of any food involved with multi-level marketing schemes (like all those ridiculous acai power berry juice scams), I've briefly written about chia (along with other edible seeds) before.
Haha, as long as there is food involved it's fine by me.
As much as I love food, I think I'd prefer there be no food involved.
Patricia McConnell, PhD, an applied animal behaviorist, says that «usually (but not always), licking in anticipation of food involves the tongue moving laterally, to the side of the dog's mouth, while in other types of lick lips, the tongue moves straight forward.»
For example, was food involved, or is your dog overly protective of you?
Does the food involve the natural and organic ingredients: the point that comes into consideration, ahead of all other points is the ingredients, involved in the manufacturing of the product.
She only seems to listen though if there's food involved, otherwise, she's not fooled and praise just isn't enough.
Because there is food involved, hygiene issues are to be considered as well.
If there's food involved that's fine, but we really just want to feed our souls.
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