Sentences with phrase «foot about shoulder»

Standing with feet about shoulder width apart, and shoulders relaxed, hold a slam ball out in front of the chest.
The starting position in the squat is standing upright with feet about shoulder width apart.
Start by standing somewhere with straight posture, feet about shoulder width apart.
High Pull — Squat Jump Combo Start with feet about shoulder - width apart and kettlebell on the floor in front of you.
Stand comfortably on the floor with your feet about shoulder - width apart.
Start with your feet about shoulder - width apart.
Stand erect with your feet about shoulder - width apart, holding a pair of lightweight dumbbells together in front of you, palms facing in.
Keep your feet about shoulder - width apart so that you have a stable and powerful base, and keep your legs straight but not locked all through the movement.
Look directly forward, keep your chest up, and place your feet about shoulder - width apart.
To obtain proper form for the leg press, place your feet about shoulder width apart with toes pointing slightly out.
Stand with your feet about shoulder's width apart, and face the secured object.
Plate / dumbbell / barbell front raise With the weight in your hands, stand with your feet about shoulder - width apart, slightly bent knees, and a tight core.
Start standing, feet about shoulder - width apart.
Stand with your feet about shoulder - width apart with your toes angled slightly outward.
BURPEES Start standing, feet about shoulder - width apart.
Place your feet about shoulder width apart, and brace yourself by placing your feet against a wall or solid object.
Place your feet about shoulder's width apart, and place your hands on the floor.
How to do a Catcher's Squat: Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.
a. Stand up with your feet about shoulder width apart.
I am still working on this and can only perform straddle OAPUs, with my feet about shoulder width apart.
Position your feet about shoulder width apart.
Stand with your feet about shoulder - width apart with one foot in front of the other for stability.
Jump Squat — Feet about shoulder - width apart, squat down, sending your hips and butt back and down (not the knees forward!).
Feet about shoulder width apart, and you're actually going to go straight down as far as you can while hopefully keeping your heels on the grounds.
25 Goblet Squats Stand with your feet about shoulder - width apart with your toes angled slightly outward.
Stand with the feet about shoulder - distance apart with a chair in front for support, if necessary.
Hips: While standing with your feet about shoulder - width apart, place the tape measure around the fullest part of your hips.
Stand with your feet about shoulder width apart.
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