Sentences with phrase «for crazy toddlers»

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My toddler was crazy about it, my husband loved it and my 1yo tried a tiny piece and begged for more more more!
My toddler goes crazy for these.
I live in SE Alaska where Vitamin D deficiency is crazy common, and would love to make these yummy gummies help supplement that for my toddler.
Much like the chickpea, my wild and crazy toddler who has recently been trading her afternoon nap for an epic dance party, this soup practically danced its way into my face.
At crazy times (like when I'm washing poop out of the toddler's potty or making lunch for my other kids) I've stuck them in their cribs so that at least they were in the other room and I could actually make lunch.
Yep, that's a two - wheeler for your toddler (and no, I'm not crazy.)
My kids have had fun sticking them in my hair for a crazy up - do, and Toddler Approved has used them to make cardboard sailboats, to name just a few ideas.
Although I've provided some fantastic ideas for you I know how crazy life with a baby can be and even more so when you are doing life with a baby and a toddler so having a routine or rhythm to your day can help and if you can get someone else to do the hard work for you — well even better.
I am thankful that littlepixie loves to walk everywhere and I'm thankful that she'll nap in the stroller, these things definitely make the gradual transition from «babywearing» to «running after crazy toddler» easier but a little part of me misses carrying her everywhere and that part of me wants a sticker for my stroller that says «Babywearer in Disguise ``!
Some may think I'm crazy for having white chairs with a toddler, but I prefer white over a darker color because white hides crumbs better.
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