Sentences with phrase «for bodies in motion»

Made for bodies in motion, no matter if it's yoga, dog - walking, or a couch marathon, Outdoor Voices Springs Leggings just make you look fabulous.

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The sideways push in speed skating means that «the arm motion must also be partially side - to - side, since the arms are again responsible for keeping the body from twisting,» said Tuthill.
Speaking after the vote, the Bishop of St Asaph, Gregory Cameron, who introduced the motion, said, «I am delighted that Governing Body is able to add its voice to this important issue to call for peace and justice in the Middle East.
In seeking our justification for thinking the sun will rise tomorrow, Russell suggests that a reply might first be given in terms of the laws of motion of rotating bodies, such as the EartIn seeking our justification for thinking the sun will rise tomorrow, Russell suggests that a reply might first be given in terms of the laws of motion of rotating bodies, such as the Eartin terms of the laws of motion of rotating bodies, such as the Earth.
Averroës proposed to correct Avicenna in two ways: first, that the essence of corporeal form lies in indeterminate dimensions, thus asserting the priority of spatiality in the abstract over the particular incidental form of a body, its so - called determinate dimensions; second, a characterization of corporeal form as «merely the capacity of prime matter for natural motion and as merely the tendency to move to its natural place» (CM 40), a harbinger of the formalities of dynamics to come.
From the sons and the daughters of God's inside residencies of Celled selective singularities in sublime renditionings of personalized orders or the rather chaotic gathering points for celled creatures to so begin upon any celestial body of rightly orientated planetary motions is but a feat of rooted grand designs and indentured husbandries!
From the sons and the daughters of God's inside residencies of Celled singularities in sublime renditionings of personalized orders or the rather chaotic gathering points for celled creatures to so begin upon any celestial body of planetary motions is but a feat of rooted grand designs and indentured husbandries!
For if the same forces are likewise impressed on those other bodies, with which the comparison is made, that the relative position may be preserved, then that condition will be preserved in which the relative motion consists.
As we have seen, physical acting must be fundamentally a relating, and relating can not be understood in terms of mere «impact,» for this can result at most in only change of place — and indeed, as was clear to thinkers like Descartes, Newton, Leibniz and Kant, on the conception of the physical as in itself passive «matter,» even change of place could not occur upon mere impact, there being necessary also an «act» setting the impacted body into motion.
For Newton, absolute space and absolute time are presupposed by a theory of the dynamics of moving bodies and in particular are necessitated by the fact that no available physical frame of reference seems suitable for a satisfactory analysis of the accelerated motions of material objecFor Newton, absolute space and absolute time are presupposed by a theory of the dynamics of moving bodies and in particular are necessitated by the fact that no available physical frame of reference seems suitable for a satisfactory analysis of the accelerated motions of material objecfor a satisfactory analysis of the accelerated motions of material objects.
For it is sufficient only to impress some force on other bodies with which the former is compared, that by their giving way, that relation may be changed, in which the relative rest or motion of this other body did consist.
An intellect which at a given instant knew all the forces acting in nature and the positions of all things of which this world consists — supposing the said intellect were vast enough to subject these data to analysis — would embrace in the same formula the motions of the greatest bodies in the universe and those of the slightest atoms; nothing would be uncertain for it, and the future, like the past, would be present to its eyes.
The formula he derives for the motion of a uniformly accelerating body was in fact discovered in the fourteenth century at Merton College, Oxford.
The rear - facing car seat's anti-rebound bar extends up toward the back of the vehicle seat and limits the amount of motion possible in case of an... MORE accident therefore decreasing the amount of motion for the baby's head and body.
Motion for debate: «In order for RCPCH as a professional body to avoid institutional conflicts of interest and thus maintain its reputation as an unbiased, independent educator and advocate for child health, the College should decline any commercial transactions or any other kind of funding or support from all companies that market products within the scope of the WHO Code on the marketing of breast milk substitutes
Not only will your baby enjoy learning the words and motions to these songs and games, but she will be discovering how to move each finger, and get the feeling for where her hands are in relationship to each other and her body.
Motion that was passed: «In order for RCPCH as a professional body to avoid institutional conflicts of interest and thus maintain its reputation as an unbiased, independent educator and advocate for child health, the College should decline any commercial transactions or any other kind of funding or support from all companies that market products within the scope of the WHO Code on the marketing of breast milk substitutes
An unrepentant Mayor Bill de Blasio on Tuesday sharply criticized the state's Joint Commission on Public Ethics, the state oversight body that on Monday filed a motion in State Supreme Court seeking a judge's ruling to force a non-profit de Blasio started to comply with a subpoena for information about its donors and activities.
They looked for objects moving in orbits similar to those of Pluto and the large bodies in the Kuiper Belt, whose motion is influenced in a characteristic fashion by the gravitational pull of Neptune.
These neurons, described in today's issue of Nature, appear to be first in line to process incoming visual signals into a spatial map, suggesting that one of the brain's first steps toward making sense of the outside world is to compensate for the body's own motion.
«Skinput works very well for a series of gestures, even when the body is in motion,» the researchers say, with subjects able to deftly scroll through menus whether they moved up and down or flicked across their arm.
Moreover, when the specialist listens to lung and heart sounds for signs of decreased function and observes the motions of the chest, throat and other relevant body parts, the inhalations and exhalations resemble frequent deep sighing breaths rather than the wheezes common in asthmatics.
This allows people to play games by, for example, moving their arms in a swimming motion, shimmying their bodies or other so - called natural interactions.
Marco Borges, the author of The 22 - Day Revolution: The Plant - Based Program That Will Transform Your Body, Reset Your Habits, and Change Your Life and Power Moves: The Four Motions to Transform Your Body for Life, is one of the most sought after fitness and plant - based nutrition experts in the country.
A dynamic body scanner that takes new images every 1.5 milliseconds puts athletes in motion while capturing images for «more and more about how the body moves and deforms and how it makes you feel» while immersed in activity.
«This method allows me to work in a three - dimensional manner, using my core for balance, and the whole body for stability, which affords me a greater range of motion.
The knees will bend and straighten alternately to allow for the motion in the hip joint, but the upper body should stay relatively stable.
That was the story for these five women until each stumbled onto an unexpected surprise: a new kind of workout that not only got her body in motion but was actually fun, too.
Finally, keep in mind that for optimal efficiency, your entire lower body should be in the same plane of motion.
They allow the body to stay in motion (some more than others), and also help the pelvis maintain a proper tilt for good spinal alignment.
As a yoga instructor for top sports players and everyday athletes, I've learned to understand the specific needs of bodies that are constantly in motion, at times, to the extreme.
When it comes to training for endurance, it's very easy to instead get caught up in an endless cycle of swimming, biking, running, rowing, hiking, and a host of other «chronic repetitive motion» activities, while neglecting the stuff that actually keeps our bodies able to do what we love.
The up and down motion is beneficial for the lymphatic system since it runs in a vertical direction in the body.
This has a practical sporting application for anyone needing to absorb force and generate power from their legs and project it through their upper body, especially in a pushing motion like a lineman in football.
The deltoid muscles are primarily responsible for arm abduction, i.e. moving the arm away from the body in the frontal plane of motion.
Kettlebells are an excellent tool for getting an all - around full - body exercise, as their shape and a wide range of motion will constantly challenge your body in unique and most of all, fun ways.
How to Release body to mat, lie long on mat and with hands reaching forward, lift opposite hand and leg in a swimming motion and alternate for 10 long breaths.
A decrease in range of motion directly relates to a decrease in power and strength output, puts your body into compromised positions, and ultimately creates a high potential for injury.
In this case, you push your body past its normal range of motion, and hold that position for a set length of time.
For athletes, when the body engages in repetitive motions during a workout, there is a high possibility that the fascial fibers don't return to their intended pattern, which could cause pain, muscle «knots, or a restriction in movement.
There is a concern for injury when athletes who have hyper - mobile joints reach their end range of motion during weightlifting because the body is not maximally stable in these extreme positions.
«This is the best exercise for anybody because your whole body is in motion... your legs and arms and shoulders,» Lang told the Huffington Post.
Greatly improved «Beyond the Range Strength,» or in other words, the surplus of mobility and strength beyond the normal range of motion for a specific activity, which translates to better ability to bounce right back to the optimum range without damage to the body, like in a case when things do not go as planned during a real life performance (that happens all the time and therefore it is very wise to invest your time into that type of development).
The patented Lifeline Power Wheel's revolutionary design allows you to place your hands shoulder width apart on the soft foam grips or place your feet in the adjustable foot stirrups allowing for greater body motion and workout versatility
Summary The 2 - Hand Angled Snatch Steel Club exercise requires a high amplitude swing so there is a great amount of demand for the lower body to get involved early in the motion.
Moving the kettlebell in a circular motion around the body — called a «halo» — strengthens your core and prepares you for explosive exercises down the line.
The 2 - Hand Angled Snatch Steel Club exercise requires a high amplitude swing so there is a great amount of demand for the lower body to get involved early in the motion.
Join a gym, ride a bike, go for walks, take exercise classes... just get the body in motion on a regular basis.
The 2 - Hand Side Angled Snatch Steel Club Exercise requires a high amplitude swing so there is a great amount of demand for the lower body to get involved early in the motion.
By including the cable lifting motion in your core workout, you will better prepare your body and lower back for functional tasks and athletic activities.
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