Sentences with phrase «for coercive powers»

Due process and jury trial — threatened by cost; complexity; repeated attempts to reduce the number of jury trials; a succession of civil orders with effectively criminal sanctions; and proposals for coercive powers under mental health legislation.

Not exact matches

For Milbank, Taylor «is highly alert to the fact that disenchantment perhaps primarily came about because a certain style of theology favored this — a style wishing to monopolize all mystery in the one God, somewhat in the way that the modern state now monopolized all coercive power at the sovereign center.»
The easiest access point for most is to say that because God IS love, then God's very nature is loving, and so God's use of power is not coercive - it is persuasive (almost seductive).
During his homily at the Mass pro eligendo Romano Pontifice [for the election of the Roman Pontiff] on April 18, 2005, Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger cautioned his fellow - cardinals that John Paul II's successor would have to deal with an emerging «dictatorship of relativism» throughout the western world: the use of coercive state power to impose an agenda of dramatic moral deconstruction on all of society.
There is a need now more than ever to develop a means for doing religious social ethics which emphasizes the goal - orientation aspect of politics as a corrective to stress on the coercive - power factor in determining social policy.
But it is then very difficult to see why God would want us to use coercive power or how the classical God of free will theism can be criticized for not coercing.
While these formulations of divine persuasive power and relational power are not without problems for some feminists, they do represent alternatives to coercive, hierarchical power patterns and are suggestive of feminist reformulations of power in the context of mutuality.
For these reasons it is a mistake to assume either that states are solely impersonal mechanisms of coercive power or that they are responsive to the moral demands of love and justice to the same degree that individual persons can be expected to be.
Gregory thought the expectation of an easy income was the clearest evidence of the disqualification of the pastoral counselor.31 Also, the hidden desire to «hold sway over others» was regarded as a particularly disastrous motive for ministry.32 The overarching pastoral model is Jesus who refused coercive power when offered (John 6:15).
God works in the world by providing «initial aims» for each occasion or event or occurrence or «entity» (which was Whitehead's word); His «power» is in His persuasion, in His «lure» (which is also Whitehead's word), not in coercive force.
The coercive power of efficient causation is necessary for actualization, provides for dependable generalizations which may guide human purpose, and furnishes a matrix of relativity in which the purpose may be expressed.
Ford sympathizes, noting that the Old Testament's «dominant experience of divine power seems to emphasize coercive elements, with the symbols for power drawn heavily from the military and political spheres» (LG 15).
For a vigorous defense of the claim that a process model of divine power includes both coercive and persuasive elements, see J. Gerald Janzen, «Modes of Power and the Divine Relativity,» Encounter,» 36/4 (Autumn 1975), 379 -power includes both coercive and persuasive elements, see J. Gerald Janzen, «Modes of Power and the Divine Relativity,» Encounter,» 36/4 (Autumn 1975), 379 -Power and the Divine Relativity,» Encounter,» 36/4 (Autumn 1975), 379 - 406.
But coercive power used for domination is more costly and less likely to prevail than non-coercive power.
For persuasive power, in the fundamental sphere of natural occurrence, is inexpressibly more capable of exercising influence than coercive power would be.
Isaiah Berlin thus deserves considerable credit for identifying the perversion of liberty that was at the root of the totalitarian project, and for defending a concept of liberty - as - noninterference that, in setting legal limits to coercive state power, has deep resonances in the American political tradition.
For Metz, too, the Christian advocacy of love involves a sustained critique of coercive power.38 Christian «praxis can not lead to an abstract or a violent negation of the individual».39
And this did a great deal to prepare the ministers for separation by training them in dependence upon persuasion unbacked by even a possibility of coercive power, and teaching them reliance upon political sagacity and the necessity for very down - to - earth political activity at least in ecclesiastical affairs.
For example, courts have generally proceeded on the basis that coercive powers, such as summoning witnesses and requiring that people to produce documents or other evidence, must be conferred on a body expressly.
A libel case, like all lawsuits, involves the government's judicial branch using its coercive power to make you pay money as a result of your speech, based on a law requiring you to pay money for certain kinds of speech.
Even when they speak for themselves they implicate our collective coercive power over the person.
There are, for example, specific cultural values that support imbalances of power in opposite - sex relationships (parenting norms, women's economic inequality) and exacerbate fears of external interference with the family unit (inviolability of the family unit, hypersexualization of women), and thus promote feelings of jealousy, possessiveness and a need for dominance which in turn support coercive and controlling behaviour.
Those with the fear - of - failure - syndrome firmly embedded in their brains (most newbies) are ripe for the infiltration of the use of Coercive Power of Fear psychological tactics into their arsenals of influence, and that is not a good thing ORE..
This industry - wide sales hustle which has been culturally indoctrinated into every real estate personality from the CREAcrats on down to the field workers is a classic case of the blatant misuse of the Coercive Power of Fear method of creating commissions for those motivated by their own inner impulses to influence others» behaviours for the primary purpose of achieving «their» end goals... commissions.
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