Sentences with phrase «food produced as»

With this in mind, the Carbon Trust says that managing energy use in the school canteen can result in additional benefits of improving the quality of food produced as well as the working environment for kitchen staff.
Managing energy use can also have additional benefits of improving the quality of food produced as well as the working environment for kitchen staff.

Not exact matches

A spokesman for the National Farmers» Union said: «British farmers should have the choice to access the best technologies, such as advanced plant breeding, to ensure they can remain competitive and produce quality food while protecting the environment.»
Insects, such as the crickets Next Millennium raises, are a protein - dense, more sustainable alternative to the foods produced by resource - sucking beef and dairy farmers, the Goldins and others argue.
Prices on food, such as pork (and, in turn, bacon), may also fluctuate, since a drop in Chinese purchasing power would likely force U.S. farmers to produce less, potentially driving up costs at home.
As waters rapidly warm, corals lose the components that give them color and help them produce food in a process called bleaching.
That approach has produced some significant offshore customers, including the massive International Air Transportation Association, the Geneva - based entity that establishes global standards for airline activities, as well as the Hills Pet Food Company.
Today it's also everyday consumers who produce media content, design products and invest in startups — not to mention those who also act as retailers, food critics, tour guides and even taxi drivers.
The US Food and Drug Administration issued a «preliminary finding» that the genetically modified insects, produced by Oxitec at its labs in Oxford, England, and shipped as eggs to Florida, would have essentially «no significant impact» on human health, animal health, or the ecosystem.
«A lot of the opportunities out there are for people to use artificial intelligence to market, to do app placement or spam filters — to do things that are not quite as meaningful» as improving how food is produced, he says.
As waters rapidly warm, corals lose the components that give them color and help them produce food, a process called bleaching.
As waters have rapidly warmed, corals have started to lose the components that give them color and help them produce food.
It began life as one of Canada's first food banks, and while it still maintains a small, active one, with a focus on fresh produce, it long ago expanded far beyond simply handing out food.
The company most often held up as the premier example on these issues is Chipotle (CMG), whose «Food with Integrity» campaign promotes the fact that its meat is raised without hormones and antibiotics when «possible» and local and organic produce is used when «practical.»
And as Kowitt pointed out throughout her questions, sometimes consumers say one thing and do another — meaning they say they want to eat more fresh produce and incorporate healthier foods in their diets, but still spend billions on snacks and beverages they know aren't good for them nutritionally.
Today, it's the biggest per - capita exporter of food by nearly double — the next country on the list, France, produces only about half as much.
$ 1.5 M USD in funding for, an online system that provides access for businesses to quickly and easily donate surplus food of any kind, such as perishable dairy, prepared foods, produce, freshly baked products, as well as packaged and canned goods.
The speech lists five key fundamentals that should stand Australia in good stead: a strong institutional framework (including the rule of law, respect for property rights, a well - functioning public administration, and a well - established regulatory system); our people, who are diverse, well educated, have a «can do» mentality and a demonstrated capability for adjusting to change; a large endowment of mineral resources; large tracts of agricultural land and an ability to produce high - quality clean food; and an established services industry with the potential for considerable expansion as average incomes in Asia rise.
And food security is protected by regulation of what we allow as ingredients in both what we produce and what we import, which we do for all of our other food — not through cartel economics.
The changing climate will present new risks and new opportunities as we face the very complex task of producing enough food, feed, and fuel for a world on its way to nine billion increasingly prosperous people.
Unlike much processed food, the final product is the same as the product produced in nature.
That could imperil the United States» ability to create good - paying jobs for future generations, relegating the country to producing food, fossil fuels and financial services, while China extends its lead as the world's largest manufacturer.
Egypt and Sudan if assisted with agriculture projects they will suffice the world need for food... but seems that is known but unwanted by those who want to keep in control or area as a market for their own agriculture produce such as Wheat, Maze & Soybean...
Their economies should be labor intensive rather than energy intensive; produce more durable goods to reduce waste; use local materials in building; consume locally grown foods; engage in organic farming; utilize organic garbage; depend on perennial polyculture, aqua - culture and permaculture; favor trains as well as human - powered machines such as bicycles; employ solar power and other on - site modes of producing energy; and in various ways operate on self - nourishing, self - healing, self - governing principles.
That means especially that essential food supplies be produced as near as possible to where people live.
Unfortunately the use of junk food, alcohol, and nicotine as temporary, self - prescribed pain - reducers tends to produce even more pain in the long run.
For example, they suggest that technology will find ways to produce food chemically from abundant substances such as coal.
As seen on CNN Heroes (, enables millions of home gardeners nationwide to donate excess garden produce to local food pantries — especially important because food pantries almost never have fresh food.
All these items are part and parcel of appropriate development in poor countries as well, with the addition that they still need to produce more things for food, housing, clothing and the other physical necessities of life.
As farmers produced more food than they needed for their own families, cities came into existence.
If, instead of bringing food (cattle / produce), you wanted to redeem the tithe as money and give that....
Today in America as much as 40 percent of food produced is never eaten.
The company also produces and distributes salty and sweet snack foods in Mexico under the Bokados brand, as well as in the United States under the Wise Foods brand and Inalesca in Ecuador.
Producing and marketing a primary commodity, such as milk, carries an enormous amount of responsibility, even more so when producing for and distributing to a developing country that lacks the proper information and finances for making healthy food and drinkProducing and marketing a primary commodity, such as milk, carries an enormous amount of responsibility, even more so when producing for and distributing to a developing country that lacks the proper information and finances for making healthy food and drinkproducing for and distributing to a developing country that lacks the proper information and finances for making healthy food and drink choices.
As the compost is produced from human food it is the richest fertiliser that you can find in the market!
The main focus of the project was not 3 - D modeling or how to operate the prints, but to explore ways to produce healthy, natural foods with this technique.The basket shapes would be printed using a gelatin - like, vegan - friendly protein known as agar.
The company operates as a full - service food provider, with produce, dairy, frozen goods, fresh and frozen meats, seafood, groceries, and dry goods, available for its clients in the Northwest Territories, Nunavut, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Northern British Columbia.
The conical shape of the lid allows the steam that is produced by cooking to re-condenses as it hits the cool sides of the lid and, instead of evaporating, flows back down to the food keeping it moist.
The company is a snack division within the parent company Mars, Incorporated, which produces food products around the world as diverse and Uncle Ben's Rice and Kal Kan dog food.
Cashews are not only increasingly popular as a snack but also as an ingredient in many bakery products and processed foods throughout Europe, including cereal bars, desserts and commercially produced pesto sauces.
By authoring scientific papers and presenting at scientific conferences such as AOAC International, International Food Technology Association and the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Bia works each day to develop innovative tools to help food manufacturers produce the safest products for even the most allergen - sensitive consumFood Technology Association and the American Association of Cereal Chemists, Bia works each day to develop innovative tools to help food manufacturers produce the safest products for even the most allergen - sensitive consumfood manufacturers produce the safest products for even the most allergen - sensitive consumers.
As a food blogger, I am constantly testing recipe sometimes (most of the time) end up throwing a lot of fresh produce away because I just can't eat it all.
Plants and factories that produce the modified food starches may not be following strict gluten - free guidelines as well.
Early results of a 12 million pound, 4 - year EU study on the benefits of organic food suggest that some of them, such as fruit, vegetables and milk, are more nutritious than non-organically produced food and may contain higher concentrations of cancer fighting and heart beneficial antioxidants.
They play an important role in maintaining immune function, producing certain vitamins (such as vitamin K), and of course, digesting food.
As the weather warms and new crops begin producing new fruits and vegetables, our food focus changes; time to change the focus from the root veggies of winter to the baby veggies of spring.
Plus we get organic food, and some produce is more expensive than others, such as berries or red bell peppers.
I made dinner rolls for the 1st time and they were a little denser than I wanted... was wondering if the xanthem gum was the culprit... so I looked up adjusting xanthem gum for dense bread and it brought me here... your article says if bread is rubbery it might have too much xanthem... I have perfected my cupcakes they are light fluffy and moist... and good enough that I was able to sell them at a local cafe for 3.00 a piece and could not keep up... anyway the xanthem gum measurements for cakes is supposed to be 1/2 tsp per cup and I only use 1/4 tsp per cup... so I am thinking if I reduce the xanthem in the rolls it would produce an airier roll... as everyone knows gluten free flours can be expensive... and I wanted to avoid making a failed batch as bread and cake are a bit different... the 1st batch tased great... just won't leave much room for food due to density... as is the problem with lots of gluten free stuff... am I on the right track?
The results produce a superior, energy packed (intense crystallization) honey with the highest possible levels of live enzymes, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and healing agents as a functional food.
... On the seldom occasion that we produce Meringue Powder, as it has been discontinued, it is made in a segregated area and the equipment we use for food color is not used.
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