Sentences with phrase «for antibiotics»

But bacteria can pass on the genes for antibiotic resistance, so any source of resistance is concerning.
It may very well save you a trip to the doctor and a prescription for antibiotics.
Check with your family physician about the need for antibiotic treatment.
Next, the researchers hope to identify and understand those molecular mechanisms, which could provide new targets for antibiotics in the future.
We are interested in topics ranging from how membranes contributed to the origin of cellular life, to identifying membrane - based targets for antibiotic resistance.
If that happens, go to your vet for antibiotics.
Due to an infection that he was born with, he was rushed off for an antibiotic treatment right after delivery and she didn't get to spend any time with him.
Published in 2005, the previous guidelines recommended different lengths of treatment time for antibiotic therapy based on the bacterium causing the infection.
Ideally, you want to avoid conventional meat or at least look for antibiotic and hormone free meats.
If the crack hurts and is not healing within reasonable time, you should contact your doctor and ask for some antibiotic cream.
The widespread use of antibiotics among humans and in agriculture selects for antibiotic resistance strains.
The mouse was grown from embryonic stem cells that contained foreign DNA coding for antibiotic resistance.
In the current study, for instance, the researchers calculated the average cost for antibiotics per beneficiary at $ 23 per year.
While there undoubtedly is a time and place for antibiotic prescriptions to be effective, we are hearing more and more about the potential for devastating consequences from the inappropriate use of antibiotics.
If these signs are present, your pet should be seen by a veterinarian for antibiotics and additional therapy.
The director would not take this kitten without some financial assistance from this man to pay for the antibiotics this animal obviously need.
Whilst this is not considered best practice for antibiotic usage, and resistance is likely to develop, in reality it works.
I need a prescription filled for antibiotics and WILL NEVER deal with them again.
Other times it is appropriate or even critical for antibiotics to be used.
However, not every mother is able to provide this essential source for her baby, and for some the antibiotic components of breastmilk are crucial for their fragile systems.
Finding the hard statistics for antibiotics is relatively easy, but sometimes data are literally withheld.
The researchers discovered that the ancient human oral microbiome already contained the basic genetic machinery for antibiotic resistance more than eight centuries before the invention of the first therapeutic antibiotics in the 1940s.
Their guts had basically become a breeding ground for antibiotic - resistant microorganisms.
Don't run to the doctor right away for antibiotics to clear up that ear infection!
As you use more and more antibiotics, there tends to be a natural selection for antibiotic resistance organisms to survive and reproduce.
Emergency department visits for antibiotic - associated adverse events.
The presence of probiotics could help maintain the balance and could even function as support for your antibiotics.
Regarding substitutions for antibiotics, we are not qualified to recommend that course of action to you.
It would be a little odd for antibiotic therapy to make a difference if cancer is the cause of the symptoms but sometimes antibiotics help for reasons other than their antibiotic actions.
But it does make it go away without the need for antibiotics.
But don't run out to your doctor for an antibiotic!
If it persists after three weeks, visit your vet for some antibiotics and to confirm the diagnosis of kennel cough.
When eating meat, look for antibiotic - free labels on meat and eggs.
During a follow - up visit for an ear infection, she asked for antibiotics.
There's certainly a time and a place for antibiotics.
The answer is that it forms the platform for illuminating the interaction between the use of animal manure and the appearance of genes for antibiotic resistance in soil.
They sooth an earache almost instantly and heal the ear eliminating the need for antibiotics for an infection.
The largest metagenomic search for antibiotic resistance genes in the DNA sequences of microbial communities from around the globe has found that bacteria carrying those vexing genes turn up everywhere in nature that scientists look for them.
In small animals, tylosin is not used for its antibiotic properties nearly as much as it is for its an anti-inflammatory properties in the intestine.
Overall, despite the order of the questions, physicians who read the vignette where the mother had higher expectations for antibiotics prescribed them even though they were no more likely than physicians in the low expectations group to think the infection was bacterial.
EpxDecolonization is a proactive method for reminding patients to fill their prescription for an antibiotic ointment and body wash and use them as directed.
«Oxygen can wake up dormant bacteria for antibiotic attacks.»
Recognizing the increased need for antibiotic stewardship, the researchers consider HAAT to be a useful alternative to systemic antibiotic therapy that is effective and well tolerated among women with inflammatory acne.
KIRBY: The demand for antibiotic alternatives is the key reason we expanded into the retail segment.
Some parents expect a prescription for an antibiotic at the first sign that their child has a runny nose or a cough.
This new approach will help to open up the discovery pipeline, allowing more potential antibiotic producing strains to be rapidly screened for antibiotics that are active against multidrug resistant bacterial pathogens.»

Phrases with «for antibiotics»

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