Sentences with phrase «food snacks regularly»

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Biology tells us that we need to fuel our bodies regularly, and that hunger is a sign that we probably need food, so I'm pretty sure that means yes, snacks are cool.
As it turns out, while Jewish children in the UK were avoiding peanuts within the first year of life, babies in Israel were regularly consuming a peanut butter - based snack food called Bamba.
Bring along an assortment of snacks and drinks for your older baby who's regularly eating solids, and remember to bring food for yourself, too.
Even if the infants tested positive — indicating that they were probably allergic to peanuts — the researchers advised the parents to give their babies small amounts of peanut snacks regularly, as long as they did not have dangerous reactions to it in an initial food challenge, until their kids reached their fifth birthday.
Balancing your estrogen and progesterone levels is not even a cure - all — especially if you re still spraying your roses with pesticides, microwaving your food in plastic wrap, bingeing on French fries and snack chips, and regularly stressing yourself out to the point of exhaustion.
At the time, I was suffering from carpal tunnel, so I began to read food labels more closely and sure enough, I was regularly eating some snack foods that contained yellow dye.
Children will not be drawn to processed and fast food if they are not fed it at home or taken regularly to fast food restaurants, nor will they eat processed snack foods if they are not in the house.
Because of the low energy and depression I have succumbed to eating convenient takeaway junk foods regularly, sugary snacks, comfort foods etc..
Although there are no toilets provided on the beach, there is a snack bar which sells traditional Mexican food and cool drinks, plus locals regularly walk along the beach selling fruit and homemade sandwiches.
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