Sentences with phrase «for certain nutrients»

The body has a greater need for certain nutrients at specific times.
This goes to show that each breed of dog has specific requirements for certain nutrients in varied amounts and forms.
* This complex formula is made with careful consideration for not only the increased demand for certain nutrients, but also for digestive sensitivity that can occur during pregnancy.
This distinction is critical for certain nutrients, such as vitamin B - 12 1 %.
The alternative is to eat excess calories force feeding for certain nutrients.
Some medications, like oral contraception, may lead to an increased need for certain nutrients.
During pregnancy, a woman's daily intake requirements for certain nutrients, such as folic acid (folate), calcium, and iron will increase.
For example, it's normal for certain nutrients to be lost during the milling process of flour and the amount lost will depend on the amount of bran and germ removed.
So, I think there's something about, you know, the body having a craving for certain nutrients when inflammation is existing...
Their conclusion: the AAFCO profile for certain nutrients is not a reasonable indicator of the actual level present in many products.
If you're taking a bottle of juice to the mall with you — a great alternative to have in your bag when you walk by the free samples — make sure it's cold - pressed using high pressuring processing, a process that ensures safety and helps protect flavor and nutrients (one bottle of Evolution Fresh juice can pack up to 40 percent of your recommended intake for certain nutrients!).
Dogs are no different than humans in terms of their biological need for certain nutrients to maintain good health.
Your body's demand for certain nutrients can actually be increased post-partum, especially if you're breastfeeding, so please continue to take your prenatal multivitamin as long as you're nursing.
Current data shows that the average diet in Americans may meet average requirement for certain nutrients; however, a lot of other nutrients are still under consumed, such as vitamins A, D, E and C, potassium, dietary fiber, choline, magnesium, and calcium.
While we don't know exactly why women develop cravings, it is thought to be the result of increasing hormones or your body's need for a certain nutrient it is lacking such as calcium or salt that creates them.
Cravings typically arise from a need for a certain nutrient.
A supplement is a product you take to make up for certain nutrients that you don't get enough of in the foods you eat.
Menstruation, pregnancy and menopause can all increase your need for certain nutrients.
Carb control / macro timing ensures you are honouring your body's need for certain nutrients but timing your intake so it is the most beneficial for your workouts.
This question also demonstrates just how our needs for certain nutrients can change over time and how we may to keep adjusting what we are doing.
We test for genetic variations that influence a person's need for certain nutrients.
In addition, stress, toxicity, inflammation, and genetics (such as an MTHFR mutation) may increase your demand for certain nutrients, such as B - vitamins and folate.
However, illness, injury, stress, pregnancy and aging can increase an animal's need for certain nutrients.
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