Sentences with phrase «foods fit this requirement»

Many «all life stages» and most kitten foods fit this requirement.

Not exact matches

I love your food motto, Marly and these cookies look like they fit into your good food requirements perfectly!
that compliance costs for food safety be reviewed and testing and auditing requirements be reformed to be fit for purpose and appropriate to scale.
I find myself in a position many other menu planners are in: find the processed food item that fits the requirements.
Having a designated school nutrition professional present during community use of the kitchen helps ensure that all food safety requirements are met and that the facilities are fit for the next meal service.
Sounds like it would be best to have pre-made slop formula in a tube that fits all the requirements and to just quit making food selections on my own.
Keeping it simple and reminding you to make only the changes that fit your life, your budget, your health requirements and your personal food philosophy is my ambition and one of the reasons behind Real Food Girl: Unmodiffood philosophy is my ambition and one of the reasons behind Real Food Girl: UnmodifFood Girl: Unmodified.
For example, if your crate doesn't meet its requirements (which can include specific number of water and food bowls attached to the crate as well as two crate latching mechanisms) the airline may not allow your dog in the passenger cabin, if your crate or carrier fits under the seat in front of you.
In order for a dog food to be «human edible» or «fit for human consumption» a food would not only have to use human grade ingredients, but it would have to be produced in facilities that meet FDA and USDA requirements for producing, processing, and transporting foods for humans.
The Food & Beverage (Hotel / Resort / Restaurant) Smart Resume Product is a professionally written, fully customizable resume consisting of five to seven pages in length so you can easily customize it to fit any job requirements within your field — it is that simple.
My extensive experience in fast food industry fits your requirements.
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