Sentences with phrase «for uddiyana»

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I am sure you've seen videos of yogis on Instagram doing uddiyana bandha (pulling our abdomen into our rib cage by taking a false inhale), which cleanses our organs, stimulates the brain, and warms up the core for inversions and longer holds.
Jalandhara Bandha is one of three important «bonds» for pranayama breath retention, the other two being Mula and Uddiyana.
Given all the focus on the gut and its connection to the chakra in charge of digestion, it's no surprise that Uddiyana bandha is an effective remedy for constipation, indigestion or bloating.
For those looking to stoke a greater flame of empowerment; uddiyana kriya, stretch pose, breath of fire and boat pose (any and all variations) are all wonderful practices that can be added to any asana practice you already have.
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