Sentences with phrase «food value chain»

Finally, recommendations are made that could be incorporated to further develop food loss strategies that can classify food value chains based on their energy demand.
Our work under this pillar contributes to tackling the global challenge of food security by helping to build sustainable food value chains.
In North America, Rabobank is the premier bank to the food, agribusiness and beverage industries, providing sector expertise, strategic counsel and tailored financial solutions to clients across the entire food value chain.
Following an extended survey along the worldwide food value chain, Solvay confirms that developing affordable natural solutions is one of the main...
Bühler is set to unveil groundbreaking digital technologies that include minimising toxic contamination, reducing food waste and increasing end - product quality across the whole food value chain as part of a new partnership with Microsoft.
Payoffs from research and development along the Australian food value chain: a general equilibrium analysis.
Improved preservation technologies, Free Trade Agreements and faster distribution channels are globalising food value chains and opening up markets that were previously inaccessible.
AgriTrace is an innovative cloud based traceability system providing food value chain visibility while enhancing competitiveness in the Agriculture sector.
The 1,067 supporters currently registered include groups of companies, firms and professional associations as well as research institutes and NGOs from the entire food value chain.
Women play key roles as both consumers and producers up and down the agri - food value chain, and youth around the world are taking an interest in the sector.
AgNext, focused on horticulture and plantation crops, collects spatial, temporal and spectral data to provide solutions across the agriculture and food value chain.
Thereafter, the main entry points within the food value chain where lack of access to energy is the dominant factor influencing food losses is discussed.
Swiss food processing equipment manufacturer Buhler has partnered with Microsoft to unveil new digital technologies for minimising toxic contamination and reducing food waste, as well as increasing end - product quality across the food value chain.
I've heard this quite a few times from local food and sustainability types, and although I know they are trying to say that Australian farmers don't get sufficient financial return for their farm products, the statement reveals their lack of understanding of Australia's food value chain.
The FLW Standard is pivotal to setting a reliable baseline for streamlined and efficient action on the ground for countries, cities, and small and big businesses along the food value chain.
In contrast, Western industrialized nations such as Germany experience food waste predominantly at the end of the food value chain — especially in consumers» homes.
The 1,067 supporters currently registered include groups of companies, corporations and professional associations as well as research institutes and NGOs from the entire food value chain.
Business in the food value chains, more than ever, need to anticipate and react to inputs and seek better outcomes.
Bühler CTO Ian Roberts said: «Today's food value chains are facing tremendous challenges.
Bühler has partnered with Microsoft to unveil new digital technologies for minimising toxic contamination and reducing food waste, as well as increasing end - product quality across the food value chain.
What we call «fair food» is food that is produced in ways that are fair to all and that guarantee economic and nutritional health to everyone in Australia's food value chain — Australian farmers, Australian food processors, small to medium size food retailers and we who eat the products of these producers and enterprises.
Our Food for Development initiative helps drive the development of the dairy and food value chain worldwide.
«To fight food waste, we need to redesign our food value chain, eliminating waste at each stage and making any surplus food readily available to those in need.
We're seeing an increasing number of clients investing in sustainability measures throughout the food value chain.
One of the primary initiatives within the strategy is the establishment of a partnership with actors from all parts of the food value chain — from agriculture to industry, retail, commercial kitchens and consumer organizations, in all 29 partners.
The strategy includes a national target for reducing avoidable food waste in every part of the food value chain.
The European Commission proposes to establish a common methodology to measure food waste and commit Member States to take measures that reduce food waste in every part of the food value chain.
In order to mainstream sustainability in agriculture, the platform develops recommendations and tools as well as disseminates knowledge across the food value chain on a pre-competitive basis.
These, he said, included farmers - herders» clashes and militancy, which he said had direct effects on the food value chain.
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