Sentences with phrase «for biblical events»

The fact that you, as a scientist, have seen more evidence for biblical events than for evolution is laughable.

Not exact matches

WHat does invalidate the Biblical account is the measurable and observable passage of those events, that would take more of what humans call time than the Bible allows for.
The biblical message is that in the midst of all fearful events of our day, God is opening up a new future for us.
For prayers based on specific biblical texts and events, this pattern of interconnections also fosters a theocentric hermeneutic which resists any supersessionism.
What those who try to explain events from a biblical context often overlook is when they attempt to explain something and come up short, it regularly opens the door for people to refute their inadequate explanation.
But for insiders there was no distance between biblical words and current events.
(3) Biblical narratives must be evaluated by biblical norms: for it is not safe to infer that because God caused an event to be recorded in Scripture he approved it and means us to approveBiblical narratives must be evaluated by biblical norms: for it is not safe to infer that because God caused an event to be recorded in Scripture he approved it and means us to approvebiblical norms: for it is not safe to infer that because God caused an event to be recorded in Scripture he approved it and means us to approve it too.
Add in the fact that evidence for Jesus (and most biblical characters and events) is non existent in the historic record.
There is zero supporting evidence for the abiogenesis myth («life from non-life» foundation of atheism), but mountains of evidence for Jewish (Biblical) history, including written records by multiple authors, confirmed people, places, events, timelines, fulfilled prophesies, Israel scattered, Israel restored etc..
The historicity / accuracy of Biblical events has long been an open subject inside theological traditions embedded in the major religions and has not been considered blasphemy for more than a century among this scholastic cohort.
At each event, even those with diametrically opposed views, leaders cite biblical principles as the foundation for their beliefs.
The fall of Adam and Eve, the covenants with Israel and its deliverance from bondage, its falling away and punishment through new sufferings, the speaking of the divine word through the prophets, the birth of Christ in human flesh, the life and death of Jesus, the experience of the resurrection, and the history of the Church, the expectation of the final events and the established reign of God in love and peace — all this is the Biblical understanding of what God has done, is doing, and will continue to do for the judgment and redemption of the world.
with the exception of some small bits out of the books of the prophets — virtually none of the other biblical scribblings were contemporaneous with events described within them, and ALL of the texts were subject to revision for a really long time from people who came along after they were originally written.
If Christianity continues to tell you that WHEN you get your act together — God will finally open his arms, the representatives of this faith are not understanding the premier principal of God — through Christ he loves you NOW — but when his love begins to radiate into your personal life - your very personal life - you will make choices reflecting that reality — all other things, people, dogmas, Biblical interpretations — all of that through the long centuries of man — will be a drop in His eternal ocean and in that first eternal moment — won't matter - your needs now matter — Christ addresses need — with Himself — demands — with parabolic events — and refusal — with the end result of free will — even the will to reject Him — when He would have done anything for you to not be rejected.
Furthermore, since Peter was one of the apostles, his explanation of the flood event in 2 Peter 2 provides an authoritative, biblical explanation for how to understand this difficult passage.
The process - relational model of God as the most extensive exemplification of primordial creativity, with every worldly occasion in its own process of becoming; the process - relational concept of God as the principle of order channeling the world's becoming toward ever richer and more harmonious experience (the primordial nature); and the process - relational concept of God's preservation of every worldly occasion in God's own everlasting becoming (the consequent nature), with each such occasion evaluated and positioned for its greatest possible contribution to the divine life — these perspectives on divine reality which process - relational thought claims to find exemplified in the very nature of things are separately and together congruent with and supportive of the biblical images and events which describe the «already» in inaugurated eschatology.»
Regarding archeological evidence for Biblical places and persons: Sure there is some, but there is not one single shred of evidence for the supernatural beings or events alleged to have been present there.
In its portraits of God's revelation in the mode of «promise,» biblical religion gave rise to the experience of history as an opening of events to an always new future bearing a universal meaning for the events that take place in time.
Consider this... a person goes to college, gets a four year degree in archaeology (or some antiquities preservation analog); spends summers sifting through sand and rock and gravel, all the while taking graduate level classes... person eventually obtains the vaunted PhD in archaeology... then works his / her tail off seeking funding for an archeological excavation, with the payoff being more funding, and more opportunities to dig in the dirt... do you think professional archaeologists are looking hard for evidence of the Exodus on a speculative basis... not a chance... they know their PhD buys them nothing more than a job at Tel Aviv Walmart if they don't discover and publish... so they write grants for digs near established sites / communities, and stay employed sifting rock in culturally safe areas... not unless some shepard stumbles upon a rare find in an unexpected place do you get archeological interest and action in remote places... not at all surprising that the pottery and other evidence of the Exodus and other biblical events lie waiting to be discovered... doesn't mean not there... just not found yet...
With the modern return of interest in the meaning of history, it has been common for some biblical scholars to recognize the important role that history plays in the Bible, but to limit the Christian's concern with history to those events to which the Bible witnesses.
The first stop for researching Biblical people, places, events, concepts, or things mentioned in the Bible.
The biblical view of man says that he is creator of historical events and therefore is responsible for all his actions — past, present and future.
Neither Whitehead nor Hartshorne makes the metaphysical shift from substances to events for the sake of a more Biblical theism.
I'll be speaking about my «year of biblical womanhood» in chapel at 9:30 a.m. and reading / speaking from my new book, Searching for Sunday, at 7:00 p.m.. Both events are free and open to the public.
This may seem like an unremarkable turn of events, but according to Grant Castleberry of the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood (flagship organization for the complementarianism movement, which advocates hierarchal gender roles in the home, church, and society), it represents a severe «cultural capitulation» which, «instead of helping guide children towards embracing who they actually are, blurs reality,» «confuses them,» and «drags them through the dark labyrinths» of their parents» gender - based delusions.
The Frenchman James Tissot, who fled to London after the fall of the Paris Commune, divided his time between scenes of high society social events and a huge series of Biblical illustrations, made in watercolour for reproductive publication.
The event offered over 20 workshops on topics such as «A Biblical Theological Foundation for Creation Care» to «Faith Principles of Creation Care» and, of course, our specialty «Environmental Stewardship».
In the first project of its kind, scientists are drilling deep into the bed of the fast - shrinking Dead Sea, searching for clues to past climate changes and other events that may have affected human history back through Biblical times and before.
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