Sentences with phrase «for killstreaks»

Those who choose the Specialist package forsake getting killstreaks for instead earning perks as they score kills, eventually being granted every perk in the game at once should they kill enough players without dying.The entire setup for killstreaks may seem a little obtuse, but the breakdown of these individual bonuses is extremely well balanced.
There are some familiar weapons and some new weapons; the same goes for killstreaks and perks.
As for Killstreaks Sledgehammer have opted to return to the idea of Scorestreaks instead so that completing objectives and getting assists all count toward them, while also introducing customisation options.
You can also get XP bonuses for killstreaks, so if you score five kills without taking a single hit, you'll get a bonus 500 points.
All of the game modes are notably about more than just shooting the opponent, and a well organised team will always win out against lone wolves hunting for killstreaks.

Not exact matches

Normal Killstreaks as we know them, for example harrier jets or chopper gunners, didn't in fact exist in this version of Black Ops 4.
Killstreaks, benefits and abilities awarded for stringing together multiple kills, have been transformed into Pointstreaks, creating a system that rewards players both for landing kills and completing objectives.
It makes the game fun and worth playing when your team actually strives to defend or steal the objective rather than rack up their own personal killstreak for fun.
In the same way that weapon and skill levelling has been subtly adjusted, killstreaks, the popular mechanic of the series, has also been tweaked for the better.
Speaking of killstreaks, more than 20 new rewards for uninterrupted murder feature in Ghosts, including one that brings Riley into the fray as a guard dog, and one that transforms the user into a Juggernaut Maniac — a heavily armoured brute wielding a machete.
Rampages act essentially like killstreaks, allowing you go berserk and do heavy damage for a short period of time.
Maybe we can look back to Call of Duty: World at War for an example of what to expect with killstreaks and the like.
I think one of the things many things people misunderstood about Call of Duty Declassified is the fact that the game was built with a primary focus on the multiplayer aspect of the game, it has everything COD multiplayer on consoles has to offer, everything from customizable weapons and classes as well as perks and killstreak rewards to clantags, full prestige levels and ranks, challenges, game modes maps from the original Black ops etc the list goes on, I recommend people take a look at videos on youtube of Declassifieds multiplayer before taking a reviewers word for what their personal opinion of the game is.
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