Sentences with phrase «food source in»

Cereals continue to remain by far the most important food source in the world, contributing 50 per cent of calories and as much as 54 per cent in developing countries.
It might be time to consider genetically engineering a farmable insect specifically designed to be a human food source in the face of future runaway AGW (devastating to crop yields).
Ice plays an important role in the development and sustenance of temperate to polar ecosystems because it creates conditions conducive to ice - edge primary production, which provides the primary food source in polar ecosystems; it supports the activity of organisms that ensure energy transfer from primary producers (algae and phytoplankton) to higher trophic levels (fish, marine birds, and mammals); and, as a consequence, it maintains and supports abundant biological communities.
The presence of non-native ungulates as a food source in addition to the DDT - caused decline of bald eagles, a natural competitor, facilitated the establishment of golden eagles as resident breeders on the islands.
Their ancestors were even a food source in the distant past of their densely populated, protein - starved homeland.
Relocations, while not ideal, work best when cats that know each other are placed together and are shown they are provided with a food source in their new location, Bearfield said.
«This daily staple is highly digestible, rich in proteins and color enhancers and, most importantly, mimics real bloodworms that bettas would seek out as a food source in their natural habitat,» Fox said.
Coconuts are a staple food source in the areas they are produced for a reason.
A cereal crop primarily grown for its edible seeds, quinoa is a highly popular food source in America, Canada, China, and Europe.
One would think that scientists would include an entire food source in their discoveries, but this discovery is quite different.
As with any highly processed food such as proteins forcibly extracted from the whole food source in a factory environment, buyers should use caution.
In addition, hemp seed provides a variety of essential nutrients to the body and has been used as a food source in some cultures for centuries.
In fact, the Aztecs reportedly used it as a food source in 16th century.
This makes it an ideal time to promote jellyfish as a new food source in the West.
«Salamanders a more abundant food source in forest ecosystems than previously thought.»
If insects first discovered pollen as a food source in Permian times, that sets the engine of plant - insect coevolution moving far earlier than had been thought.
Brine shrimp are used worldwide as a food source in commercial fish farming and for fish food in aquariums.
Huntington learned from Iñupiaq and Yupik elders that beavers damned streams where fish spawned, hence impacting belugas» food source in Alaska.
«These microscopic pieces never fully disintegrate and in certain areas outcompete plankton as a non-nutrient food source in our world's oceans.»
Family physicians should be knowledgeable regarding the ongoing benefits to the child of extended breastfeeding, including continued immune protection [3], better social adjustment [4], and having a sustainable food source in times of emergency.»
It is their only food source in the beginning.
Family physicians should be knowledgeable regarding the ongoing benefits to the child of extended breastfeeding, including continued immune protection, better social adjustment, and having a sustainable food source in times of emergency.
The increase in demand for coconut palm sugar could further result in fewer coconut products, including coconut oil, being available as a food source in the future.
Making pumpkin seeds a staple food source in your kitchen can help you cleanse these foreign invaders from your body.
Sorghum Sorghum is one of the oldest known grains and is a major food source in Africa and India.
A cereal crop primarily grown for its edible seeds, quinoa is a highly popular food source in America, Canada, China, and Europe.
With a sustainable food source in orbit, NASA will be able to explore farther into space.
Regulation is also starting to play a bigger role, as regulators explore cellular agriculture as a viable food source in the future.
It's all about using high - protein food sources in portable and easy - to - eat ways that you can bring with you on the go for an instant fuel - up, or whip up quickly to curb any cravings that come out of nowhere.
Palm trees have been rich, food sources in Indonesia for more than 4,000 years.
I'm amazed at how you can come up with so many good ideas and recipes to get all these different food sources in your diet.
Whilst it isn't absolutely necessary to combine these food sources in one meal (it's sufficient to consume both within a 24 hour period), using a recipe like this one allows you to feel confident that your baby has consumed complete protein on any given day.
How do moths and other insects find their way to food sources in the presence of other odors?
The sea offers a banquet feast when compared with poor food sources in their home streams, but the ocean is also a dangerous place with many predators.
Scientists believe that acknowledging salamanders as one of the main food sources in forest ecosystems could help drive conservation efforts and forest management.
The changes in air chemistry impacted the number of bees able to detect food sources in a given time frame.
The idea is that Passenger Pigeons evolved to live in huge flocks and became dependent on their large flocks, meaning they could not produce enough offspring to survive unless there were billions of them, either for social reasons (they would not breed in small flocks), for predator reasons (they could not satiate predators without huge flocks), or for resource reasons (they could not find adequate food sources in small populations).
200 mg per day is equivalent to twice the highest intake through food sources in typical Asian diets.
Continue reading for an explanation of the major essential and supporting as well as the food sources in which they are found.
They are, but as long as you're getting enough alkalising foods you also need these food sources in your diet.
This is why I always list food sources in the book and on the blog, for most of the nutrients, vitamins, minerals and probiotics that are depleted in Hashimoto's.
I currently create health food workshops and events, develop recipe lines, work with brands I believe in, write for various publications and constantly search for more organic and local food sources in and around HK!
In this 8 - year trial, involving 41,186 particpants of the Black Women's Health Study, research data confirmed inverse associations between magnesium, calcium and major food sources in relation to type 2 diabetes that had already been reported in predominantly white populations.
Others suspect dogs picked it up as they adapted to scavenging for food sources in human environments.
Limiting food sources in your backyard and securing your garbage / compost will reduce the temptation for raccoons to spend time in your yard.
Rats are omnivorous requiring both plant and protein food sources in their diets (much like humans), and specially formulated diets help to meet those nutritional requirements.
Preferably, they should come from whole food sources in the form of varied fruit and vegetables.
Less shrimping may mean more food sources in the water, attracting all kinds of sea fauna, perhaps even this turtle.
The tribes that lived there not only had to have hunting ranges that were gigantic, they ALSO had to wander off to other areas for non meat food sources in their diet.
Improvements in biological durability are a result of the removal of natural food sources in the wood and also changes in the chemical and structural composition.
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