Sentences with phrase «for evangelical missions»

It was consequential not merely because John Paul himself became the «singular embodiment of the trials, tragedies, and triumphs of the second half of the twentieth century,» but because he «reinvigorated the Church spiritually and intellectually, restoring a sense of the adventure of discipleship... and constantly reminding the entire Church that it did not exist for its own sake, but for its evangelical mission
I was invited by my Director for Evangelical Mission to attend NCD (Natural Church Development) and Coach Training in South Carolina.

Not exact matches

Evangelicals and Orthodox participants will have to wait and see whether the reassurances that their concerns were «heard» will be translated into renewed vigor for mission and evangelism and clear biblical commitments.
So the Catholic bishops were perfectly correct to suggest strongly that if you're for freedom of the institutional church to perform its evangelical mission, then Romney was far preferable to Obama.
$ 16.99 The author heads a California group called Christians United for Reformation (CURE) and his thesis, aimed especially at politicized evangelicals, is that Christians must choose between viewing America as a battlefield or a mission field.
In communion with the body of faithful Christians through the ages, we also affirm together that the entire teaching, worship, ministry, life, and mission of Christ's Church is to be held accountable to the final authority of Holy Scripture, which, for Evangelicals and Catholics alike, constitutes the word of God in written form (2 Timothy 3:15 - 17; 2 Peter 1:21).
The Lutheran groups most likely to identify as evangelical are small and functionally free - church (the Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ).
The Lausanne Covenant provided what is probably the best and most widely accepted statement of the evangelical concept of the theological basis for mission.
Both mainliners and evangelicals, then, are fully aware of the radically changed context for overseas mission.
For evangelicals, «mission of the church» has not replaced «missions,» but has only placed missions in a broader context.
For evangelicals in Germany, these new neighbors also offer a major mission opportunity.
A few weeks ago, almost 16,000 college students gathered for Urbana, an evangelical conference promoting cross-cultural missions.
The Evangelical Alliance director for mission England, Gavin Calver, and his wife, Anne, a trainee Baptist minister, are the theme leaders for this year's... More
Even if we can not pray for some of these goals with much affirmation — even if we find ourselves praying for the salvation of liberals before Christ returns, or the redirection of evangelical social concern to its proper sphere of evangelism and world mission, or the disappearance of the electronic church — God will answer our prayers, with corrections if necessary, and will either change our minds or the minds of those for whom we are praying.
The evidence for this phenomenon is incontestable: the influx of non «SBC evangelical scholars into Baptist seminaries; the changing of the name of the Baptist Sunday School Board to the more generic LifeWay Christian Resources; the presence and high profile of non «Baptist leaders on SBC platforms, e.g., the closing message at the 1998 SBC delivered by Dr. James Dobson, a Nazarene; the aggressive participation of the SBC's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission as an advocate for the conservative side of the culture wars conflict; new patterns of cooperation between SBC mission boards and evangelical ministries such as Promise Keepers, Campus Crusade for Christ, the National Association of Evangelicals, Prison Fellowship, and World Vision.
But our work together thus far has already established several points that may have an important bearing on the future of theological education in America: (1) the party - strife between «evangelicals» and «charismatics» and «ecumenicals» is not divinely preordained and need not last forever; (2) the Wesleyan tradition has a place of its own in the theological forum along with all the others; (3) «pluralism» need not signify «indifferentism»; (4) «evangelism» and «social gospel» are aspects of the same evangel; (5) in terms of any sort of cost - benefit analysis, a partnership like AFTE represents a high - yield investment in Christian mission; and (6) the Holy Spirit has still more surprises in store for the openhearted.
As Colson and Neuhaus remarked in their 1995 volume, Evangelicals and Catholics Together: Toward a Common Mission, ECT was intended as «an invitation to reexamine stereotypes, prejudices and conventional ideas that have been entrenched, in some cases, for almost five hundred years.»
For an evangelical missionary in the 1930s, the embrace of Bible translation was fitting, but science and social concern were hardly the stuff of evangelical missions.
The Evangelical Lutheran Diocese of Finland, the Evangelical Lutheran Diocese in Norway, and the Mission Province in Sweden, for example, all began discussions in 2016 about joining the ILC.
Christianity Today circled India from north to south and back again for two weeks in order to witness the innovative and successful mission efforts of Indian evangelicals — this, despite rising persecution from Hindu nationalists.
A «more precise» idea of God, gained through an experience of God - with - us, was not only important for the Church and its evangelical mission.
For the evangelicals, unity did not guarantee mission and was not a pre-requisite for missiFor the evangelicals, unity did not guarantee mission and was not a pre-requisite for missifor mission.
In the area of Gospel and culture, in contrast to the basic understanding of the Gospel as represented by western missions, which was to all intents and purposes a non - negotiable given, the evangelicals speak of the necessity for churches in the non-western world to find indigenous expression of Christianity in ways appropriate to people's culture and traditions.
But for the Evangelicals, unity was not a precondition for mission.
For to surrender, supinely, before the aggressors in the culture wars — including the eugenicists — is a betrayal of the Gospel and a betrayal of the Church's evangelical mission.
«This thing» to which he refers began in the 1990s when a group of young evangelical leaders initiated a conversation (they still prefer to call it a «conversation» rather than a movement») about renewing the church for mission in a postmodern world.
A consultation convened by the WCC in cooperation with the Innere Mission of East Germany's evangelical churches issued this statement: «We affirm the continuing need for institutions in which the most severely disabled experience help, protection and care, even while at the same time we call for the integration of the disabled and the able - bodied within the local congregation.»
The Evangelical Alliance director for mission England, Gavin Calver, and his wife, Anne, a trainee Baptist... More
The Evangelical Alliance director for mission England, Gavin Calver, and his wife, Anne, a trainee Baptist minister, are the theme leaders for this year's Spring Harvest.
Gavin: And then an opportunity came up with [the] Evangelical Alliance to be the head of mission for England, and I'll be honest, that might not have been quite what I was looking for.
Dennis Smith is a mission worker for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and works as general coordinator of the Latin American Evangelical Center for Pastoral Studies (CELEP).
18 The report from the «Thirty - Second Report of the Basel German Evangelical Mission in South - Western India,» is by Mr. Daimelhuber, a missionary, printed in the Report of the Basel German Evangelical Missionary Society for 1871 (Mangalore: Stolz & Reuther, Basel Mission Press, 1872), pp. 11 - 12.
Evangelical and fundamentalist mission agencies have grown in proportion, while mainline bodies have focused more on assisting indigenous ministries, supplying social services, lobbying for social justice through political channels, and even turning the cultural conduit around by sponsoring reverse missionary programs.14 Viewed from only the American context, it appears that mainstream Protestantism has suffered a serious decline in its missionary efforts.
The evangelical groups include Pentecostals, Nazarenes, the Bible Temple, the Triumphant Church of Jesus Christ, Defenders of the Faith, Christian and Missionary Alliance, Free Methodists, Youth for Christ and Youth with a Mission.
It seems to me that the evangelical church particularly has traded the individual and corporate growth of the kingdom of God from within for a shallow conversion of worldview in people from without as the main mission of the church
Engineers at the start - up evangelical missions agency, headquartered in the flat, rural expanses of northern Florida, roll their exotic vehicle from its hangar for critical tests.
And since evangelicals especially seen to be interested in enhancing church and mission by almost any honorable and available means, count on evangelicals to pounce on every secular finding and notion that shows potential for Christian baptism and service whether in church, school or mission.
«In general, that is a myth,» said adoptive parent and foster carer Krish Kandiah, executive director: churches in mission at the Evangelical Alliance and one of the leaders of the Home for Good campaign.
It represents a challenge to evangelicals to examine global mission issues that surface in the text — and, perhaps just as important or more so, issues that lie just beneath the surface — if they want to be a force for Christian mission in the future.
I think when the current cultural crises have had some time to die down, the Nones will be a fruitful mission field for evangelicals.
Evangelicals should have never gotten in bed with politicians but instead they should have acted as strong advocates for policies that serve the greater Christian mission.
The year 1804 was marked by the beginning of the British and Foreign Bible Society, and in 1810 Evangelicals created the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions.
These were largely voluntary movements made up of individual participants rather than churches, movements such as the Evangelical Alliance, the Student Volunteer Movement for missions, and the World Student Christian Federation.
I spent years of my evangelical church life avoiding mission trips — quite a notable feat for a woman married to a former missionary to Mexico and a youth pastor.
The AoG is a Pentecostal and evangelical denomination holding, among other things, the Divine inspiration of the Bible, the Trinity, the Deity of Christ, salvation through faith in Jesus Christ alone, the Baptism of the Holy Spirit as the believer's empowerment for witness and service, speaking in tongues as the evidence of that baptism, sanctification through the work of the Spirit, a church on mission, Divine healing for the sick available to believers, the return of Christ and a final judgment.
He has worked as a church planter, pastor, and Bible school teacher, and now serves as Director of Immigrant Mission for the Evangelical Free Church of America.
I am an evangelical Christian who loves the Lord and is looking for someone who has a heart for Christ and missions.
Believe Me tells the story of a group of friends who decide to form a fake evangelical team in order to embezzle money meant for overseas charities and missions.
Inserting themselves into the story as unkind spoiler - avatars in the piece (a gay, white couple acts as Quinceañera's bogeymen)-- the set for their tasteful duplex serves as Glatzer / Westmoreland's real - life digs — is as thorny a po - mo entanglement as these two otherwise successful guys interpolating themselves in their neighbour's lives, homes, and rituals with movie cameras and an evangelical mission.
Our mission is to educate and edify the Christian and to evangelize the non-Christian by ethically publishing conservative, evangelical Christian literature and other media for all ages around the world; and to help provide resources for Moody Bible Institute in its training of future Christian leaders.
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