Sentences with phrase «food reserve»

Maternal stores is your body's food reserve for breast milk especially when your baby needs it.
The game ends when all three characters die or your entire food reserve is depleted.
The roots likely survived the fire and we suspect they contain enough food reserves to fuel new grass shoots.
Professor Shaffer warns that as a result, «the future of the ocean as a large food reserve would be more uncertain.
«Why don't we imagine trade agreements to ensure every country's right to establish food reserves
On the positive side of the ledger, it inspired Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace to work out the mechanics of natural selection based on Malthus's observation that populations tend to increase geometrically (2, 4, 8, 16...), whereas food reserves grow arithmetically (2, 3, 4, 5...), leading to competition for scarce resources and differential reproductive success, the driver of evolution.
The research team discovered how the parasite hijacks the host cell to enable its own growth and survival, hibernating for decades by creating its own food reserve.
Yuca harvesting is flexible, thus providing a natural food reserve in regions where it is grown for and by the native people.
Tiny breeds do not have good food reserves and can become hypoglycemic very quickly.
While the game is over if food reserves run dry, any previously played day can be reattempted from the beginning, meaning it is impossible for the game to truly be «lost» and unfinishable, a complaint often levied at the original Pikmin on the Gamecube and it's strict time limit.
«The future of the ocean as a large food reserve would be more uncertain.»
It has no food reserves.
I understand now why you think having a food reserve is a bad idea.
«Although the troops are trying, more can be done because people need to farm now so that they can have some food reserve against dry season.»
The seed, which is an embryo with two points of growth (one of which forms the stems the other the roots) is enclosed in a seed coat with some food reserves.
After all, the air, land and seas are being relentlessly polluted with human waste products; fresh water, fish stocks, food reserves, fossil fuels, and wetlands are being depleted at an alarming rate; the catastrophic effects of massive over-consumption and unrestrained hoarding of resources can not be sustained much longer by our small, finite, fragile planetary home.
In the survey, a hive loss was attributed to colony collapse if varroa or other mites were ruled out as a cause; few dead bees were found in a hive, a sign that they fled; a queen bee and food reserves were both seemingly normal pre-collapse; and food reserves were left alone after fleeing.
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