Sentences with phrase «for cultic»

Not only is the ritual carelessly observed (1:12), but there is widespread, brazen denial of any deviation on the part of priests responsible for this cultic demoralization (2:7 - 10a).
(There may just be some significance in the fact that Levi, the priestly gentilic, is also, in one view, related to a South Arabian word for a cultic official.)
It is the experience of the numen praesens which is primary and decisive for cultic devotion.
However Ritschlianism was already giving way to the religionsgeschichtliche Schule, whose philosophy of religion centred in a decided preference for cultic experience over ethical action, and whose historical reconstruction saw primitive Christianity orientated like other Hellenistic religions to the cult's dying and rising Lord, rather than to the Jesus of the Sermon on the Mount.
Personal devotion may have its place, but this is never seen as substitute for the cultic act itself.
Though there may be areas of his life or his world which take on special sanctity for cultic purposes, these sacred acts and places only represent the whole of life, the whole of his world.

Not exact matches

Although it would be foolish to demarcate too rigidly cultic and other depictions of the emperor, as in some way all imperial ideology was pervaded by religious conceptualizations of the imperial figure, the emperor was more than the cult, and imperial ideology was embodied in other forms and practices, many of which still require extensive examination (for example, its significance in the ideological construction of gender in the empire, and particularly of the body, is only just becoming visible).
Rather, he condemned the mobs for trying to institute cultic theocracies based on their idiosyncratic and often violently repressive readings of scripture.
Thus, in the very things most characteristic of the religion of ancient man, namely altars, sacrifices and temples, the prophets of Israel took the first steps in the direction of their abolition, for YHWH, being wholly different from the ancient gods, neither required the old cultic offerings, nor did He dwell in a house made by hands.
this tendency unwittingly by emphasizing the narrowly cultic and liturgical elements in the Christian life to such an extent that the cry for desacralization becomes the inevitable extreme reaction against it.
But on this foundation it sets a temporary superstructure of cultic apparatus for mediating covenant communion with God; and this apparatus the New Testament replaces with the new and better covenant (that is, the better version of God's one gracious covenant) which is founded on better promises and maintained by the sacrifice and intercession of Jesus Christ, the better and greater high priest.
16 Consider again, for example, the old cultic confessional phrase of Deut.
The extended and most bitter indictments in the three largest prophetic collections9 as well as the sweeping, often ferocious, denunciations in Amos, Hosea, Micah, and the later Isaiahs10 make it clear that no distinction existed for the prophet between the rebelliousness expressed in social - economic - political malpractice on the one hand and cultic - religious - theological deviation on the other.
6:24 (cf. 26:10, the interpretative conclusion of a comparable cultic confession in 26:5 - 9) «And the Lord commanded us to do all these statutes, to fear the Lord our God, for our good always, that he might preserve us alive, as at this day.»
Heretofore in Israelite Yahwism the meaning of the present was taken primarily from the understanding and interpretation of the past, as, for example, in the ancient cultic confession of faith recorded in Deut.
«Festivals and pilgrimages,» I have said in another context, «are outstanding occasions, for here we find a close interrelation between different cultic activities such as purifications, lustrations, prayer, vows, offerings, sacrifices, and processions all of which are of particular interest both to the historian and the sociologist of religion» (Sociology of Religion, p. 42).
The act of sacrifice may stand as an example for many other cultic acts, the performance of which has a socially integrating effect.
«In the New Testament these terms refer normatively to «serving God,» «doing the will of God,» in a great variety of ways most of which are without cultic significance or form, and which refer principally to that which is done for and among men — not to something done to or for God in a sanctuary.
In that time, the word was associated with cultic practices of women priestesses using their sexuality to dominate men for selfish gain, which applied to specifically this church, in this location at this time.
The Sacrament of Eucharist becomes a ritual contra ritual in that it brings to a close a cultic tradition of animal sacrifice for the expiation of sins.
A man can not through cultic, sacramental means bring himself into closer relation to the remote God, nor obtain for himself a divine nature.
The power of the human Orpheus to coerce nature and the gods of the underworld was an extraordinary message in traditional Greek religion.11 This image of human triumph helped make Orpheus founder and hero of the Orphic mysteries, a cultic practice noted for personal asceticism and accomplishment, 12 that demonstrated the immortality of the human soul.
I was a member of a very cultic church for about 12 years.
The point is that love of neighbor for neighbor, the praxis of the reign of God, may occur irrespective of cultic credentials.
And there is nothing that the Halakhah loathes and despises as much as the idea of cultic mediation or the choosing of individuals, on the basis of supernatural considerations, to be intercessors for the community.»
For example, within the cultic - life foci of the liturgical dimension, the first half of the ritual (the service of the Word) is intended to be catechetical.
Hellenistic was, for example, in Bultmann, the notion of the cosmos, the mystical worship of the gods and cultic piety.
As Christmas and Easter are commonly celebrated by perhaps the majority of celebrants, any latter - day «prophet» might be constrained to cry out, «Thus says the Lord, «I hate, I repudiate your feasts...»» It is perfectly clear, however, that the articulation and, indeed, the very preservation of Christian faith requires the cultic enactment of birth and death and resurrection — this appropriation of the past for the present and the consequent faithful union of time in hope and confidence in the future.
It's a game, yes — and much more: a school for life, a cultic celebration.
It will be recalled that in describing the nature of worship, in its most general sense, we found that there were five elements which form the action of the believer in his cultic approach to deity: Adoration, or praise; thanksgiving; acknowledgement of failure or sin; prayer for others; prayer for oneself.
«Cultic worship» is a practice performed by a person empowered by the deity to serve as intermediary between human beings and divine powers by presiding over an esoteric ritual (usually a sacrifice) which evokes an appearance of divine power for the benefit of the worshiper.
The standpoint of cultic religion appears not only in the legislation for temple and sacrifice, but also in all the ritual regulations which burdened the life of the individual.
As has been defined by Arvind P. Nirmal, religion, for me, is a «symbol - system» that not only reflects the world - view of the adherent community in talks and rituals but also has a profound influence on the very value - system of the community.9 And since the data consists mostly of observations by others I would pick up cultic practices like festivals and related rituals.
Now the quite distinctive feature of this pioneering venture into history writing is the way in which the Yahwist led his readers» attention away from the ancient practice of turning to the priests and cultic practices for discerning the will of the gods.
The first section is characterized by the formula, «If so - and - so... he (the offender) shall do thus - and - so...» This is termed «casuistic» law, and is generally thought to have been derived largely from the Canaanites; for the most part it has to do with what we should commonly call secular rather than specifically cultic or religious matters.
Apodictic law has to do with specifically cultic or theological matters (for example, 22:20); it is implicitly much more closely related to the religion of the Covenant community.
Where intimations of eternal life do appear in the Hebrew Bible, they are driven by the same passion for monotheism and longing for communion with God that, at an earlier stage, had to exert itself against preoccupation (especially of a cultic sort) with the dead.
It is dangerous to explain, for instance, all the cultic and sociological features of Islam solely in terms of the religious experience of Muhammad.
All had some educational and pastoral aspect, yet their function was primarily cultic: they existed to offer the Mass and the Divine Office for the spiritual good of their founders and of the realm.
3:1 - 19 This is set now, like a psalm, with directions for its (cultic) performance.
He did not specifically cite the congregation as the locus of the worshipping Christian community, nor was he sanguine about the long continuation of any institutional form of the church, but his acuity in aligning the essential faith of Christianity with its cultic expression in specific communities provides an explanation for the present strength of the local church.
«2 Seeking the essence of Christianity, Troeltsch threaded his way between arguments for the knowledge of God by linguistic formulation and other arguments that discovered the path in mystical encounter.3 He located the bond between humanity and God in the cultic life of the community.
The Movement for Married Clergy believes that advocates for clerical celibacy base their views on notions of cultic purity and an idea that the love of God is more readily accessible in the celibate life.
[** hostile - aggressive parenting, enmeshment, intrusive parenting, intractable hostilities, high conflict, etc.] The recent rise of lucrative PAS therapies, including Warshak's Bridges program, residential camps, court - ordered custody - switches based on Gardner's threat therapy ideas, various reunification therapies (for which there are no adequately researched protocols), and other ad - hoc money - making practices of many psychologists who for a fee profess to offer services that will engineer affectionate relationships between estranged parents and non-compliant children, veer uncomfortably close at times in theory and some of their practices to the dangerous, cultic and discredited «attachment» therapies of decades past, i.e. in many cases, they are child abuse.
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