Sentences with phrase «for children living in poverty»

What is the status of early reading achievement for children living in poverty?
She adds that this can be a highly challenging transition for children living in poverty whose parents had no schooling themselves.
We can't brush poverty under the rug, and school choice isn't a quick fix for children living in poverty.
A partnership led by Grand Challenges Canada, Saving Brains seeks to improve outcomes for children living in poverty through interventions that nurture and protect early brain development in the first 1,000 days of a child's life.
Because children in poorer families are more likely to experience poor - quality child care, the data suggest that high - quality child care might serve as an important early childhood intervention for children living in poverty
The other privatization options, including those that are not targeted for children living in poverty and that have no accountability, operate more as private school subsidies for the very wealthy.
The fact that school districts can not fully fund a classroom's needs — or provide everything for a child living in poverty — puts the onus on teachers such as Tupelo teacher Amanda Koonlaba.
, a national non-profit organization focused on building community - focused playgrounds for children living in poverty.
In studies of sequencing per se, declines in income have been found to be associated with poorer developmental outcomes.6 13 27 Furthermore, economic fluctuations seem especially consequential for children living in poverty, 6 22 and it has been suggested that economic fluctuations may pose even greater risks to development compared with disadvantaged, but stable, economic circumstances.28
Receiving an education is essential for children living in poverty to fulfil their potential.
Witnessing this type of inequity firsthand is the reason why I have made a lifelong commitment to creating educational opportunities for children living in poverty,» he says.
Once again, as often happens under the privately managed charter school model, underprepared teachers will end up in the poorest and neediest schools, thereby exacerbating the problem of inequitable educational outcomes for children living in poverty.
We asked Higgins about his concerns for the future of education, especially for children living in poverty that attend Buffalo Public Schools.
«Education is the civil rights issue of our own time — especially for children living in poverty or subjected to inferior education,» says Grant.
According to Annie E. Casey Foundation President Patrick McCarthy, improving outcomes for children living in poverty will require several social and economic measures such as tax credits, food stamps, and job training for parents.
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