Sentences with phrase «for average humans»

I don't agree but I understand: If you were 80 years old already (a rough estimate for an average human life span), you would have to hear someone tell you that they had turned their back on organized religion about 6050 times per second for your entire life just to pay off the national debt.
Human diseases with the largest public burden are E / LS dependent diseases, and the team found that allelic distributions for them follow that for an average human SNP which is neutral.
«It would be 29 pounds of fat gained every year for an average human
The networks can now correctly recognize about 88 percent of the words spoken in normal, human, English - language conversations, compared with about 96 percent for an average human listener.
Then you step back and you go, «Okay, well we need predictive, preventive, participatory medicine, personalized medicine, not medicine for the average human but for this human in front of me,» and you think, «Well, how could we scale that up.
You're totally right, the old medicine was what's the best for the average human? Also, regarding how much protein, for the average human being, male or female, the minimum has been set to 20 grams per day.
so if 08 - 09 are enough for the average human, what would you recommend for athletes, which have higher levels of proteinsyntheses due to needed tissue repair?
The «social sensitivity» of Rat Terriers makes them very trainable and easier to live with for the average human but it also means that extensive socialization is critical.
Considering hands - on education, the price tag of a MFA from NYAA is hardly acceptable for the average human, but there is plenty offered in the few - hundred - buck range in the Continuing Ed department, like life painting and drawing.
More importantly, the Watch has a round watch face that's actual the correct size for the average human wrist.

Not exact matches

Recode obtained documents that show Uber's self - driving cars require the human standby driver to take control an average 10 times for every 8 miles of driving.
The average human attention span is only eight seconds long and that doesn't even account for the distracting crowd and competing booths.
There are some predictors of growth that are outside human control — Glaeser finds that a city's average temperature in January is a pretty reliable indicator of its prospects, for example.
An average of 10 million customers had enrolled and paid for Obamacare individual insurance as of Sept. 15, 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services said on Wednesday, down from 12.2 million who signed up at the beginning of the year.
With average starting salaries of $ 55,000 to $ 65,000 for software development and technical roles, these positions pay well, said Debbie Connelly, vice president for human resources at Hyland.
An August 2016 Society for Human Resource Management survey found the average cost per hire is more than $ 4,100, and it takes an average of 42 days to replace a position.
According to the Society for Human Resources Management, the average time to fill open roles (from publication...
The average in humans for genetic mutations per conception is 60.
(The average age of mortality is one of the best indices of human progress, for it measures what is not solely material.)
For given not only the sinfulness but also the limitations of human beings, there will always be a difference between the official morality proclaimed by the Church and that which is practiced by the average Christian.
It is interesting to note in this respect that in Whitehead's judgment the Jews «conceived one of the most immoral Gods ever imagined» and that he endorses Thomas Hardy's remark in Tess of the D'Urbervilles «But although to visit the sins of the fathers upon the children may be a morality good enough for divinities, it is scorned by average human nature.
A captive audience for a few generations and the average human will worship whatever they are told to worship.
Even if there is no serious sin in someone's life, bad things happen to all people, and when these things happen, the tendency of the average human being is to think that God is punishing them for something.
No doubt it is true that one component of the average human's low regard for insects has to do with «size prejudice.»
Humanism leads to an arrogance that thinks it can impose itself on the average human being for its own benefit, and tends to lead to a new kind of secular dictatorship.
This allowed for the average soda size to balloon from 8 ounces to 20 ounces with little financial costs to manufacturers but great human costs of increased obesity, diabetes, and chronic disease.
The equation predicts an age at weaning for humans at between 2.8 and 3.7 years, depending on average adult female body weight, with larger - bodied populations nursing the longest.
Since the UK uses paper ballot, the possibility for human error in the recount is obviously still there, however sorting errors should on average be reduced, since this will be a further check on resorted piles, rather than the initial sorting.
He has more facial expressions available to him than the average human, but none which offer any hope for his political future.
For example, a 6 - metric - ton Tyrannosaurus rex's top speed may have been about 27 kilometers per hour (slightly more than an average human's running speed but nowhere near Jamaican sprinter and world record holder Usain Bolt's), they estimate.
And while Ellner's work has not touched on variability in human success, «for birds and shrubs, and in the theoretical models we've looked at, the answer is, it's best to be above average and be lucky.»
The average body temperature for humans is 37 degrees Celsius, but it fluctuates throughout the day by about 1 degree Celsius, being highest in the afternoon and lowest just before dawn.
Although the software would not replace human judges, the researchers say that their algorithm could help cut the reoffender rate in half, to 10 percent, perhaps averting more than 1,000 domestic violence arrests every year for the average large U.S. city.
American industry averages just over 1.5 robots for every 100 human employees.
«For 80 percent of the human genome to be functional, each couple in the world would have to beget on average 15 children and all but two would have to die or fail to reproduce,» he wrote.
To understand how modern humans lost their Neanderthal genetic material and how humans and Neanderthals remained distinct, Juric and colleagues developed a novel method for estimating the average strength of natural selection against Neanderthal genetic material.
In 2012, the EPA lowered the primary standard for the annual average concentration of PM2.5 particulates considered safe, as more information became known about their prevalence and danger to human health.
Auriel Willette, an assistant professor of food science and human nutrition; and Joseph Webb, a graduate research assistant, found on average that Caucasians with one bad version of the gene — guanosine triphosphate cyclohydrolase - 1 or GCH1 — developed Parkinson's symptoms five years earlier, and had a 23 percent increased risk for the disease.
«C. elegans is a powerful tool for biological research because it shares many of the same anatomic and cell functions as humans, and their short lifespan (average 17 days) enables us to study genes and measure cell traits in just two to three weeks.»
Analysis of these bones has shown that the foot bones look much more like human bones than chimpanzee bones, except for two major areas: the toes of H. naledi's foot were more curved and their feet were generally flatter than seen in the average modern human.
During the 1980s he helped organize new competitions for human - powered vehicles — one notable bicycle built for two, called Vector, cruised a 40 - mile stretch of freeway at nearly the speed limit, averaging better than 50 mph.
A recent study at the Ohio State University Center for Human Resource Research showed that baby boomers with average and low I.Q.s were just as good at saving money as those with high I.Q.s.
Such nongeneticinheritance is not unique; it has been observed in human populationswhen, for example, consistently good nutrition over several generationsprompts an increase in average stature.
«The regular study section is risk averse for a very simple, perfectly human reason: It's just easier to see how an incremental improvement in existing knowledge and an experiment which is very, very obviously feasible is a better use of the money to the average study section member than something which requires any kind of leap of faith or which is insufficiently justified, in their view.
But the U.K. Met Office (national weather service), the U.S.'s National Center for Atmospheric Research and other partners around the globe aim to change that in the future by developing regular assessments — much like present evaluations of global average temperatures along with building from the U.K. flooding risk modeling efforts — to determine how much a given season's extreme weather could be attributed to human influence.
Red blood cells account for a quarter of all human cells in the body and survive for an average of 4 months.
Nearly 70 percent of the postmenopausal women in their overall analysis — a total of 36,282 individuals 50 to 79 years of age — were part of a large 2006 clinical trial supported by the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Health and Human Services called the Women's Health Initiative, which assessed the effects of supplementing with 1,000 milligrams of calcium and 400 IUs of vitamin D per day for an average of seven years.
«The average efficiency of livestock converting plant feed to meat is less than 3 %, and as we eat more meat, more arable cultivation is turned over to producing feedstock for animals that provide meat for humans.
On average, 3 seconds, the same as for humans.
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