Sentences with phrase «for disease transmission»

Besides discomfort and bleeding are you aware of the potential for disease transmission associated with cat scratches?
Male mosquitoes are harmless because they feed only on nectar; female mosquitoes need to feed on blood in order to produce eggs, and are solely responsible for disease transmission.
I like your comment because it highlights the tolerance we have for disease transmission at the shelter level.
Most importantly, the only way to get the cooling rate required is by having the cells in direct contact with liquid nitrogen and liquid nitrogen can be a vehicle for disease transmission.
Since children often play outside, they are the most at risk for disease transmission.
You are much more likely to catch an infectious disease from the person standing in line with you at the grocery store than from a cat.1 In fact, a 2002 review of cat - associated diseases published in the Archives of Internal Medicine concluded that, «cats should not be thought of as vectors for disease transmission
The Risks to Children Contrary to the claims made in the Florida DOH Rabies Guide («Children are among the highest risk for disease transmission from [free - roaming] cats.»)
More otters means more chances for disease transmission, for example, or for aggressive conflict.
Pinpointing the optimal temperature for disease transmission is critical for predicting future disease rates and how diseases will spread with climate change, and more effectively implementing mosquito - control measures, said lead author Erin Mordecai of Stanford University.
A proposed strategy to aid in controlling the growing burden of vector - borne disease is population replacement, in which a natural vector population is replaced by a population with a reduced capacity for disease transmission.
However, he said that was equally true for the heterosexual community, and in both, a large number of STIs were also being transmitted orally, which, many people regard as a low - risk behaviour for disease transmission.
These doors allow your dog to not feel as confined, reducing stress while staying with us, in addition to reducing the potential for disease transmission such as kennel cough.
FeLV - and FIV - positive cats were euthanized to prevent infected cats from suffering disease symptoms, to reduce opportunities for disease transmission to other cats and wildlife, and to minimize the loss of experimentally sterilized cats.
They do this in an attempt to establish that outdoor feral cats are perfectly fine and not disease vectors, when they write, «a 2002 review of cat - associated diseases published in the Archives of Internal Medicine concluded that, «cats should not be thought of as vectors for disease transmission
Buyers come into close contact with the birds they release, and the traders sell deceased birds to roadside diners at the end of the day, which introduces the potential for disease transmission.
Therefore, if you sustained a dog bite that resulted in a disease transmittal, the owner is responsible for the disease transmission.
Additionally, culling may have unintended consequences: destabilizing host ecology can actually increase risk for disease transmission, as seen in studies of Marburg and rabies viruses.
As a general rule of thumb, the more animals in a facility, the higher the potential for disease transmission and epidemics.
Cats should not be thought of as vectors for disease transmission, but as sources of joy and companionship for their owners.»
Farmers also face threats from viruses, including Cassava Brown Streak; Cucumber Mosaic Virus; African Cassava Mosaic Virus; and Cotton Leaf Curl, as well as major insect pests such as weevils and stem, fruit, and grain borers, and insects that serve as vectors for disease transmission.
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