Sentences with phrase «food researchers»

Last year, the prominent food researcher posted a blog praising a student for her productivity in his lab.
When roasted for longer than 20 minutes, a number of unwanted changes in fat structure of pumpkin seeds have been observed by food researchers.
When roasted for longer than 20 minutes, a number of unwanted changes in fat structure of pumpkin seeds have been observed by food researchers.
on Prominent food researcher retracts paper from JAMA journal, replaces it with multiple fixes
«People should not underestimate how important the money is,» says food researcher Bruce German from his office in the new, light - dappled Robert Mondavi Institute for Wine and Food Science on the Davis campus.
In the 1970s, Japanese food researchers invented high - fructose corn syrup, a cheap soft - drink sweetener that Gratzer calls «an unmitigated catastrophe.»
That's the question that helped harvest this year's World Food Prize recipients, including Marc Van Montagu, Mary - Dell Chilton and Robert Fraley, from the field of food researchers.
Earlier this week, we reported that high - profile food researcher Brian Wansink — who's faced months of criticisms about his research — had issued his second retraction.
Incidentally, so did other foods the researchers tested, such as fish and dairy.
Food researchers feel that avoiding gluten is avoiding certain types of food that use this substance.
Before your favorite quality cat food gets to your pet's bowl, it goes through a complex development process, during which pet food researchers, nutritionists and scientists figure out the best recipes.
He is a bit discouraged after talking to food researcher Harry Balzer, who explains why people are turning more and more to prepared food:
Continue reading Prominent food researcher retracts paper from JAMA journal, replaces it with multiple fixes
Since two of the scoring methods have to do with the Mediterranean diet and Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Diet, it's no surprise that the foods researchers found contributed to the most improvement in quality are staples of the two eating plans: whole grains, fruits, vegetables, fish, and omega - 3 fatty acids
It is the unique aid to convey globally renowned universities in the department of food science and technology, public health nutritional facts, scientists, speculative researchers, food researchers, scholar's etc..
Here's an interesting video from The Curious Parent that features a food researcher and biologist discussing taste preferences in infants and young children.
As always, I'm not a doctor, just a food researcher and avid studier of all things nutrition related.
Food researchers have suggested a novel solution — using mineral salts in processed foods, which would replace some of the sodium with healthful potassium.
Food researchers and health care professionals have always encouraged consumption of plenty of fiber rich fruits and vegetables.
The food researcher and writer Marion Nestle, a supporter of labeling, called the study «weirdly complicated» in an excellent look at the work posted yesterday by Tim Carman of the Washington Post.
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