Sentences with phrase «for court intervention»

Have you heard about this new way of assisting clients through divorce without the need for court intervention?
My primary aim is to resolve cases favorably for clients without the costly necessity for court intervention.
Many divorce and family law cases are best resolved through alternative dispute resolution whereby parties are able to resolve issues pertaining to their minor children and finances without the need for court intervention.
Reduce the need for court intervention in family issues concerning the needs and care of elders
Hence, last week Palm Lane parents filed for court intervention to enable them to transform the school.
Often an experienced Collaborative Lawyer is the best resource a person with such a disability can have, although, there may be a need for court intervention if the party's ability to participate in the process is seriously impaired.
Leaning on his erroneous premise of «equality,» Sacks criticizes Wilson's point that «ninety percent of parents settle without the need for court intervention in deciding what form of custody is best for them and for their children.»
In the Collaborative Law approach, the parties agree to resolve all disputes regarding child custody and visitation, child support, alimony or spousal support and property distribution without the time consuming and costly need for court intervention.
The current budget impasse dramatically illustrates both the need for court intervention and the reason why we must create a climate where lawmakers feel they must support long - term, adequate funding for schools.
The purpose of commercial arbitration is to bring certainty and finality to a dispute without the need for court intervention.
Likewise, never married couples with children may find the need for court intervention to establish or reduce child support, or set up a viable parenting schedule for a child or children to grow up knowing both of his or her parents.
Have you heard about this new way of assisting clients through divorce without the need for court intervention?
How long it takes to gather all this information depends on how quickly discovery requests are served and responded to, and whether the parties work diligently in complying with requests or ignore the requests, which then will create the need for court intervention.
Although there are cases in which through the mediation process, the couple makes the decision to try to repair the marriage, in fact, the mediation process has the purpose of resolving the issues so a divorce agreement can be hammered out without the need for court intervention.
However, the parties must be willing and able to communicate without the need for court intervention.
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