Sentences with phrase «for body size»

Between species, average brain size, when a corrective formula for body size is applied, is a fair indicator of relative intelligence.
One such study showed that men have larger brains than women, a 100 gram difference after correcting for body size.
In other words, really strong for your body size and makeup.
I actually want to wear it like a dress but somehow it's not oversized enough for my body size, lol.
They have plus size options and definitely emphasize that there's something cool and beautiful for every body size.
It is the ideal costume choice for every body size and shape.
The next factor to consider is what will be the best fit for your body size and shape.
Dogs in the top category, «severely overweight», tended to weigh at least 15 per cent more than the optimum for their body size.
Being obese means that your rabbit has more body fat than is healthy for their body size.
New MRI scans show that dolphin brains are four to five times larger for their body size when compared to another animal of similar size, according to Lori Marino, a senior lecturer in neuroscience and behavioral biology at Emory University, and one of the world's leading dolphin experts.
Deaner says his findings support the hypothesis that absolute brain size matters more than brain size adjusted for body size.
Despite expending more energy for their body size when flying than any other animal, living in cold, harsh Arctic environments, diving over 100 meters in depth, and having to search for unpredictable food, even old birds return year after year to rear their chicks with no discernible change in their performance,» said lead author Dr. Kyle Elliott.
Once evolutionary relationships were factored in, the data showed that animals with big brains for their body size need a significantly higher percentage of REM sleep — supporting a role in intelligence and cognitive function.
Here, we use a much larger sample of primates, more recent phylogenies, and updated statistical techniques, to show that brain size is predicted by diet, rather than multiple measures of sociality, after controlling for body size and phylogeny.
They've been there pretty much since the first time Thompson put on pads — he once scored 11 touchdowns as an 11 - year - old in Pop Warner — and they compensate for a body size that's one of the few things about him that's not eye - popping.
«Unlike many previous forager models, this one accounts for body size and metabolic scaling,» Kempes explains.
Ostrander says that by identifying other dog genes for body size and for traits such as leg length and head shape, researchers may learn more about growth and its disorders — especially cancer — in humans and their best friends.
«Although we knew that temperature might set a maximum for body size,» Smith says, the new findings actually present a mechanism — and do so in a very detailed manner, showing «how animals responded to a particular temperature at a particular place at a particular time.»
Their jaws, or chelicerae, are the largest for body size among the group of animals that possess these specialized mouthparts — including horseshoe crabs, sea spiders, and arachnids — and bear most of the structures used for their classification.
Using molar size as a proxy for body size, the researchers looked at mammals in sediments from the fossil - rich Bighorn Basin of Wyoming.
Matched for body size, females with bigger horns managed to collect more dung and so provide better for their offspring.
After taking measurements and collecting observations on nine living primate species, including humans, Carrier concluded that the living apes with the shortest legs for their body size, like gorillas and orangutans, are those that spend the least time in trees.
Animals with a relatively high metabolic rate for their body size seem to need more non-REM sleep, suggesting that catching extra Zs simply helps them conserve precious energy.
Absolute hominin brain capacity was used with no correction for body size for two reasons.
Our scan for body size (defined as log (body weight)-RRB- yielded several significant genomic associations, with the six strongest signals occurring at CFA15.44226659, CFAX.106866624, CFA10.11440860, CFAX.86813164, CFA4.42351982, and CFA7.46842856.
My goal is to be strong, but also to have the highest power to weight ratio I can obtain for my body size.
Nutrition: The Golden Retriever is classified as a large breed and should be given food formulated for that body size.
Adjusted for body size, the disproportionately supersized sperm outdoes such exuberant body parts as pheasant display feathers, deer antlers, scarab beetle horns and the forward - grasping forceps of earwigs.
Measurements revealed these species have more muscle capacity and their wings tended to be proportionately larger for their body size than smaller species.
«Many corvids have relatively large brains for their body size, and can do amazing things.»
He knewthat adult turtles kept growing throughout their lives, and so hewondered whether the true variable might be body size rather than age.Once he ran the numbers again, controlling for body size, he wasastonished to find that he got nearly identical results.
Adjusted for body size...
One of the physical traits that Boston Terriers inherited from their English Bulldog forebears is a head size that's proportionally larger for their body size than average.
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