Sentences with phrase «for full planet»

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'' There's no jurisdiction on the planet that has a better case for a full exemption than Canada,» said Joseph Galimberti, president of the Canadian Steel Producers Association.
Second: The Creation tale is simply a way for early humans to explain mans creation and «fall» from God's predetermined path... The old testament is full of stuff more related to philosophy and health advice then «Gods word» However, this revelation has not made me less of a christian... In Contrast to those stuck in «the old ways» regarding faith (not believing in neanderthals and championing the claim that earth is only 6000 years old), I believe God created the universe on the very principle of physics and evolution (and other sciencey stuff)... Thus the first clash of atoms was the first step in the billionyear long recipe in creating the universe, the galaxies, the stars, the planets, life itself and us.
Nothing we do is crazier than talking donkeys, boats full of animals surviving floods covering the entire planet, people living for 900 + years, etc etc etc that you believe and read in your bible (assuming your not agnostic).
Fairfield Osborn in Our Plundered Planet gives a less optimistic analysis, but makes the same argument that intelligent planning is imperative for the full use of the resources we have.12 Advances in medical science are so dramatic we need only to mention them.
Not at all, but here I am looking for a job to pay off the financial debt I made thinking I am sort of called, to eventually f (o) und family, and going starting tomorrow on a full - time two week course on how to write job applications, so me explaining the sinfullness of suicide, and regarding many persons on this planet me motivating them to endure whatever crappy situation (often for profit and / or gain of someone else) even tho they would be better off leaving such situation / s if possible (kind of Moses), seems rather pointless.
The consequence of these reflections is the full recognition that to have been created in God's image means, for human beings, that we are created in the image of God as Love.134 That has all - encompassing implications for the way in which we are invited to exercise power in our relationships with one another and with all of creation on our home planet.
Standing beside each other, these bottles would stretch for over six miles — each full to the brim with sand, each grain a solar system (probably) on average as big and complex as ours, resplendent with planets, moons, asteroids and, in some cases, perhaps life.
Burning Man is full of such dechurched folk, feeling like they have now found an exciting and compelling spiritual vision for the future of planet earth.
In the same way that a «Copper Moon» is a perfect alignment of our planet with the Sun and Full Moon, we make every effort to align with people we can trust to provide us with the kind of coffee beans that will produce the perfect roast for your perfect cup of coffee.
I could go on for days about how awesome this little nut is — full of plant - based protein, completely satisfying, good at stabilizing blood sugar throughout the day, uber sustainable and requiring very little water for growth, super affordable, genuinely liked by almost every kid on the planet, providing a slew of health benefits, etc... but I do understand that some schools don't allow peanuts because of allergies.
Maybe you're ready to commit to going full - time plant - based or you're just looking to cut back on dairy and meat — either way relying less on animal products is great for your body and the planet.
All of the ingredients are listed on the label, sourced sustainably (God knows we need that for our planet), are cruelty free, and have full traceability from earth to store.
BIG ON TRANSFERS??? Can I leave this planet and go and live on another planet for one full season.
Can I leave this planet and go and live on another planet for one full season.
Were YOU.I believe on your PLANET NUTCASE you still believe we have Herbert Chapman as the Manager.No mate this is wrong.Hes been dead for a while now and at the moment we have an aging Frenchman who is paid more per season than most people will earn in several lifetimes.He is taking this Club backwards.We are falling behind Clubs who we used to dominate as rivals.He has the majority of the fan base against him and his tired and outdated methods.We now ger beaten away from home by all the clubs facing relegation.We are no longer in the Champions League.We have a 60,000 seater stadium that is now embarrassingly full of empty seats.This is all down to Wenger.
In this new original production, we'll explore what makes a planet «Earth - like» and take an immersive, full - dome tour of several worlds that just might fit the conditions we're looking for.
A full - sized bag, like the Planet Wise Hanging Wet / Dry Bag will hold more diapers, but is unnecessary for those quick day - time outings where a small stash is all you need to carry.
If she comes to you at 8 p.m. to tell you her science fair project is due tomorrow, you will kiss her goodnight and tuck her in so you can start painting styrofoam balls to create an entire galaxy full of colorful planets for her to turn in at school by 8 a.m.
A full - sized bag, like the Planet Wise Hanging Wet / Dry Bag will hold more diapers, but is unnecessary for those quick outings where a small stash is all you need to carry.
To measure the albedo of WASP - 12b the scientists observed the exoplanet in October 2016 during an eclipse, when the planet was near full phase and passed behind its host star for a time.
Regardless, if TESS can indeed locate hundreds of nearby planets, astronomers will have their hands full for the foreseeable future — finding out what those planets are like and what kinds of habitats they might support and, just maybe, flinging some future probe toward one enticing - looking world.
Researchers need to track a suspected planet for at least one full orbit, or about a decade, for objects at Jupiter's distance from the sun.
Brian Marsden of the Harvard - Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics speculates that there could be full - fledged Earth - size planets in this zone, circling unseen in the dark.
Their mass is too small for full nuclear fusion of hydrogen to helium (with a consequent release of energy) to take place, but they are usually significantly more massive than planets.
Mars therefore must be an embryo that for some reason stopped merging with other embryos and failed to become a full - size rocky planet.
In practice, this means observing a planet for at least one full orbit around the Sun.
He found that the apparent deviations reported for that planet arise simply because it has not yet completed a full orbit since its discovery in 1846.
Another possibility is that objects in the Kuiper belt formed in place and were on their way to becoming full - size planets but stopped growing for some unknown reason.
Planets shrouded in clouds full of icy particles, like Venus and Jupiter, for instance, are very reflective.
But even though, as Marcy put it, the universe is chock - full of planets and «bulging at the seams» with ingredients for cellular biology, the chances of finding E.T. might be very low.
After investigating the upper atmosphere of the Red Planet for a full Martian year, NASA's MAVEN mission has determined that the escaping water does not always go gently into space.
Well, my work at the [Bill & Melinda Gates] Foundation that will become my full - time focus is based on optimism that, whether it's software or biology, the advances can be shaped in a way to help the poorest two billion people on the planet — whether that's a breakthrough for malaria, a breakthrough for a high - quality health care system, a breakthrough for the educational opportunities that those poor people are not able to get today.
A fresh attempt to revive full planet status for Pluto is a non-starter.
We believe that unleashing the full potential of scientists worldwide is our best hope for fighting global diseases, feeding our growing population, and protecting our planet.
Every time NASA lands a robot on the Red Planet, its operations team must adapt to that long Martian day for the first period of roving, to take full advantage of the hours between the data transmission at the end of the rover's day and the upload of new commands the following Mars morning.
Click for a full size imageBrown dwarfs are intermediate between planets and fully - fledged stars.
Viewed from a planet at Earth's orbital distance around Alpha Centauri A, stellar companion B would provide more light than the full Moon does on Earth as its brightest night sky object, but the additional light at a distance greater than Saturn's orbital distance in the Solar System would not be significant for the growth of Earth - type life.
We identified 156 planet candidates, including one object that was not pre... ▽ More We present an improved estimate of the occurrence rate of small planets orbiting small stars by searching the full four - year Kepler data set for transiting planets using our own planet detection pipeline and conducting transit injection and recovery simulations to empirically measure the search completeness of our pipeline.
Abstract: We present an improved estimate of the occurrence rate of small planets orbiting small stars by searching the full four - year Kepler data set for transiting planets using our own planet detection pipeline and conducting transit injection and recovery simulations to empirically measure the search completeness of our pipeline.
As the sample of dense planets with well - constrained masses and radii continues to grow, we will be able to test whether the fixed compositional model found for the seven dense planets considered in this paper extends to the full population of 1 - 6 Earth mass planets.
For example, while still in its scientific checkout phase, scientists using ALMA have found evidence for Earth - mass planets around nearby stars; as it nears its full complement of 66 antennas, ALMA will deduce the presence of many more exoplanets and study the chemical composition of the planetary nurseriFor example, while still in its scientific checkout phase, scientists using ALMA have found evidence for Earth - mass planets around nearby stars; as it nears its full complement of 66 antennas, ALMA will deduce the presence of many more exoplanets and study the chemical composition of the planetary nurserifor Earth - mass planets around nearby stars; as it nears its full complement of 66 antennas, ALMA will deduce the presence of many more exoplanets and study the chemical composition of the planetary nurseries.
Scientists have applied the full battery of modern instrumentation to studying Earth in ways that have not yet been possible for the other planets; thus, much more is known about its structure and composition.
After investigating the upper atmosphere of the Red Planet for a full Martian year, MAVEN has determined that escaping water does not always go gently into space.
The European Space Agency has announced four candidate landing sites for the ExoMars rover, as a deadline looms to secure full funding for the mission in time for a scheduled launch to the red planet in 2018.
For a full list of authors and funding information, please see the research paper, «197 Candidates and 104 Validated Planets in K2's First Five Fields,» available for download at a full list of authors and funding information, please see the research paper, «197 Candidates and 104 Validated Planets in K2's First Five Fields,» available for download at download at
What might happen, for instance, if an Earth - like planet rotated on its spin axis very slowly (a full rotation in 128 days rather than 24 hours?)
For better or for worse, Pluto has been downgraded from a full - sized planet to a dwarf planet and there is no going baFor better or for worse, Pluto has been downgraded from a full - sized planet to a dwarf planet and there is no going bafor worse, Pluto has been downgraded from a full - sized planet to a dwarf planet and there is no going back.
The full sample of 177 FGK stars with d < 20 pc proposed for the DUNES su... ▽ More Debris discs are a consequence of the planet formation process and constitute the fingerprints of planetesimal systems.
By surveying the whole sky, we will find systems that orbit stars 10 times closer and 100 times brighter than those found by Kepler — opening up new possibilities for measuring planet masses and densities, studying their atmospheres, characterizing their host stars, and establishing the full nature of the systems in which the planets reside.
For us it's full body once a week for 10 minutes using the most advanced exercise equipment on the planFor us it's full body once a week for 10 minutes using the most advanced exercise equipment on the planfor 10 minutes using the most advanced exercise equipment on the planet.
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