Sentences with phrase «for dealing with the poop»

When you cloth diaper you have a few choices for dealing with poop.
I shared how I cloth diapered with my daughter with pocket diapers, Thirsties covers and prefolds for nighttime, and Imse Vimse liners for dealing with the poop.

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We put him in diapers whenever we went anywhere, which probably prolonged the process; however, we didn't want to deal with poopy underwear outside of the house, and no way was I staying cooped up in the house for a week while he figured out how to poop.
And also the correlation between your truly - terrified - of - poop friend and your own fears — your imagination is generally worse than reality, and even when reality IS pretty gross (like that time my baby had an explosive poop all over my lap at a restaurant that only had the tiniest bathroom ever, like there wasn't enough room between the toilet and the door for the diaper bag, much less a three - month - old) you just sort of... take it in stride and deal with it, knowing that the benefits of babies and children outweigh the occasional brush with grossness.
For those of you wondering if you want to be in elbows deep with baby poop, you have not been informed how easy it is to deal with the poop.
For one, you'll find that you'll do less laundry with cloth because you'll spend less time dealing with blowouts and other forms of poop - splosions.
Constipation has become such a huge and common problem for people that hospitals have «poop departments» do deal with this issue.
As for the humongo poops, its not any different than having to deal with a poo - splosion in a disposable.
Melissa Ramos, the founder of Sexy Food Therapy, joins me to talk about why digestion is key to hormonal health, nutritional guidelines for healthy hormones and answers the age - old question: what's the deal with period poops?
And I just don't have time to deal with picking through the poop trying to look for pearls.
From the humanure approach of pooping in a bucket to the rough - and - ready «tree bog» composting toilet, I've posted plenty of low tech DIY options for dealing with human waste.
It also might also be terrific for houses and apartments, where service people could come and deal with it, sort of like the nightsoil people did hundreds of years ago; as we hit peak phosphorus we may find again that there is money in pee and poop.
It might be great for tiny houses, where many people keep their poop inside in sawdust bucket toilets; instead, deal with it outside the building, although at $ 4,000 it costs more than some tiny houses we have shown.
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