Sentences with phrase «for deep soul»

Now is the time for deep soul - searching as a community and nation.

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Dig Deeper: An Eye Bank Bets on Best Practices How to Become a Social Entrepreneur: Think of It As a Business «The modern non-profit must adopt many of the same strategies, policies and best practices employed by successful enterprises in the for - profit world, but not at the cost of its soul,» writes Scofield.
For love, look for a spiritual connection, a deeper interaction of the heart and soul, as well as an easy exchange of communicatiFor love, look for a spiritual connection, a deeper interaction of the heart and soul, as well as an easy exchange of communicatifor a spiritual connection, a deeper interaction of the heart and soul, as well as an easy exchange of communication.
Everything we read in the Bible surely has to absorbed and considered in line with our experience of God — for those of us who have travelled with God for a long time this experience (I hope) bears out a loving, caring, intimately involved Father whose example in the life of Jesus is all about love — tough, body - taking - the - brunt - of - whatever - life - throws, with the deeper soul fixed to God's promises of what lies beyond.
But like a diagnosis is only the first step of healing the body, a deeper self - awareness is only the first step for more effective soul care.
But precisely because we are not self - contained ready - made entities which can be conceived equally well as being near to you or remote from you; precisely because in us the self - subsistent individual who is united to you grows only insofar as the union itself grows, that union whereby we are given more and more completely to you: I beg you, Lord, in the name of all that is most vital in my being, to hearken to the desire of this thing that I dare to call my soul even though I realize more and more every day how much greater it is than myself, and, to slake my thirst for life, draw me — through the successive zones of your deepest substance — into the secret recesses of your inmost heart.
As for the art, it speaks to something deep in my soul.
But does it mean that every sincere desire of the soul, such as a deep and ardent longing for another man's wife or position or property, is a prayer?
It's only because there's this thirst or empty spot in my soul for something more — for a deeper sense of spirituality.
a deep resignation to God's will, a surrender of ourselves, soul and body, to Him; hoping indeed, that we shall be saved, but fixing our eyes more earnestly on Him than on ourselves; that is, acting for His glory, seeking to please Him, devoting ourselves to Him in all manly obedience and strenuous good works; and, when we do look within, thinking of ourselves with a certain abhorrence and contempt as being sinners, mortifying our flesh, scourging our appetites, and composedly awaiting that time when, if we be worthy, we shall be stripped of our present selves, and new made in the kingdom of Christ.
«Until we know the power of divine grace, we read in the Bible concerning eternal punishment, and we think it is too heavy and too hard, and we are apt to kick against it, and find out some heretic or other who teaches us another doctrine; but when the soul is really quickened by divine grace, and made to feel the weight of sin, it thinks the bottomless pit none too deep, and the punishment of hell none too severe for sin such as it has committed.
He dives deep into the human psyche (which is to say, the human soul) to discover powerful and therefore dangerous resources for faithful transformation.
This is the need for peace of soul, for conquest of fear, for strength in weakness, for the ability to «be of good cheer» even in the face of deepest trouble, and to be «faithful unto death» where death is real and terrible and not to be evaded.
You knew that such a difficult life would prompt you to search for who you really are and as you had to go deep inside in this searching you would at the same time find your soul.
It should be a spring board for change, deep relection, and ultimately growth if we are willing to look seriously at what went wrong including acknowledging that some things are out of our hands... beyond our control and then move on... because that moment in time just isn't worth the energy over the years to keep it alive in our heart, souls and mind.
I speak of love for souls, of tender love for God, words pass through my lips, and I long with a deep longing to believe in them.
For example, an enlightened monk would love those who hate him from the deepest part of his soul, but your god would cast you in to hell.
With such deep convictions gripping his soul, so all - important to him that he was ready to die for them, it is unlikely that he ever thought much about logical consistency.
It is unequivocally wrong for a Christian to kill wantonly, or without deep soul - searching leading to the conclusion that love requires it as the will of God.
The time for tension in our soul is over, and that of happy relaxation, of calm deep breathing, of an eternal present, with no discordant future to be anxious about, has arrived.
Given His onto - logical primacy, in his uncreated Personality and his created body and soul, it would be il - logical, in the deepest sense of the term (i.e. contrary to the Logos), if the conception of the Creator's human nature were subject to that creaturely power of co-creation by which new creatures are brought into being, for this is a fundamental aspect of human procreation.
Many in deep trouble and anxiety have found rest for the soul in this promise, and it is one of the most precious assurances of our faith.
Secularists succeeded to cripple the unthinking stupid Americans to become godless by causing fear of men for them, but such is the deepest trap for human souls.
It is the opinion of all, and so far as I dare permit myself to pass judgment it is also my opinion, that it is not the highest thing to enter the monastery; but for all that it is by no means my opinion that in our age when nobody enters the monastery everybody is greater than the deep and earnest soul who found repose in a monastery.
When a man loves God Down deep in his soul God can bring him such misery If God plays him for a fool He's the last one to know Lovin» eyes can't ever see
Still, it is impossible to believe that any form of public contribution that is secured in exchange for reward will, deep down in their souls, fool America's young men into believing that they are truly shouldering their manly responsibilities.
For me, music has become the tool through which the meditations of my soul find deeper peace and understanding.
«One morning, being in deep distress, fearing every moment I should drop into hell, I was constrained to cry in earnest for mercy, and the Lord came to my relief, and delivered my soul from the burden and guilt of sin.
Could it be deep down inside they aren't sure about their non-belief and they are hoping others will agree with them so they can feel more comfortable??? I am just waiting for some brave soul to actually sincerely seek God, and put God to the test, and when he or she finds Him, to come back on this site and proclaim that they have found God and they were wrong in their non-belief.
there are those tortured souls that connect with such deep pain for the rest of us.
But while our liberal Christian forebears who created that statement really believed it, we, for the most part, harbour in our souls a deep if unacknowledged skepticism about such a story and its attendant vision.
On Earth, she married three times — her first two husbands preceded her in death — but from earliest childhood her deepest affections were for her Savior, and it was for Him that her soul yearned.
A story which requires hardship and sacrifice — and even the ultimate pouring out of self which appears at first glance to be a catastrophe — feeds the soul's need for deeper meaning.
It's those visceral moments that take our love for food from a basic need for survival to something deeply ingrained in our soul (I know, you guys, I'm getting super deep for a Tuesday morning.
Last week was a flurry of activity; and between the hen party we threw for Barbi, and dinners with friends from all over the world — Argentina, Australia and Singapore — my soul is deep in gratitude for all the love that I've seen and am witnessing.
If chicken salad doesn't tug on your heartstrings the way it does mine, I made this Chicken Salad Soulwich playlist for you (filled with velvety soul and free of charge) to stir up those feelings deep inside of you.
It's a trash fire, for crying out loud, which speaks to the hot mess that is deep down in all our souls (or not so deep down, no judgment).
It's the manner of the two defeats, for in them has been crystallized the tiny doubt that has nagged deep in City's souls all seasons.
The thing is, instant obedience and thoughtless compliance based on fear of punishment will always be an external and temporary «fix» for behavior issues, as evidenced by the increasingly defiant and disconnected Israelite nation in the Old Testament, while thoughtful consideration and cooperation are internal, a heart - deep and soul - to - soul connection inspired by compassion, respect, and communication.
Some of you may not like it because it will be most likely less color, more artistic, deeper, more of what my soul and gut call for, therefore, it will be more me.
I know it's hard for you to understand why breastfeeding is such a big deal for me and it's hard for me to put it into words because it's a feeling as deep down in my soul as I have ever experienced...
I have great expectations (and aspirations) for 2011, along with a few significant personal resolutions, but a fashion blog is not the forum to go into the deep recesses of my soul!
Some deep soul searching led me to redefine motherhood for myself and embrace adoption as our path to parenthood.
For those perhaps not familiar with the jargon of the Martian astronaut community, crew selection protocols are what you use before a trip to Mars to determine what kind of person is going to make a staunch and reliable crew member, as opposed to the kind liable to — as we say in astropsychology — fall victim to Space Madness, sell his soul to the onboard master computer, disembowel his crewmates somewhere deep in the black, unaccountable void, eventually landing on Mars only to scamper briefly across its surface, forgetting his helmet in a self - made diaper of hydraulic cabling, and finally collapsing with a mouthful of red dirt, advancing human understanding of the Red Planet millimetrically, if at all.
So I went on a search for confidence, listened to many speak on the subject, read dozens of books, hunted in the really deep, dark places of my soul trying to figure out where I went wrong.
If you want to go deeper on this topic and heal anxious tendencies, check out my book Adventures for Your Soul.
For all you visual dreamers out there, a vision board might be the key to manifesting your soul's deepest desires.
Your heart and soul have a deep desire for intimacy, but if you fear it, you probably do everything you can to push it away, despite your best efforts.
Winter is a time for introspection and going deeper into our soul's work.
Battles for the soul have been fought while either tapering steadily off the mind - altering medications and working consciously with the debilitating withdrawal symptoms, or without the added burden of the medications, simply working to bring balance on a deeper soul level in order to engage more fully in life as a balanced and constructively engaging human being.
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