Sentences with phrase «food sufficiency»

"Food sufficiency" means having enough food to meet the needs of a population or individual without relying on external sources or experiencing hunger or food insecurity. It refers to the ability to produce or access an adequate amount of food to sustain oneself or a community. Full definition
Lagos State Government has spent N1.049 billion to subsidize Lake Rice from December 2016 till date in order to sustain food sufficiency and food security in the State.
While noting that the need to ensure availability of the product to citizens is key in the State's drive to attain food sufficiency, the Special Adviser said that food production and self - sufficiency have been given priority attention at State's policy and strategic level.
«O - Robo is a women's capacity building component of O - REAP's QIIP - a short term intervention directed to fill apparent needs - gap of small to medium scale farmers to engineer the process of food sufficiency and increased income of the people of Osun state through high impact timely interventions.
According to him, it is not true that the fertilizers being given to the farmers are being smuggled out of the country as some members of the opposition NDC are claming, stressing that the government would ensure that the programme succeeds to boost food sufficiency and sustainability of raw material supply.
He said it would also provide protection throughout planting period with patrols and escorts up to and during the harvest season to ensure food sufficiency.
Ita - Etuk, who is an immediate past commissioner for Food Sufficiency in the state, was said to be hosting PDP members and supporters in his residence at Ibesikpo Asutan Local Government Area, when hoodlums tried to seize the N19m meant for the empowerment programme.
How well we are able to increase crop production from the same or less acreage may mean the difference between global food sufficiency and rampant human starvation in coming decades --- and between the survival and extinction of many plant and animal species.
«Second term is not a reward for failure but for achievements in economy, security, employment and food sufficiency.
'' Are you thinking of second term when you have not added any value to the economy, when Nigerians are increasingly becoming insecured and when the indices for measurement of the economy, employment, food sufficiency and security are all negative,» Enoidem queried.
«Technical committees on Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), and Agriculture and Food Sufficiency will soon be constituted.
Waiting for clarity, while comforting to some, is unlikely to be the wisest policy on issues like energy and food sufficiency (or avoiding the next act of large - scale terrorism).
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