Sentences with phrase «for jesus»

In recent years, evangelical thinkers from Alan Hirsch and Michael Frost to Francis Chan and David Platt have begun to focus on another name for Jesus.
This is just another way of saying that God loves every man at every moment in every specific situation as he loved his Son Jesus Christ: not more (for Jesus Christ was delivered up to temptation, to testing, to fatigue, to hunger, to suffering and to death), but not less.
I hope you had the same outrage and post when your Cowboys spent over a billion on their new stadium and none of it goes toward saving souls for Jesus Christ.
For Jesus died on the cross for our sins to forgive us and to give us freedom from the old times (the old testament).
New Zealand Christians plan to rally their parliament to call for Jesus» name to be reinstated in the parliamentary opening prayer, after it was omitted last month.
Some have even gone to sit on top of hills or mountains on the «appointed date», waiting for Jesus.
Yet, even academics make a special case for Jesus because of tradition and mass belief.
You think the Romans invented cruel treatment and crucifixion just for Jesus?
As for Jesus, there is no historical proof that he even existed.
In order for Jesus to be considered a Rabbi he had to be married, scondly we know that hwe followed each of God's commandments and was without sin, in order to do so he had to be married to fulfill God's commandment to multiply and replenish the earth.
This Hebrew term means «Anointed» and the Greek version Christos (Christ) quickly became a title for Jesus.
Do you have regard for Jesus» opinion on the matter or do you regard his opinion as the spittle on Stephen Hawkings shirt.
They also slightly changed the words of the song for Jesus.
For Jesus said «I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hell will not overpower it.
Most people like Jesus, or at least have some respect for Jesus, but I recently met a man who said that he has never met anybody whose life was better for following Jesus.
There is also nothing new here; the church and many other scholars have been well aware of the impossibility of fixing a date for Jesus» birth for millennia, due to a near complete lack of detail in that regard in the bible.
The Church is where the gospel for the forgiveness of sins, for Jesus» sake, is proclaimed.
What I do want for them is a place / church to experience other Christians as the world is filled with other views and beliefs... it is nice to be around others who share a love for Jesus and want to serve him and are willing to walk the walk and take on battle scars to serve him in whatever way that shapes up for that individual.
In contrast, John presents a majestic beginning for Jesus, but he only keeps it up for a few verses.
As for Jesus» paternity, what better statement could God make concerning his view of adoption?
Lisping for Jesus again?
It is little wonder that in Galatians, Paul emphasizes that Jesus was born under the law, for Jesus» vulnerability to the law is the sign of the power of the One who was to fulfill the whole purpose of the law.
For centuries, Christians had for the most part maintained that the historic mission of the Jewish people was to prepare the way for Jesus.
She tweeted seconds after her aforementioned statement, «I've never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus.
They come for her in the darkness of night with weapons drawn like the mob who came for Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew.
He writes of his love for Jesus, about knowing him and living to become like him.
For this action means that he is motivated strongly enough to defy the opinion of his cronies who look with scorn on those who «take a dive for Jesus,» and that he has relaxed his own defenses for the moment and is asking for help.
[21] It has done so not just because de facto not many people would bewilling to give their lives for the principle of contradiction while countless believers have sacrificed their lives for Jesus Christ.
[21] It has done so not just because de facto not many people would be willing to give their lives for the principle of contradiction while countless believers havesacrificed their lives for Jesus Christ.
P.P.S. Taylor also designed two prints for my Jesus Feminist collection with Imagine Goods.
He stands for Jesus Christ.
He is also known for his work with Gerald Coates and Graham Kendrick in birthing the March for Jesus movement.
Indeed, nobody wants to be your pet - project for Jesus.
Yes, the Crystal Cathedral is another one of these opulent church buildings that we construct for Jesus....
For Jesus «acts and lives within the word of God, not according to projects and wishes of His own» (p. 5).
For Jesus, these words are neither a salutation nor an attempt at ironic humor.
You are just another liar for Jesus.
Such a question was actually unnecessary for Jesus» hearers or the disciples.
When he'd finally let in too many outsiders, eaten with too many sinners and blurred the boundaries once too often, the crowds that had once shouted «Hosanna» eventually called out for Jesus» blood.
The Prophet Muhammad (570 - 632) had a deep respect for Jesus, who is mentioned several times in the Qur» an.
If someone would have walked into the water, calling out for Jesus, I would have baptised her, myself, right then and there.
For Jesus it was enough to know that to be righteous is to be perfect even as our Heavenly Father is perfect.
On Sunday, may we look for Jesus in the sick and the poor, the imprisoned and the lonely, the hungry and the rejected.
If we are serious about transforming culture for Jesus Christ, beauty has a role to play.
Let me say again — at the risk of repeating myself — there is more «evidence» for King Arthur than there is for Jesus, and nobody thinks Arthur was real.
For Jesus, human frailty and weakness must be excised, not adjusted to.
There's no room for Jesus between them and no room for friends or family either.
In spite of His efforts to walk erect, the weight of the heavy wooden beam, together with the shock produced by blood loss, is too much for Jesus.
With a firm and simple belief in God which could be understood by the humblest and least educated, with a fiery confidence in Mohammed as the supreme prophet of God, with reverence for Jesus but declaring that Christians had misrepresented him, that he was not the unique Son of God, and that to Mohammed had been given a later revelation, with the type of fatalism and belief in heaven which reinforced ardor in battle, Islam proved the faith of warriors.
By way of contrast, the worth of a man for Jesus is not determined by his human quality or the character of his spiritual life, but simply by the decision the man makes in the here - and - now of his present life.
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