Sentences with phrase «for black specks»

You can find evidence that fleas have been on your pet by using a fine comb and looking for black specks.

Not exact matches

Once a staple food for Mayans and Aztecs, these little black specks carry an impressive nutritional punch.
I used Stevia in the Raw as the fudge's sweetener, added vanilla bean paste for flavor and those pretty mini black vanilla bean specks, and added organic matcha powder for both flavor and color.
Mackay's kite, which, for fun, he had tethered to the tent, was high above us — a black speck, with the long, dotted line of a tail hovering in a white void.
For this look, I used Lime Crime's Venus 2 Palette which has this unbelievably beautiful shade in it called Boot that's a super dark navy / black eye shadow with specks of purple and blue glitter.
This tweed boucle with a classic check pattern is woven from fancy yarn in black and off - white with rainbow specks for a pop of color.
There are, however, some small imperfections throughout: white specks and black scuffs that only appear for a frame or two but will catch the eye of those scrutinizing playback on a large enough display.
Look for flea droppings, which appear as small black specks, in your dog's fur.
Also check for ticks and flea dirt, black specks of dried blood left behind by fleas.
For example, if they jump up on the bed and lay down, within a few seconds I will find these tiny black specks ranging in size from microscopic, like the eye of a needle or smaller, to larger flakes resembling black dandruff, so to speak.
While you are «massaging» check the fur and skin for white dandruff, fleas and flea dirt (looks like tiny black specks) scabs, or fur loss.
Watch the sheet or towel carefully for small, black specks that might be fleas or «flea dirt» (flea feces).
The amazing detail clearly shows the magnetic elements migrating from the black central area to the white region nearby (you need to concentrate on the edges and watch for small black specks radiating out).
Thanks for your suggestion this case looks awesome and the price is pretty reasonable compared to speck or incipio (my usual go to cases) I got the jet black and would like to be able to see it through the case.
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