Sentences with phrase «for by computer models»

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By using the pay - as - you - go model, companies could save dramatically — up to 50 percent over five years, Forrester predicts — by increasing efficiency, postponing additional purchases, reducing staffing costs, and improving how they monitor and account for computer usagBy using the pay - as - you - go model, companies could save dramatically — up to 50 percent over five years, Forrester predicts — by increasing efficiency, postponing additional purchases, reducing staffing costs, and improving how they monitor and account for computer usagby increasing efficiency, postponing additional purchases, reducing staffing costs, and improving how they monitor and account for computer usage.
CP / M, the operating system devised by Digital Research Inc. of Pacific Grove, Calif., has become a de facto standard for personal business computers since Xerox decided to base its new Model 820 computer on the system.
Computer Modelling Group, for example, has a massive ROIC, and, though it trades at 34X earnings, it's earnings have been depressed by years of low demand for offshore services.
One idea put forward by the FIA is to simulate the loads through computer models rather than physical testing for this year only, with an improved process being put in place for 2019.
Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention built computer models, which predicted that, if a massive intervention failed to materialize, by January 2015 up to 1.4 million people could be infected.
The team, led by doctoral student Adam R. Burns, now a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University, compared what they found in the fish with predictions from computer modeling of microbial dynamics performed by co-author Elizabeth Miller of the META Center for Systems Biology.
The computer models yield strong support for the theoretical idea that such stellar death events can be initiated and powered by neutrinos escaping from the neutron star left behind at the origin of the explosion.
But Toronto - based AeroVelo's four - rotor, 115 - pound bicycle - powered vessel, dubbed Atlas, stayed aloft for 64.1 seconds thanks to a design by aeronautical engineers and computer modeling that fine - tuned the blueprints.
Next, Dekker and the team, led by Leonid Mirny, PhD, associate professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed sophisticated computer simulations using polymer models of the DNA molecule for the two competing theories for mitotic chromosome organization.
By reconstructing past global warming and the carbon cycle on Earth 56 million years ago, researchers from the Niels Bohr Institute among others have used computer modelling to estimate the potential perspective for future global warming, which could be even warmer than previously thought.
NCAR's research is paid for by the National Science Foundation, and Busalacchi predicted that future research will shift toward more precise computer modeling and include more interdisciplinary research about the risks and the adaptation that is, or is not, happening along coastlines.
The new study, by researchers at the University of Vienna and the International Institute of Applied System Analysis explores the role of microbial cheaters for soil carbon and nitrogen cycling using a computer model.
The computer model, designed by research fellow Iain Couzin, could lead to improved guidance systems for clusters of robots, such as those used to gather oceanographic and atmospheric data.
If we know, for example, that a cancer cell can be killed by deactivating a certain enzyme, researchers can build a detailed, 3 - D computer model of the enzyme to look for molecules that can go in and disable it.
«If in the Neoarchean period 97 % of the Earth's surface had been, as estimated from computer models, covered by water, these geochemical signals would not have been found for Neoarchean seawater,» adds Dr. Hoffmann.
Another way to improve the ability to predict avalanches is by creating a computer model, where you enter different snow conditions for different locations and see what the model predicts.
The National Institutes of Health (NIH) has committed more than $ 1.3 million in funding from 2006 through 2011 for a project led by Alexey Onufriev, an associate professor in Virginia Tech's departments of Computer Science and Physics, to represent water computationally, because water is key to modeling biological molecules.
«I was impressed by the scope of the computer model: with many components of the water cycle calculated daily for 30 years, at 20,000 sites.
For example, «we LiDAR - scanned the buildings and the streets,» Anderson says, and then re-created a digital version of the city by overlaying a computer - generated model over helicopter shots of the devastated city.
Computer model projections of future conditions analyzed by the Scripps team indicate that regions such as the Amazon, Central America, Indonesia, and all Mediterranean climate regions around the world will likely see the greatest increase in the number of «dry days» per year, going without rain for as many as 30 days more every year.
Noting that the timing of KD outbreaks in Japan coincides with certain wind patterns from Asia, climate scientist Xavier Rodó, PhD, and colleagues at the Catalan Institution for Research and Advanced Studies and the Catalan Institute of Climate Sciences, both in Barcelona, used computer models to simulate air currents and airborne particle transport for all days since 1977 with high numbers of KD cases in Japan, based on data compiled by Yoshikazu Nakamura, MD, and colleagues at Jichi Medical University in Japan.
In the computer model, the brain compensates for the shortage of signals by creating additional dopamine receptors.
As for the shifting braids, the researchers conclude that they result from the motion of as - yet - identified moonlets through the ring — a hypothesis confirmed by computer models — and the occasional influence of Prometheus, a potato - shaped moon that orbits in the gap between the F ring and Saturn's much bigger A ring.
He says the relatively simple computer model provided an excellent basis for planning the experiments by enabling the researchers to change the components rapidly and thereby identify important aspects.
To better understand how changes in diet, lifestyle, and exposure to modern medicine affect primates» guts, a team of researchers led by University of Minnesota computer science and engineering professor Dan Knights, veterinary medicine professor Tim Johnson, and veterinary medicine Ph.D. student Jonathan Clayton, used DNA sequencing to study the gut microbes of multiple non-human primates species in the wild and in captivity as a model for studying the effects of emigration and lifestyle changes.
Since scientists first decoded a draft of the human genome more than 15 years ago, many questions have lingered, two of which have been addressed in a major new study co-led by a Princeton University computer scientist: Is it possible, despite the complexity of billions of bits of genetic information and their variations between people, to develop a mechanistic model for how healthy bodies function?
This question has become a political issue in other coastal states - notably North Carolina, where the state's Coastal Resources Commission issued a report, based on the latest computer models, advising coastal communities to plan for up to 39 inches of sea sea - level rise by 2100, well beyond historic norms.
«The computer model predicts that by altering this system by up - regulating some genes and down - regulating others, a 60 percent improvement could be achieved without any additional resource — so 60 percent more carbon could be assimilated for no more nitrogen,» Long said.
This increase would support efforts by DOE's National Nuclear Security Administration, which manages the nuclear weapons stockpile, and the Office of Science to develop fast, cutting - edge exascale computers, paving the way for advanced climate modeling and biomedical applications.
The computer model was developed to help understand the impact of a recommendation issued in May by the World Health Organization for wider use of a new nine - to 12 - month treatment regimen for multidrug - resistant tuberculosis (MDR - TB).
Venus may have had a shallow liquid - water ocean and habitable surface temperatures for up to 2 billion years of its early history, according to computer modeling of the planet's ancient climate by scientists at NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS) in New York.
They were produced by researchers using a computer model called MOZART, which was developed at the National Center for Atmospheric Research.
That's the conclusion of a new study by a team of University of Notre Dame researchers led by Joannes Westerink, chair of the department of civil and environmental engineering and earth sciences and co-developer of the authoritative computer model for storm surge used by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the state of Louisiana to determine water levels due to hurricane surge and to design levee heights and alignments.
Here we use a stochastic, two - sex computational model implemented by computer simulation to show how male mating preference for younger females could lead to the accumulation of mutations deleterious to female fertility and thus produce a menopausal period.
By pulling together the maximum possible computer resource, and running these weather forecast models thousands of times — and for alternative carbon dioxide levels — a picture can be built of how often severe storms can be expected.
By combining cell physiology with pharmacology, behavioral analysis, and computer modeling, he has deciphered the existence of a central pattern generator for locomotion in the spinal cord, thereby linking circuit function to behavior.
A molecule containing three oxygen atoms, computer models suggest that ozone on Venus is formed when sunlight breaks up carbon dioxide molecules and releases oxygen atoms, which are swept around to the planet's nightside by winds where they can then combine to form unstable, three - atom ozone molecules, as well as much more stable, two - atom molecules essential for animals.
The data must be analyzed using sophisticated model atmospheres created by the team in 3D and included complex calculations that run for weeks on powerful super computers.
The computer models in use are not, by necessity, direct calculations of all basic physics but rely upon empirical approximations for many of the smaller scale processes of the oceans and atmosphere.
Hassan has been awarded a 2017 Newman Student Award Medal, for his work on «Computer modeling of the sound diffusion and scattering coefficients and their influence on the diffusivity and acoustic quality of architectural spaces», as nominated by Prof. Martin Gold.
Computer models can be used for some research, but those results later must be verified by tests on animals and humans.
The sf - b901 pro might be over-shadowed by the fancier models of spinning bikes with inbuilt computer features, but for the most part, it is a durable and sturdy spinner bike for beginners.
When the alien invaders are first detected by Earth's scientists, it's easy to miss the computer monitor showing a model of the «Deep Space Satellite Satellite Devlin» - named for the movie's co-writer and producer, Dean Devlin - and resembling a scaled - down version of the Death Star superweapon.
Using the concept art for reference, the basic environments needed for a shot are translated into the computer by the sets department during what's called the modeling process.
Shot for a song in the rougher parts of St. Louis (doubling for the Big Apple) with simple but bold model work (some of it created by James Cameron in his Roger Corman days) and striking computer graphics, it's a hoot, yet behind the colorful personalities of the prison yard gang is a sardonic crack about the state of modern urban America lost to poverty, runaway crime, and gangs that rule the inner city.
So the evidence — a computer model that has a data field for voting status or religion, typically used by a private school — is a far cry from the federal government attempting to instill particular religious or political beliefs.
This was one of the questions that prompted me, in 1997, to move my English language arts methods classes into a computer classroom, specifically as a response to the NCATE technology task force's mandate for teacher educators to make themselves role models of lifelong learning by integrating technology into practice.
Moderator analyses were performed using a random effects model that focused on the three main areas of scaffold characteristics (including the mechanism, functions, delivery forms, mode, and number of scaffolds; how to promote self - regulated learning by scaffolds); demographics of the selected studies (including sample groups, sample size, learning domain, research settings, and types of computer - based learning environments); and research methodological features (including research methods, types of research design, types of organization for treatment, and duration of treatment).
Operated by Alliance College - Ready Public Schools, both sites use the innovative BLAST education model, which provides each student with a laptop computer to help prepare them for success in college and future careers.
Executive vice president for global product development Mark Reuss also credits 9 million hours of computer modeling performed by some 140 structural engineers.
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