Sentences with phrase «food motivation»

He has moderate prey drive and good food motivation.
Cats with a strong food motivation are usually quite receptive to learning new behaviors.
We have to stop making food our motivation for losing weight.
He loves to train and has really nice food motivation!
She has good food motivation, high prey drive and learns very quickly.
Researchers used fMRI (functional magnetic resonance imaging) to reveal that the brain signals which control food motivation and eating behavior driven by reward are reduced by eating a breakfast rich in protein.
Audrey has strong food motivation which makes her extremely easy to train.
Satiety and physiological hunger was assessed by measuring hormonal markers and perceived appetite sensations combined with psychological reward - driven eating motivation, making use of fMRI to determine brain activation in certain areas associated with food motivation and reward.
The French Bulldog is quite stubborn and can be challenging to train, yet also surprisingly sensitive, remembers what he learns, and responds well to early, patient, persistent training that utilizes food motivation.
Taylor also has strong food motivation and will work endlessly for food or a ball.
While eating breakfast has been shown to reduce hunger throughout the day, research suggests a protein - rich breakfast is more effective as it reduces brain signals that control food motivation and reward - driven eating habits.
Results of the fMRI scans revealed that before lunch, there was a reduction in brain activation in brain areas that control food motivation and reward whenever the teenagers ate breakfast in the morning.
Prior to dinner, a brain scan using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was performed to track brain signals that control food motivation and reward - driven eating behavior.
However, further research, involving increased sample sizes, longer testing durations, and assessments of subsequent food intake are key in assessing the role of increased dietary protein at breakfast on dopamine, food motivation, and reward in overweight / obese teens.
A highly sought after trait in service dogs is food motivation or drive.
I purchased a clicker at my neighborhood pet store and took advantage of her food motivation by clicker training her to come.
She has good food motivation, some prey drive and learns very quickly.
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