Sentences with phrase «for cumulus»

It is clear that speed to market and the ability to handle scale was a goal for Cumulus for the initiative.
«The Challenge of Identifying Controls on Cloud Properties and Precipitation Onset for Cumulus Congestus Sampled During MC3E.»
In order of increasing temperature, these are the thresholds for cumulus formation, thunderstorm formation, and squall line formation.

Not exact matches

Cumulus intends to draw on its programming to create playlists and other content for Rdio users.
Now no longer a child, I know that clouds are of various types — cirrus, cumulus, cirrocumulus, cirrocumulus castellanus — and that they portend rain or merely reflect the summer - day idleness that I have no time for.
CUMULUS CAUSALITY In «A Formula for Economic Calamity,» by David H. Freedman, David Colander of Middlebury College asserts that climate models often have no terms to account for the effects of clouds.
Expression of the mRNA encode for Glial cell line - Derived Neurotrophic Factor (GDNF) was detected in cumulus cells as shown previously [22] as well as oocytes in our study.
Among the growth factors, expression of mRNA of genes that encode for GDNF, FGF2, GM - CSF and TGF - β1 was significantly higher in cumulus cells than in oocytes.
The BioMark Dynamic Array microfluidic qPCR system (Fluidigm Corporation, San Francisco, CA) was used for gene expressions analysis of oocytes and cumulus cells.
However, whether human oocytes express the receptors for FSH and LH is controversial [9],, and it is known that EGF affects oocyte maturation through the EGF receptor (EGFR), which is expressed by cumulus cells rather than the oocyte [11].
We derived a protocol for paracrine / autocrine supplementation for in vitro maturation of cumulus - free oocytes that includes supplementation with BDNF, IGF - I, GDNF, leptin, FGF2 and estradiol as shown in Figure 2C.
Among the receptors, expression of mRNA of genes that encode for NTRK2, NGFRAP1, ESR1 and EDNRA was higher in cumulus cells, while oocytes had significantly higher expression of mRNA of genes that encode for IGF1R, ESR2 and TGF - βR3.
In order to improve culture conditions for maturation of cumulus - free oocytes in vitro, we began by assaying the expression of 15 growth factors (BDNF, IGF - I, estradiol, GDNF, leptin, FGF1, FGF2, GM - CSF, EGF, TGF - α, TGF - β1; 2; 3, and ET - 1; 2) and 27 of their cognate receptors that have been shown to regulate oocyte maturation.
The initial LASSO implementation on the Cumulus cluster will be for ARM's Southern Great Plains site in Oklahoma and will focus on high - resolution model simulations of shallow clouds driven by ensembles of forcing inputs.
«My brother Ben won't be up for another four or five hours,» he said, now craning his neck to follow some marshmallow cumulus passing overhead.
We've followed this Supercell for 6 hours, observing its life cycle from cumulus puff to the monster mesocyclone now covering Cimarron County.
Whether it's a work meeting or casual catch up with friends, Cumulus Inc. always serves up something delicious and I keep coming back for more.
For Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla need a solution that can fill a sky with evolving and realistic results that closely match highly detailed reference images which represent high altitude cirrus clouds and all of the major low level cloud types, including thick billowy cumulus clouds.
The dad who created the «Glowy Zoey» costume has created «Princess Cumulus,» a thundercloud costume for his daughter.
Cumulus Studios was formed in 2008 to give artists an opportunity to create functional outdoor objects for a landscape typically adorned with the bland and the uninspired.
In a painting like «Lovesexy» (2000), for example, sharply defined indecipherable symbols loom in and out of clean cumulus clouds on a fuchsia - pink background, while in «As I run and run, happiness comes closer» (2008), violent and brutal brushstrokes seethe over a dark background, engulfing the work's cheery little stars and leaving the sensation of a seething Hieronymus Bosch composition.
There may be a cap for convection, but latent heating in a growing cumulus cloud (forced locally by... whatever) may eventually allow it to mushroom.
A caveat is that all GCMs as well many TC models (including GFDL's) that have been used for climate change experiments employ hydrostatic approximation and «cumulus parameterization».
Whether the activity of cumulus convection is determined by the variables averaged over the grid box of numerical models (100 km scale for typical GCMs, 20 km scale in the case of «high resolution» GCM of MRI).
Slowing such overturning by reducing the horizontal differential heating could tend to allow heat to build up at lower levels until the lapse rate is more favorable to localized vertical overturning (LVO)(The two forms of overturning are not always completely distinct or separate; for example, the Hadley cell, Walker, and monsoon circulations, as well as extratropical storm track activity (developing from baroclinic instability (Rossby wave phenomena)-RRB- are driven and organized in part by horizontal differential heating, but in the ascending portions of these circulations, cumulus - type convection can occur).
For orographic cumulus clouds, the G - 1 measurements will characterize in - cloud dynamics, microphysics, and aerosols, as well as the environmental variability around the clouds focusing on conditions upstream and downstream of clouds at multiple altitudes in the vicinity of the AMF1 site.
I have identified that you don't understand the key role for convective cumulus clouds, and until you get a grip on that that any talk of lapse rates will make no sense.
For example, I show in «The Tropical Thunderstorm Hypothesis» that the change from clear to cumulus conditions increases the albedo by about 60 w / m2, a large effect.
de Roode, S.R., A.P. Siebesma, H.J. Jonker, and Y. de Voogd, 2012: Parameterization of the Vertical Velocity Equation for Shallow Cumulus Clouds.
In particular, two commonly used methods for converting cumulus condensate into precipitation can lead to drastically different climate sensitivity, as estimated here with an atmosphere — land model by increasing sea surface temperatures uniformly and examining the response in the top - of - atmosphere energy balance.
«The authors demonstrate that model estimates of climate sensitivity can be strongly affected by the manner through which cumulus cloud condensate is converted into precipitation in a model's convection parameterization, processes that are only crudely accounted for in GCMs.
The physical model I have in mind for this negative WV feedback is based on a proposal of Prof. William Gray (Colorado State University), who pictured cumulus clouds carrying moisture into the UT, but occupying only a small area; the remaining (and much larger) area experiences descending air («subsidence»)-- hence drying.
The fifth intercomparison of the Global Water and Energy Experiment Cloud System Studies Working Group 1 is used as a vehicle for better understanding the dynamics of trade wind cumuli capped by a strong inversion.
The ~ 26 C threshold for hurricanes exists because at colder temperatures, convection (cumulus clouds) can not get deep enough to sustain such storms.
When there is a reduction in tropical temperature for any reason, not just volcanoes, cumulus clouds form later, say at noon instead of their usual 11:00.
As shown in my submission to the UKs AR5 review and in «The Nile Climate Engine», the Atlantic provides every criteria for CC and AGW via a reduction in the mass of Easterly Wave Strata - Cumulus cloud mass — hence increased insolation.
A mass - flux cumulus parameterization scheme for large - scale models: description and test with observations.
Paul, Weiss is representing radio broadcasting company Cumulus Media Inc. and certain of its affiliates in connection with their chapter 11 cases in the Bankruptcy Court for the Southern District of New York.
Cumulus Media announced that it has launched Amazon Alexa voice skills for 300 local radio stations, which it says marks the largest collection of custom Alexa skills in the United States.
For Horizon Zero Dawn, Guerrilla need a solution that can fill a sky with evolving and realistic results that closely match highly detailed reference images which represent high altitude cirrus clouds and all of the major low level cloud types, including thick billowy cumulus clouds.
When Cumulus decided to make this commitment to voice, they looked for a partner that could help execute the implementation.
Cumulus has launched 300 Amazon Alexa skills for radio stations and Westwood One podcasts with the help of XAPPmedia.
Cumulus and radio in general has been a good segment for Amazon in driving new skill growth over the past several months.
I enjoyed seeing Matt Jones again in the studio recently, recording my latest radio segment for Q100 Atlanta and their Cumulus stations.
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