Sentences with phrase «for creative men»

If you are looking for creative men, what would they like to see in you?
During high fertility, women chose creative men about twice as often as wealthy men for short - term pairing, but no preference emerged for creative men as long - term partners — exactly the pattern one would expect.

Not exact matches

The same goes for men, says Dwight Fenton, chief creative officer of Bonobos.
Josh Weltman, an advertising creative director for 25 + years, and the co-producer of Mad Men, put it well in his book Seducing Strangers:
Jumping off a story covered previously here on about a man who used creative passwords to help him heal after his divorce, Davis - Laack suggests stressed business people use the same technique for slightly different ends.
«The PC norm, by establishing a clear guideline for how to behave appropriately in mixed - sex groups, made both men and women more comfortable sharing their creative ideas.»
I was chatting with a marketing friend the other day, and he was telling me how much he loves watching Mad Men, not just for the entertainment value, but to see how advertisers used to conduct business and the creative...
I offer my art online and even though you gave specific steps, I'm unsure who exactly to target for this kind of product (beyond» people who like bright colours» and» between age 30 - 45», maybe more women than men)... My brain is creative but not logical!
Mad Men seems to consider that there is something un-American about begrudging money for creative and aspirational projects.
He told her that «Women do not do any of the creative work in connection with preparing the cartoons for the screen, as that task is performed entirely by young men.
We do not think of His acting as an occasional intervention coming from the outside, but rather as the transcendent creative activity of God who alone makes it possible for our world to «hold together» and to rise, in accordance with His plan, step by step higher, so that really new things appear in it and finally man appears in it.
Between man and man the Socratic midwifery is the highest relation, and begetting is reserved for the God, whose love is creative, but not merely in the sense which Socrates so beautifully expounds on a certain festal occasion.
In such books as Beyond Humanism, Man's Vision of God, A Natural Theology for Our Time, Creative Synthesis and Philosophic Method, and The Logic of Perfection, Hartshorne has been indefatigable in the presentation of this «di - polar» position.
There would be no need to «make» God share in man's adventure or be affected by human actions according to Whitehead, for such is the nature of God: «Decay, Transition, Loss, Displacement belong to the essence of Creative Advance» (Al 368 - 69).
Man's task is to stretch man's creative energies to the maximum for the sake of realizing man's dynamic totaliMan's task is to stretch man's creative energies to the maximum for the sake of realizing man's dynamic totaliman's creative energies to the maximum for the sake of realizing man's dynamic totaliman's dynamic totality.
If man today is asking, can God's existence be reconciled with man's deepened experience of himself as free creator of the world, the Whitheadian approach with its notion of God's persuasive personal action in the world, with its discovery of God's presence yet absence in man's creative activity, with its stress on the mutual immanence of God and the world, offers pathways for further development.
It must be recognized for what it is:»... the women's movement represents, not merely an oppositional force fuelled by anger, a rather negative reaction to oppression, but the development of a distinctive female culture, a positive creative force inspiring men and women alike,» write Johanna Liddle and Rama Joshi.1
It deals with Christology and the doctrine of God, as well as prayer, the resurrection, heaven, etc. and it provides a general introduction to Whitehead's thought.128 The Task of Philosophical Theology by C. J. Curtis, a Lutheran theologian, is a process exposition of numerous «theological notions» important to the «conservative, traditional» Christian viewpoint.129 Two very fine semi-popular introductions to process philosophy as a context for Christian theology are The Creative Advance by E. H. Peters130 and Process Thought and Christian Faith by Norman Pittenger.131 The latter, reflecting the concerns of a theologian, provides a concise introduction to the process view of God together with briefer comments on man, Christ, and «eternal life.»
The man Jesus was not Christ nor was he the agent that brought creative communion to such dominance that it has become for us the revelation of God in human life.
In our formulation of the Christian life we have to do justice both to the grace and to the growth, for whatever progress in the life of love is possible, it is always progress within the structure of man's relationship to the creative and redemptive working of God.
It is fatalistic and does not give due account for the creative possibilities of man.
If by the Christ - event we mean the human actualization of this creative Word, we must bear in mind the contingent aspects of God's address to man, for this address must be so coordinated with the human situation as to provide the means for a new creation transforming man.
For Man, by the act of «noospherically» concentrating himself upon himself, not only becomes reflectively aware of the ontological current on which he is borne, but also gains control of certain of the springs of energy which dictate this advance: above all, collective springs, in so far as he consciously realizes the value, biological efficiency and creative nature of social organization; but also individual springs m as much as, through the collective work of science, he feels himself to be on the verge of acquiring the power of physicochemical control of the operations of heredity and morphogenesis in the depths of his own being.
Sartre has expressed the objection of many to the Christian God when he said that God is a threat to man's freedom, for if man is creative of himself, the independent and sovereign creator of his own destiny, then God is not his creator.
That the community of men and women who share this faith and attempt to live this life Constitutes the unique medium in each age for the continued disclosure of God's creative and redemptive purposes.
Twenty centuries witness to the effectiveness of such worship in changing men's lives for the better, in bringing release from guilt and freedom from fear, in giving direction and purpose to their striving, and in lifting them out of neurotic self - concern into healthful and creative relationships to their fellows.
Christian theology has always asserted some margin for man's creative self - expression.
Men give themselves for all kinds of things, good and bad, creative and destructive, for fame, money, infatuation, homeland, religion, dogmas, prejudices.
But as time went on, the mention of a female apostle in Scripture became inconvenient for the increasingly hierarchal Church, so a medieval theologian found a creative solution to the problem: he turned Junia into a man.
Teilhard de Chardin, the French paleontologist - theologian, has opened up for many people new understanding of the creative order of man.
Quite apart from the obvious limitations and ambiguities of his natural finiteness, man uses his creative moral power not only for constructive ends but for destructive ones as well.
Some theologians, notably Reinhold Niebuhr, interpret the image of God in man as man's capacity for creative self - transcendence.
Nor are creative efforts individually to advance value considered necessary (albeit also unavailable to men due to original sin), for such absolutistic attitudes produce an astonishing complacency regarding human suffering in this world.
Both in The Phenomenon of Man and in The Divine Milieu, Teilhard indicated his conviction that the «end» for which man is intended — and not only man in the racial sense but each man specifically — was a relationship with God, conceived as the Omega - point or the goal and end of the creative process as well as the transcendent origin and initiator of that proceMan and in The Divine Milieu, Teilhard indicated his conviction that the «end» for which man is intended — and not only man in the racial sense but each man specifically — was a relationship with God, conceived as the Omega - point or the goal and end of the creative process as well as the transcendent origin and initiator of that proceman is intended — and not only man in the racial sense but each man specifically — was a relationship with God, conceived as the Omega - point or the goal and end of the creative process as well as the transcendent origin and initiator of that proceman in the racial sense but each man specifically — was a relationship with God, conceived as the Omega - point or the goal and end of the creative process as well as the transcendent origin and initiator of that proceman specifically — was a relationship with God, conceived as the Omega - point or the goal and end of the creative process as well as the transcendent origin and initiator of that process.
There is Bible scripture that says, A day with God is as a thousand years with man» and there is another passage that indicates that one had not entered into God's rest, and that seventh day rest Our Creator did after His creative work was still going on at that time, then for over a thousand years.
Even though one finds his life by losing it, by letting go of his present self, and even though one can not realize his greater fulfilment by attempting to control the process of creative mutuality for his own purposes or by concentrating his attention upon his forthcoming reward, surely the vision of perfect love of man can not be conceived normatively in terms of extinction.
For Sartre, «because there exists no creative intelligence which could have designed man and all natural things... therefore there is no nature in things that are not manufactured and artificial».
And if the center of our faith is not simply Jesus but Jesus as the Christ — not simply a man trapped within the limitations of his own history, but the creative Word that God speaks throughout his creation — then Christians must be attentive to what God may have to say to them through the general culture and history, regardless of how apparently lacking those may be in credentials for such communication.
For Holloway the whole unity of the cosmos itself pointed to the unity and simplicity in the work of God, whose creative «FIAT» («let there BE») at the beginning of time embraced in its willed purpose and effective power not only the fashioning of the Universe around us, but also the fact of man, and the fulfilment of man in the coming of Christ.
Sometimes I think that John the Revelator might have been a crazy old man whose creative writing assignment for the Patmos Learning Annex accidentally made it into the Bible.
He's been my right hand man for a long time and now oversees a large creative team that does all of the marketing, programing, promotions and special events for the brand.
For every unique, creative or distinctly different variation of a brownie that I try to muster up for the blogworld, most people in my family (especially the man I married) is happiest with familiar family favoritFor every unique, creative or distinctly different variation of a brownie that I try to muster up for the blogworld, most people in my family (especially the man I married) is happiest with familiar family favoritfor the blogworld, most people in my family (especially the man I married) is happiest with familiar family favorites.
Thank you for all of your creative, delicious recipes, and Happy Birthday to your little man!
Heineken rolls out Dos Equis «Keep It Interesante» campaign - video Heineken's US unit has updated its «Most Interesting Man» creative in a new campaign for the Dos Equis beer brand.
Diane Lyons (New Orleans, LA)-- As founder of Festi - gals and Bodacious Bras for a Cause art fundraising event in New Orleans, Diane has earned national attention with her creative programs that ignite passionate support of both men and women.
«Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum, inspired by the man it's named after, has a long history of supporting creative individuals who feel passionate about their crafts, and this is especially true for the music industry,» says Josh Hayes, Sailor Jerry Spiced Rum's Senior Brand Manager.
but u are continuinh talking about «our philosophy»...» our philosophy» like u said has been pass the ball without any idea and without winning any mayor throphy for the last 12 years... so let alexis do what he do... he can lose balls, but he scores, he creates, he fights, give us beautifull moments of football, and better than all, win us games... a team with 11 ozil does nt win games... with 11 alexis yes... so stop demanding more ozils and to criticate alexis... it is not a coincidence that ozil always looks for alexis, its because he knows alexis is the man who can transform him from the most creative player to the assist king, and again, better, eho can help him to win games (i love ozil and he is a winner, do nt missundertand me)..
An anchor man is expected to provide cover for the back four, hang back win balls and the pass it on to the more creative players to contribute to the attacks.
Arsene Wenger is ready to offer # 22m for the former Galatasaray man though it appears his Arsenal squad is currently full of creative midfielers.
Firmino is a very effective back - up option for Liverpool to consider and there is every chance that the creative Bundesliga man may feel the time is right to move to a side who can offer him Champions League action.
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