Sentences with phrase «for careless drivers»

12/13/13, Georgia Trial Lawyers Association (GTLA) Holiday Workshop Reckless Entrustment: Holding Employers Accountable for Careless Drivers
Prior state law did not mandate any punishment for careless drivers who unintentionally harmed pedestrians with their vehicles.
The new law increases penalties for careless drivers — a $ 750 fine, 15 days in jail or a driver training course for a first offense.

Not exact matches

Since founding McCourt Law Offices, Mark has helped resolve thousands of injury claims for innocent victims of careless drivers.
The old state law made it very difficult for prosecutors to file criminal charges against careless drivers unless «intent» was established.
Local elected officials are praising Governor Paterson for signing «Hayley and Diego's Law,» legislation that will increase penalties against careless drivers.
Right now, state law does makes it very difficult for prosecutors to file criminal charges against careless drivers unless they can establish «intent.»
«While nothing will ever undo the crash that took Hayley away from us, this new law will prevent tragedies like ours from happening to other families by holding drivers accountable for careless behavior,» she said.
I once, for instance, completely flustered and enraged a careless driver who nearly ran over my then toddler and stroller - riding infant daughters and me as she rolled into a gas station simply by calmly staring at her.
It's certainly possible that a bicycling organization might show some bias in interpreting newspaper articles (their standard for careless driving was «drivers were reported to be operating their vehicle in a careless or inattentive manner»), but the discrepancy is still pretty striking.
Through a tort claim, car accident victims whose brain injuries, are caused by the careless behavior of another person, are eligible to receive compensation for their losses and the costs of future care from the at fault drivers insurance company.
Our firm is ready to stand by the side of injured motorcyclists and their families, fighting back against allegations of comparative fault and placing the blame for a crash caused by a careless driver where it belongs.
If a driver continuously operates in a careless manner, a company could be held responsible for negligent supervision.
In addition to holding a trucking company responsible for the actions of its employees, trucking companies can also be held responsible for a collision if the company was negligent in hiring, training, supervising or retaining a careless driver.
Reckless and careless drivers can be held accountable for the deaths they cause.
Negligent, reckless or careless drivers who cause accidents may be liable to the injured victims for damages in the form of lost earnings, property damage, medical costs, and pain and suffering.
If a company fails to conduct such investigation or is careless in its investigation, it could be held responsible for the negligent hiring of a driver.
The sentencing guidelines council has issued the following definitive guideline: causing death by careless or inconsiderate driving carries a maximum penalty of five years; causing death by driving, unlicensed, disqualified or uninsured drivers carries a maximum of two years (see tables above for more details).
The best thing you can do for yourself or your loved one if involved in a motorcycle accident, whether it is caused by faulty safety equipment or unsafe road conditions or even by a careless driver, is to permit your attorney to guide you through the myriad of details concerning your insurance claim and legal matters.
If you've been hit by a careless driver that wasn't looking out for motorcycles, you may need a motorcycle accident lawyer.
Unfortunately for Texas bikers, careless drivers often fail to take reasonable precautions towards people on motorcycles.
And while it's true that many bus drivers can be found responsible for their careless actions, negligence often falls on other shoulders.
Nobody should have to live with the consequences of a careless driver's actions, and we are prepared to do everything within our power to protect your rights and maximize your chances of securing a fair settlement for your injuries.
Once retained, our St. Petersburg personal injury attorneys are on your side, building every case with an eye toward trial so that when property owners, careless drivers, and the insurance companies that represent them, do not make a fair settlement offer, we can fight for you in court.
If it is found that one of the drivers in an Ontario car accident was using a cell phone or other device, that driver is very likely to be found at fault for the accident and charged with Careless Driving.
After all, if a careless driver can't afford to carry auto insurance, they probably can't afford to compensate you for your injuries either.
The organisation also believes that cyclists and pedestrians are regularly being failed by the existing laws on careless and dangerous driving, with only 27 % of drivers convicted of death by careless driving sent to prison, for sentences on average of only 14 months.
Or, a driver prosecuted for careless driving (which carries 3 - 9 points), would have to have hit a person, or caused a collision for example by turning across the path of an oncoming car to expect to receive 6 points.
Our Fort Myers personal injury lawyers are here to advocate for victims in the wake of a crash, holding careless drivers accountable for their actions.
A negligent or careless driver can be found criminally responsible for your loved one's death, and you can also seek damages in what is called a wrongful death claim.
Victims of careless drivers can pursue financial compensation for damages.
At Harris Lowry Manton LLP, our Atlanta overloaded truck injury attorneys fight for families and injured victims by holding truck drivers and companies accountable for being negligent or careless.
The legal team of Patino Law Firm, believes that motorcycle riders should be given the same respect as any other drivers on the road, and when another person's careless actions injure a motorcyclist, he or she should be held accountable for this irresponsible behavior.
Furthermore, we understand how hard it can be for families who have lost a loved one due to the actions of a careless, negligent, or drunk driver.
If you have been injured or lost a loved one in an accident caused by street racing or another act by a careless or reckless driver, under law, you are entitled to compensation for any injuries and losses.
This section of the HTA states that careless driving occurs when a person drives without due care and attention or without consideration for other drivers and pedestrians.
We can help you find peace and justice by holding careless drivers accountable for their actions by pursuing a wrongful death claim.
My roomate and self was backed over by handidart in November 10/11 and now they do not wish to pay me for pushing wheel chair to appointments, interviews, etc I am living with my roomate who has 1 missing limb and can not push a chair or take it down hill, you need to apply brakes, ICBC refuses to buy a scooter for her, she has her other fingers so she drops things due to careless handidart driver, back pain and three witnesses, the driver backed up ran over us and the wheel chair, we never came from the bus either, one lane of traffic, people including self was trying to get drivers attention, he was arguing with a client he was letting off bus.
Our goal at Dana J. Watts, Attorney at Law, is to hold negligent drivers responsible for their careless and damaging actions.
At Dana J. Watts, Attorney at Law, we are determined to help you hold the careless drunk driver responsible for the pain and damage he or she has caused you or your loved one.
If you are the victim of a careless driver, let a Dallas lawyer advocate for you and settle your case fairly.
Our Pittsburgh law firm advocates for people betrayed by medical professionals, harmed by careless drivers, injured in industrial explosions, airline or public transportation disasters, or otherwise injured by negligence.
David Glenn is a passionate advocate for families who have lost loved ones due to the actions of careless drivers.
$ 525,000 obtained for a pedestrian woman who was backed into by a careless driver in a grocery store parking lot.
When you have experienced a wrongful death, the fact that a careless driver is responsible for your loved one's death makes it harder for you to find peace.
Careless drivers who disobey the rules of the road, fail to check for pedestrians, or otherwise act in a negligent manner are often the cause of pedestrian accidents.
If you were harmed by a careless or negligent driver on your bicycle or in your car while traveling in New Mexico, you may be eligible to receive financial compensation for your medical costs, pain, suffering, lost wages and benefits, and other damages.
I also handle road traffic cases, representing drivers facing prosecution for all types of offence, from speeding right up to causing death by careless or dangerous driving.
Specifically, a medical marijuana card does not prevent the police from arresting the driver for operating the vehicle in a reckless or careless manner.
It seemed that the defendant driver's biggest concern at her deposition was that her license not be taken away for her careless driving.
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