Sentences with phrase «for alien signals»

Today, the observatory remains the primary source feeding data to the groundbreaking SETI@home citizen science project, which uses idle computer time to scour the data for alien signals.
So far, most of the hunt for alien signals has used radio waves, based on the theory that radio is a relatively easy and cheap way to send signals a long way through space.
The $ 100 million initiative uses three of the world's most sensitive telescopes to look for alien signals from the 1 million closest stars to Earth and the 100 closest galaxies.
If Moore's law — that the cost of computation halves every 18 months — holds for another 15 years or so, SETI workers plan to use this antenna array approach to check out not a few thousand but perhaps a few million or even tens of millions of stars for alien signals.
8 Download software from the SETI@home project to sift for alien signals on your home PC.

Not exact matches

With scans for alien radio signals drawing a blank, three teams are now searching for signs of extraterrestrial engineering, as Stephen Battersby reports
The SETI Institute has now trained a telescope array on the mysterious star for 2 weeks in search of alien radio signals.
We need to widen the way we listen for broadcasts from alien civilisations — looking for short pulses packed with information as well as simpler radio signals
Once focused mainly on detecting radio signals from extraterrestrial civilizations, the institute now employs scientists studying many factors important for the existence of alien life — from Kepler team members who are detecting and characterizing exoplanetary systems, to astrobiologists searching for life in the most extreme environments on Earth and in the solar system's exotic nooks and crannies.
Or if, after traveling for thousands of years, radio signals carrying the imprint of an alien technological civilization fell on dormant Earthly ears.
In 1983, astronomers discovered dust orbiting the star, suggesting it had a solar system, and Carl Sagan (pictured) chose to make Vega the source of a SETI signal in his 1985 novel Contact, though the responsible aliens weren't native to the star: At the time, Vega was thought to be only about a couple hundred million years old, probably too young for any planets to have spawned life.
Signal received To be fair, Snowden was speaking off - the - cuff about encryption in general; it's not likely he expected to be chatting about aliens or has done an in - depth study of how the search for extraterrestrial intelligence has evolved.
Up until now, the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, or SETI, has primarily involved listening for radio signals deliberately or inadvertently sent by alien cultures into space.
Most methods for calculating the likelihood of detecting alien signals start with an expected number of sources.
But some researchers take umbrage: Grimaldi's method still requires you to plug in numbers for how far alien signals could be detectable and how long they last — neither of which is known.
This month I seriously propose that we begin the process of repositioning the sun and other nearby stars in order to send signals to aliens, and that we begin the search for signs that aliens might have done the same for our benefit.
Perhaps the best known example is SETI@home, in which volunteers» PCs comb tiny chunks of data for radio signals from alien life.
FOR the first time we have tried to directly signal our existence to an Earth - like exoplanet that might just be populated with aliens.
Researchers with the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) looked for radio signals coming from the star's galaxy (which could be a sign of alien life) but failed to find any.
Astronomers jumped on the chance to check Oumuamua for radio signals that would indicate it was communicating with aliens, but the search has so far found only quiet.
The search for galactic emissions of radiation which could signal the presence of advanced alien civilizations has failed to find any, researchers say.
An international team of scientists from the SETI Institute, the private organization that is searching for signs of extraterrestrial life, revealed that it received mysterious signal spikes last year that could have possibly come from an alien civilization.
The mystery object discovered earlier this year traveling through our solar system is showing no signs of any alien life, despite plenty of efforts to look and listen for a signal.
The possibility, however remote it might have seemed, didn't escape the attention of the SETI Institute which swiftly focused the Allen Telescope Array on KIC 8462852, in the search for any radio signals of artificial origin that could have potentially been emitted by an advanced alien civilisation native to the neighboring star system, with initial results finding no such detection to date.
They're looking in specific areas of the radio spectrum for hints of stray alien signals, kind of like what's seen in Contact.
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