Sentences with phrase «foot of something»

Getting a few feet of it for your product is an ordeal worth enduring.
They had 20 million square feet of them at that time.
You play on an island, literally every square foot of it feels well thought through, you find unexpected new places all the time.
I love pumpkin seeds, love cranberries, in fact I have a huge container of them within feet of me right now.
Most adults carry some 8 pounds and 22 square feet of it.
Six one or two bedroom bed and breakfast cottages situated 700 metres off the Main North Road on a five acre block of natural bushland at the foot of
The little crossover also gets a rear hatch that opens when it senses that the key has been within 3 feet of it for three seconds.
So that thunder left foot of his was worth little.
, there are DOWN CURRANTS we hit one @ Mikes point & only 3 of 10 made it to the surface,,,, the dive was called off due to 3 - 7 knot currants,, I was 1 of the 3 after hitting the wall @ mikes I tried to make it to the surface only to find myself @ the bottom after inflated my bc about half way I tried to make it up again came with in 20 feet of it then got sucked down again 3rd I made it,,,, But during that time bobbles ever were going down, sideways every were but up!
She loves climbing up on one of those barstools to eat her lunch every day, and I don't have to worry about cleaning up behind those little swinging feet of hers since the Stikwood we installed protects our bar.
Semi, because we're currently using all 225 square feet of it as our bedroom, office
Asked about the possibility of a spinoff movie starring him and Falcon actor Anthony Mackie, Stan responded, «Absolutely, and the right people to make that happen are certainly within feet of us right now.»
You get within a few feet of him and he could convince you of anything — and it's famously called «Steve's reality distortion field»... as you walk further away you got about 10 or 15 feet away, then you came to your senses and you realize that maybe he was just being persuasive.»
Fat, damp snowflakes have been tumbling down for the past six days, burying the town in six feet of snow, three feet of it in the last two days alone.
Subaru engineers have carved out 35.5 cubic feet of it for the Outback's rear storage area, and when the vehicle's second - row seats are folded, total cargo space grows to 73.3 cubic feet.
Semi, because we're currently using all 225 square feet of it as our bedroom, office and dining room.
There is a car within feet of me on either side, another one two car lengths ahead, and a fourth — its driver clearly hyper - caffeinated — so close behind it is apparently trying to park itself inside my trunk.
In fact, it could easily be argued that there are people within 10 feet of you right now who have a greater need for the love of Jesus than anybody you could possibly reach 1000 miles away.
Next to the smokestack are 20 rows of solar panels, 10 panels to a row — all told, 27,000 square feet of them planted in a muddy field.
Humanity's horizon expanded last month when SpaceX used a Falcon9 rocket to deliver 11 communication satellites to orbit and then landed the rocket's first stage — all 156 feet of it — upright and undamaged at Cape Canaveral, Fla..
Remember people are within several feet of you and probably don't care to know every detail about your hot date last night.
There could be a whole slew of bloodthirsty Islamic murder mobs set loose to punish him, running amock through the streets killing innocent babies and mothers and destroying and burning everything in their paths, and even those who are within 50 feet of him.
In Isaiah 52:7 we read, «How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who proclaims peace, who brings glad tidings of good things.»
Notice as well that the verse doesn't say «How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who has good news, or who knows good news» but rather, «who BRINGS good news.»
And how shall they preach unless they be sent, as it is written: How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, of them that bring glad tidings of good things!
«Dan 7:7 After this I saw in the night visions, and behold a fourth beast, dreadful and terrible, and strong exceedingly; and it had great iron teeth: it devoured and brake in pieces, and stamped the residue with the feet of it: and it [was] diverse from all the beasts that [were] before it; and it had ten horns.»
We like to think that there are no politics when it comes to liturgy but Cardinal Newman's image is not without point: «The rock of St. Peter on its summit enjoys a pure and serene atmosphere, but there is a great deal of Roman malaria at the foot of it
I recently packed up my office, all 210 book - feet of them, and in the process, realized I had about 30 Bibles (At least I'm not Bill Chamberlain, who owns over 2000 different English versions).
If a man speaks or acts with an evil thought, pain follows him, as the wheel follows the foot of him who draws the carriage.
I find myself being pulled toward the snack cabinet every time I get within ten feet of it, and then I have to hold my hands out and push against that darn magnetic field that's pulling me in.
With some help from my co-workers, friends, family and neighbors... yup, I feed oatmeal cookies to anyone who came within 50 feet of me.
RECIPE + PHOTOS UPDATED 1/1/2016 You know how, when you're vegan, you scarf everything even remotely creamy if it's within 25 feet of you?
I know they say it takes time to get in the body and work but I am telling you, the first night, I drink it at night, the first night while laying in bed, my feet both of them felt weird.
Location: Pennypickle's Workshop, Temecula Children's Museum Price: $ 5.00 per person Description: The Professor's home... 7,500 square feet of it, cluttered with hands - on inventions, gadgets, experiments... and kids won't even know they're learning as they play!
In that time more than 500 tons of limy sand and dead coral have been jetted away with hoses and sucked and resucked through the maws of dredges, each cubic foot of it tediously searched for the small trinkets and fragments of the wreck.
Conte should stop his players from diving every time an opposition player is within a few feet of them.
Like a literal man pulling him away from Joshua every time he got within a foot of him.
Against the sad Steelers he caught just about everything thrown within 10 feet of him, reaching, twisting, turning, plucking passes from the air on those 58 television screens against the wall of the nation's electronics departments as Christmas shoppers stopped to stare.
Even while Reigns bounced around spearing everyone who came within 10 feet of him, you knew that in the end Batista would come away victorious.
Then he straightened up, drew back his arm to throw down to second to complete the double play — and suddenly realized there was no reason to throw, for Mantle was standing within a few feet of him.
(I can hear you if you're saying that within 2 feet of me, by the way.)
She generally starts screaming for help when he comes within 4 feet of her.
He was on a firm mattress with a single sheet cover, no blankets or sheets or pillows within a foot of him.
It does come with a stainless steel hose, about five feet of it which can stretch to about seven feet, as well as a bracket for wall - mounting.
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