Sentences with phrase «for decertification»

Prior to joining Dowd Bennett, drafted successful oppositions to class certification and motions for decertification in several consumer class actions for insurance client.
If there is no collective agreement within a year of certification, opportunity arises sooner for decertification or a raid by a competing union.
Once certified, the opportunity for decertification or a raid by another union presents itself in what is called an «open period,» effectively the three months before a collective agreement (typically three years) is set to expire or, in the case of a longer term collective agreement, in the last three months of the third year, and the last three months of each subsequent year as well as the final three months of the collective agreement.
The Stronger Workplaces for a Stronger Economy Act will amend the Labour Relations Act (LRA) by decreasing the open period for decertification or displacement application in the construction sector to two months.
The reason to push for decertification was NOT to banish all unions forever, but to give us a chance to find the one that fits the needs of our unique situation here at POLAHS.
The same procedure for authorizing exclusive representation is used for a decertification election, but with more restrictions.

Not exact matches

While the union waited for management to finalize the deal, the decertification petition was submitted to the National Labor Relations Board on Tuesday.
In Mixed Ruling for Food Manufacturers, the Ninth Circuit Affirms Decertification of Damages Class While Keeping Door Open for Individual Claims - Product Liability Litigation Update
There seems to be a lot more press in the last day or two about a move for «decertification» — from players.
For more than 25 years, Richard has advised U.S. corporations with regard to a wide variety of complex labor relations matters, such as large - scale union organizing and decertification campaigns, strikes and secondary boycotts, union jurisdictional disputes, and successor employer claims.
Add new grounds for employers or employees to seek decertification of a union: three or more years inactive; continue the current grounds for seeking to decertify a union: loss of support and unfair labour practices
-- K - 12 & higher ed: In what was clearly a tit - for - tat yesterday between the House and the Senate, the House passed the Senate's top education priority, making Bright Futures scholarships permanently cover full tuition, at almost the exact same time as the Senate passed the House's top education priority, more vouchers for private schools and the decertification of some teachers unions.
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