Sentences with phrase «for radiative transfer calculations»

«A Global Average Model of Atmospheric Aerosols for Radiative Transfer Calculations

Not exact matches

While many basic aspects of physics can be included (conservation of mass, energy etc.), many need to be approximated for reasons of efficiency or resolutions (i.e. the equations of motion need estimates of sub-gridscale turbulent effects, radiative transfer codes approximate the line - by - line calculations using band averaging), and still others are only known empirically (the formula for how fast clouds turn to rain for instance).
The basic principle for the development of ARTS is to provide a code that can be applied for many different applications concerning radiative transfer calculations in the microwave region.
Line - by - line type radiative transfer calculations used to find a forcing for a certain fractional change in CO2 (e.g., the Myhre et al 1998 paper) can not be applied to conditions like Venus or ancient Earth.
So the 3.7 W m - 2 calculation for global radiative forcing could be refined perhaps by an improved experimental design (not necessarily by improved radiative transfer models) running RT models at each grid cell over the globe, over the diurnal cycle and the annual cycle for say 30 years, for the two different CO2 concentrations, such a detailed calculation would refine the 3.7 value.
The direct radiative forcing calculation is based on an empiric al equation derived from well - established atmospheric radiative energy transfer models and serves as a first - order proxy for global warming impact.»
When you get to models, the radiative transfer calculations are highly parameterized and those parameterizations have been known to have been wrong in the past for some models.
Column radiative forcing calculations by fifteen radiative transfer codes of varying complexity (Boucher et al., 1998) show that, for well constrained input data, differences in the computed radiative forcing when clouds are excluded are relatively modest at approximately 20 % (see Figure 6.3).
(Plass, who worked for Lockheed on the practical problem of using infrared radiation to guide missiles, «moonlighted» on studies of the radiative effects of atmospheric CO2, and was the first to use computers to perform the lengthy calculations necessary to achieve a really accurate quantitative picture of radiative transfers throughout the atmosphere.)
1950s: Research on military applications of radar and infrared radiation promotes advances in radiative transfer theory and measurements = > Radiation math — Studies conducted largely for military applications give accurate values of infrared absorption by gases = > CO2 greenhouse — Nuclear physicists and chemists develop Carbon - 14 analysis, useful for dating ancient climate changes = > Carbon dates, for detecting carbon from fossil fuels in the atmosphere, and for measuring the rate of ocean turnover = > CO2 greenhouse — Development of digital computers affects many fields including the calculation of radiation transfer in the atmosphere = > Radiation math, and makes it possible to model weather processes = > Models (GCMs)-- Geological studies of polar wandering help provoke Ewing - Donn model of ice ages = > Simple models — Improvements in infrared instrumentation (mainly for industrial processes) allow very precise measurements of atmospheric CO2 = > CO2 greenhouse.
Can we believe calculations from line - by - line radiative transfer codes for an atmosphere with doubled CO2?
The question of whether the IPCC's values of 3.7 W / m2 and 1.2 C are correct in the sense they're useful for further calculations goes beyond whether HITRAN gets the values right in the very narrow view of radiative transfer, it describes today.
This is handled differently by different modelling groups: some specify aerosol properties for purposes only of the radiative transfer calculations.
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