Sentences with phrase «for a checkup»

Don't forget to bring your cats in for checkups at Pet Vet Hospital.
It's important to continue to make annual visits to the vet for checkups on the overall health of your pet.
When finances are tight, going to the veterinarian for a checkup with a seemingly healthy pet is an understandably tough sell.
Lindsay says Dr. Marshall usually comes out once a year for a checkup on all her animals, she takes her time letting everyone get settled and used to her before she treats them.
Share I needed to take my little one in for a checkup at the doctor and decided to allow her older sibling to have a «playdate», sans mommy, with my neighbor's kid.
Fewer of them will visit doctors for checkups or to find out what that funny - looking lump is.
When we took my son in for a checkup on his third day of life, he'd lost 10 % of his birth weight and was at risk of dehydration.
The best way to monitor your Boxer's heart is by taking your dog in for a checkup with your veterinarian at least once a year.
We're talking about being proactive and taking them to the vet regularly for checkups.
But it's about time for a checkup on the education process.The good news is we have schools all around the state that are making strides to improve education and make learning meaningful.
This comment was from a casual conversation I had with my son's doctor this past week, as we waited in his office for checkup tests results.
this was on a Friday (just before xmas) and Rosie basically spent her whole xmas weekend with us, taking us to the hospital for a checkup because we had no car and bringing us food when we needed the boost the most.
The city has even tried to attack the deeper issue of how children are reared at home, by offering some families monetary incentives to go to the dentist for checkups, for example, or to maintain good school attendance.
* Take your pet for a checkup twice a year and have bloodwork performed at least once a year.
We will no longer be scheduling appointments for checkups or preventive care.
Bring your Westie to the veterinarian for a checkup if it has been scratching continuously.
If you're due for a checkup and cleaning, make an appointment to see your dentist now.
She was in my office at UCLA Medical Center for a checkup because she was training for a competition in Borneo, a rugged rainforest island in Southeast Asia.
Toms River pet owners can bring their furry friends for a checkup Saturday at the townships's rabies clinic.
However, it's important to remember that these fees may not cover everything, and you may need to take your pet in for a checkup immediately.
Your provider may recommend that you come back for a checkup following your next period, a few weeks to a month after the IUD is put in.
The first thing to do is find a child friendly dentist and bring your baby for a checkup around his first birthday.
How often do I need to bring my child for checkups and what should I expect to happen at these appointments?
Now is a good time to get your toddler used to visiting the dentist every 6 months for a checkup.
They've returned for a checkup and feel well, but a CT scan shows that the cancer has returned in the area previously treated.
When she returned home to Indiana, Penn., her sister suggested she see her primary care physician for a checkup.
So I went to the oral surgeon for a checkup appointment and they told me what they would be doing and gave me a list of rules for the night before and day of the operation.
however, every time when I goes to the hospital for checkup there's no improvement the results of my laboratory examinatio.
Please do... not hesitate to stop by with your new ML350 for a checkup!
Even if your pet isn't in ill health, you should still be bringing it to the veterinarian annually for a checkup, a dental exam and a good cleaning, and any vaccines or medicines that should be administered annually.
Since they are indoor - only cats (except for visits to the cat clinic for checkups, etc.), should I have them vaccinated?
I just took Yoda to the vet today for a checkup.
If you have a dog that is eating poop - start feeding him a nutrient packed / balanced diet, give him plenty of exercise / playtime / interaction, keep his living areas / crates / kennels / yard as clean as possible, avoid locking him up and leaving him alone for a long period of time, and take him to the vet on a regular basis for checkups so that you can catch any underlying medical issues early before they get out of control.
Veterinarian visits aren't cheap, but spending the money for a checkup annually can catch problems early, when they are easier to treat, thus saving you money in the long run.
If your dog is not eating, this could indicate a need for a checkup with your veterinarian.
I pay the fee for the checkup with the Gottman Institute.
However, a yearly visit to the vet for a checkup of dental health is recommended.
Take your pooch for a checkup twice a year.
Your Gender — The statistics show women live longer than men do and they also go to the doctor more often for checkups which could lead to diagnosing a medical condition before it has time to advance.
2) Bring your pet in for a checkup more frequently.
As the name implies, baby will need to see their pediatrician for a checkup around 1 months old mark.
Months later, while I was sick, my husband took Nathan for a checkup.
You should visit your doctor periodically throughout your pregnancy for checkups and to make sure the fetus is developing normally.
Ten to 20 percent of women will have a repeated ectopic pregnancy; your doctor may want you to come in early for a checkup in your next pregnancy to be sure that the sac is in your uterus.

Phrases with «for a checkup»

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